Scientific Opinion Paper

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  • Vorschaubild
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2018)
    Establishing a quality assurance system for compost and digestate from bio-waste can help to decrease the amount of biodegradable waste being landfilled and to increase material recycling. Germany has been successfully operating such a system since 1989, comprising also an organisation with the competence to control the quality of compost and digestate and to award a quality label, the Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost e.V. This brochure introduces to the quality assurance system of compost and digestate in Germany in order to give orientation and to share experiences. It provides information, inter alia, on the legal framework related to bio-waste in the EU and in Germany, on involved organisations and on requirements. This brochure is available in English and in Chinese.
  • Vorschaubild
    The upcoming European Soil Health Law – chances and challenges for an effective soil protection
    (German Environment Agency, 2023)
    The European Soil Strategy for 2030 by the European Commission has set the foundations for an overarching approach to the protection of soils in Europe. In this scientific opinion paper, the German Environment Agency (⁠UBA⁠) lays down its key recommendations for the upcoming Soil Health Law. Feedback on legislative options is provided and experience gained in Germany in the past years on soil protection and restoration is shared. Knowing the outstanding importance of soils for human and ecosystem health, UBA strongly agrees that a new binding European legislative framework on soils with high ambition is urgently needed.
  • Vorschaubild
    Obsolescence - Political strategies for improved durability of products
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    From fridges to fans - a growing number of consumers replace household goods earlier than they did in the past. The reasons are manifold. Some products simply break down before they reach an optimum technical life. Others are replaced before they reach an optimal service life (time of use by consumers) - the technology may have become outdated or a computer is no longer compatible with the newest software. In other cases, consumers get rid of perfectly working mobile phones simply because they crave the latest model. In this policy brief the German Environment Agency outlines some of its recommendations to policy makers, industry and consumers. They are based on two studies we commissioned in recent years and summed up in our position paper from 2016. Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Plastics waste management and prevention of marine litter in a circular economy: push and pull instruments to enhance the use of recyclates
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2016) Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    The European Commission plans a common strategy for plastics in its Action Plan for the Circular Economy. This strategy for plastics is going to address marine litter as one priority issue, with three-quarters of all marine litter being plastic materials. To prevent marine litter as well as to enhance plastics waste management in a circular economy, the plastics strategy needs to put forward a fine-adjusted common policy-mixture. The policy mixture needs to include concrete and binding instruments to efficiently strengthen recycling and recyclate use in Europe. Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Empfehlungen für die Revision der Verpackungsrichtlinie 1994/62/EG
    (Umweltbunesamt, 2021) Boße, Jasmin; Fabian, Matthias; Friedrich, Norman; Grimminger, Sonia; Kerellaj, Samir; Kotschik, Gerhard; Krüger, Franziska; Oehme, Ines; Seifert, Kim; Wagner, Isabel; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    In den vergangenen 10 Jahren ist das Aufkommen von Verpackungen EU-weit um fast 18 Prozent gestiegen, wobei rund 66 Prozent der Verpackungsabfälle dem Recycling zugeführt wurden. Die Revision der Verpackungsrichtlinie sollte daher vor allem dazu beitragen, die Abfallvermeidung, die Recyclingfähigkeit von Verpackungen und den Rezyklateinsatz zu stärken und Informationsanforderungen weiter zu entwickeln. Die materiellen Anforderungen sollten in der Richtlinie selbst festgelegt werden, ergänzt durch die Möglichkeit, bei Bedarf weitergehende Anforderungen an bestimmte Verpackungsarten in nachgeordneten Rechtsakten zu regeln. In einem "Scientific Opinion Paper" legt das Umweltbundesamt hierzu ein Regelungskonzept und Empfehlungen vor. Quelle: