2 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung 德国2050年温室气体中和(Umweltbundesamt, 2019)RESCUE 研究表明,德国可通过多种路径在2050年之前实现温室气体中和。越早采取更有雄心的行动,就有更大的转型路径选择空间,并实现替代法、避免法和碳汇法之间的平衡。该政策文件提炼了RESCUE研究关于如何有效保护气候的主要结论,并指明了德国实现温室气体中和与为《巴黎协定》作恰当贡献所需的必要举措。Veröffentlichung Resource-efficient pathways towards Greenhouse Gas-Neutrality (RESCUE)(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Nuss, Philip; Günther, Jens; Knoche, Guido; Purr, Katja; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe RESCUE study describes in six scenarios possible development paths towards a resource-efficient and greenhouse-gas (GHG) neutral Germany until 2050. The GreenSupreme scenario achieves the reduction of emissions along a global 1.5 ˚C path towards GHG-neutrality by 2050, while at the same time substantially lowering Germany's material footprint. This publication discusses possible synergies and overlaps of the transformation areas within RESCUE and the elements of the recently published "European Green Deal". It is hoped to inform stakeholders (e.g., governments, businesses, civil society, and science) with an interest in transformation pathways until 2050. Quelle: