1 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung A standardised and practicable approach to calculating aircraft noise according to CNOSSOS-EU(2017) Bopst, JulianeThe introduction of the EU-wide harmonised noise assessment methods CNOSSOS-EU according to Annex II of the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EG aims at establishing a calculation methodology for determining, inter alia, aircraft noise (CNOSSOS-Air), which will be applicable as from 31.12.2018 in all member states. Before the implementation of CNOSSOS-EU the national assessment methods differed in algorithms describing the sound source and propagation and furthermore in regard to input data from national databases. Additional deviations arose from different software implementations and parameter settings made by the end user. This led to the development of CNOSSOS-EU with the aim of enhanced comparability of noise maps. In the case of aircraft noise the decision was made in favor of the third edition of Doc. 29 of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC). This calculation method is a highly flexible instrument enabling flight procedure modelling in any precision depending on the application purpose. An essential precondition for comparable computation results are unique specifications for individual calculation steps allowing for a uniform approach to noise mapping. Here in particular, CNOSSOS-Air still has potential for optimisation. Due to the multitude of loopholes, e.g. when modelling turns or lateral track dispersions of swathes, the calculation method is in many ways unspecified leaving the end user with a scope of interpretation. This leads to different modelling approaches which substantially complicate a quality assurance. Furthermore CNOSSOS-Air generates flight profiles using procedural steps thus requiring sound knowledge of flight procedures, particularly the setting of thrust, flaps and landing gear. Since these parameters are usually insufficiently known they must be estimated which leads to results that correspond more or less to reality. Based on the national implementation of CNOSSOS In Germany it is the intention to show how CNOSSOS-Air can be concretised to assure both quality and practicality. Quelle: