Scientific Opinion Paper

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  • Vorschaubild
    For a green and just transition in Europe
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2024)
    The new European Commission should pursue ambitious policies aimed at reducing both greenhouse gas emissions and pollution, even as priorities shift to security and defense. Here are recommendations by the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) for giving impetus to climate, environmental and biodiversity policy.Die neue Europäische Kommission sollte eine ehrgeizige Politik verfolgen, die darauf abzielt, sowohl die Treibhausgasemissionen als auch die Umweltverschmutzung zu reduzieren, auch wenn sich die Prioritäten auf Sicherheit und Verteidigung verlagern. Hier finden Sie Empfehlungen des Umweltbundesamtes (UBA) und des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz (BfN), um der Klima-, Umwelt- und Naturschutzpolitik neue Impulse zu geben.
  • Vorschaubild
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2019)
    RESCUE 研究表明,德国可通过多种路径在2050年之前实现温室气体中和。越早采取更有雄心的行动,就有更大的转型路径选择空间,并实现替代法、避免法和碳汇法之间的平衡。该政策文件提炼了RESCUE研究关于如何有效保护气候的主要结论,并指明了德国实现温室气体中和与为《巴黎协定》作恰当贡献所需的必要举措。
  • Vorschaubild
    Resource-efficient pathways towards Greenhouse Gas-Neutrality (RESCUE)
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Nuss, Philip; Günther, Jens; Knoche, Guido; Purr, Katja; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    The RESCUE study describes in six scenarios possible development paths towards a resource-efficient and greenhouse-gas (GHG) neutral Germany until 2050. The GreenSupreme scenario achieves the reduction of emissions along a global 1.5 ˚C path towards GHG-neutrality by 2050, while at the same time substantially lowering Germany's material footprint. This publication discusses possible synergies and overlaps of the transformation areas within RESCUE and the elements of the recently published "European Green Deal". It is hoped to inform stakeholders (e.g., governments, businesses, civil society, and science) with an interest in transformation pathways until 2050. Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    The Zero Pollution Action Plan as a chance for a cross-regulatory approach to pollution prevention and reduction
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2021) Conrad, André; Hildebrandt, Sophia; Klauk, Anja; Langner, Marcel; Schubert, Tim; Schulte, Christoph; Schwan, Johannes; Suhr, Michael; Tietjen, Lars; Vierke, Lena; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    To further prevent and reduce the pollution of air, water, and soil and to safeguard human health and well-being, the European regulatory framework needs to be improved to include a cross-regulatory approach. This scientific opinion paper presents such an approach for the systemic protection of air, water, soil and human health- the Zero Pollution Ambition Cycle developed by the German Environment Agency (UBA)- The implementation of the measures announced by the European Commission within the EU Action Plan 'Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil' published in May 2021 is an excellent opportunity for the different stakeholders for further developing and applying this integrated approach. Source:
  • Vorschaubild
    Improving environmental protection in EU pharmaceutical legislation
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Gildemeister, Daniela; Buck, Annika; Hein, Arne; Rönnefahrt, Ines; Ebert, Ina; Debiak, Malgorzata
    In preparation of the revision of Directive 2001/83/ EC and Regulation (EC) No 726/2004, the German Environment Agency (UBA) proposes legal changes to reduce pharmaceutical residues in the environment. The proposals are based on UBA's experiences as competent authority for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of pharmaceuticals. Our overall aim is to ensure a comprehensive risk management system without compromising availability of medicines for patients. In this context we consider the recent EU strategy on pharmaceuticals and initiatives in connection with EU`s Green Deal particularly the Zero Pollution Ambition and the one substance one assessment approach. Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Towards sustainable plant protection
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Bär, Susanne; Foit, Kaarina Pirko; Heß, Michael; Knillmann, Saskia; Kotschik, Pia; Kuppe, Konstantin; Matezki, Steffen; Müller, Alexandra; Otto, Sally; Petzold, Nora; Pieper, Silvia; Wogram, Jörn; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    With the new draft regulation on the "Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products" (SUR), the European Commission is concretising the pesticide reduction target of 50% by 2030 stipulated in the Farm-to-Fork Strategy. The legally binding implementation of integrated pest management sets a new course for sustainable agriculture. However, for the success of practical implementation to contribute to species conservation and to create resilient ecosystems in the agricultural landscape, further preconditions are necessary. This scientific opinion paper provides four major recommendations for action that are needed from an environmental perspective to achieve the envisaged objectives. Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Monographs of Environmental Data for Active Substances in Veterinary Pharmaceuticals
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Rönnefahrt, Ines; Schmitz, Susanne; Ebert, Ina; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    This scientific opinion paper outlines existing problems related to data gaps, non-harmonized assessments, insufficient post-market control, and data transparency of pharmaceuticals, and identifies possible solutions through the introduction of a monograph system for active pharmaceutical substances. From UBA's point of view, monographs are the crucial bridge between risk assessment, risk communication and risk management and this across different regulatory areas. The current revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation of the EU offers the opportunity to establish a monograph system for active substances for both veterinary medicinal products and medicinal products for human use. Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Setting an ambitious EU climate target for the year 2040
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Lanz, René; Gibis, Claudia; Purr, Katja; Weiß, Jan; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    The European Climate Law (ECL) mandates the European Commission to propose an emission reduction target for 2040 within six months following the first global stocktake referred to in the Paris Agreement, i.e. by May 2024. The ECL obliges the European Commission to take into account the latest and best scientific findings and to take the recommendations by the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (Advisory Board) as a point of reference for setting the 2040 climate target. This recommendation was published in the Advisory Board's comprehensive report, published in June 2023, and advises a net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction by 90-95% for the EU by 2040, relative to 1990, corresponding to a 2030-2050 budget of 11-14 Gt CO2eq. The report provides extensive reasoning and scientific evidence how this target range was derived. The German Environment Agency (UBA) welcomes the timely publication of this report and urges the European Commission and European policy makers to follow scientific advice, aim for the most plausible climate ambition and set an intermediate domestic 2040 net GHG emission reduction target of 95%, compared to 1990. However, a discussion that focuses only on the final figure of the 2040 target would not adequately address the intricate nature of GHG reductions and the essential prerequisites for successfully achieving the target. Therefore, the proposal for the 2040 climate target needs to be supplemented with additional information by the European Commission, allowing politics and stakeholders to evaluate the ambition of different target options, to provide clear guidance on the architecture of the target, in particular regarding the relation of emission reductions and carbon sinks, and to address the burden sharing between sectors and member states. Moreover the 2040 target should not be understood as a single-year target only, but rather as a process of continuous ratcheting up of climate ambition with regular reviews and updates. Quelle: Bericht