Veröffentlichung A blind spot in the assessment of POP/PBT/vPvB properties(2018) Priegnitz, Jan; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThis paper relates to the assessment of transformation products (i.e. metabolites, degradation or reaction products), which are formed from plant protection products. It addresses a detail in Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 which is not in line with other substance regulations for REACH, medicinal products, and biocides.Our concern: Also transformation products can be hazardous substances. Meanwhile, they are not yet covered within the POP/PBT/vPvB assessment and the approval criteria for active substances.Our proposal: At least transformation products occurring in a relevant amount should be included in the assessment and the approval criteria in the same way as active substances.Veröffentlichung A Front-Runner Approach for EU product policy(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Ebert, Thomas; Schlegel, Moritz-Caspar; Schuberth, Jens; Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn 2020, the European Commission has announced to propose a Sustainable Product Policy for the EU which shall ensure that the performance of front-runners in sustainability progressively becomes the norm. In addition, the European Commission has re-emphasised the necessity to significantly improve the effectiveness of the current Ecodesign framework for energy-related products. With this paper, we present an initial outline of a policy approach which we call the "EU front-runner approach". The approach aims at installing a regulatory framework which enables a semi-automated, progressive adaptation of ecodesign minimum requirements for products. It builds on performance levels of the best products available on the market by aggregating information in a database. The "front-runner approach" could first be applied to progressively adapt product-related minimum energy-efficiency requirements. This way it would serve as a starting point to introduce this concept to the EU policy arena. While the approach can be applied for energy efficiency, it is neither limited to energy-related products nor to energy-related requirements. It can be applied to the wide range of non-energy related products within the scope of the upcoming Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) as well as to non-energy-related requirements, such as minimum requirements for durability, reparability, recyclability and recycled content. Quelle: Scientific opinion paperVeröffentlichung Auf dem Weg zu einem nachhaltigen Pflanzenschutz(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Bär, Susanne; Foit, Kaarina Pirko; Heß, Michael; Knillmann, Saskia; Kotschik, Pia; Kuppe, Konstantin; Matezki, Steffen; Müller, Alexandra; Otto, Sally; Petzold, Nora; Pieper, Silvia; Wogram, Jörn; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIm Verordnungsentwurf zur "Nachhaltigen Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln" (SUR) konkretisiert die Europäische Kommission das 50 % Pestizidreduktionsziel der Farm-to-Fork-Strategy. Durch eine rechtsverbindliche Umsetzung des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes werden die Weichen für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft neu gestellt. Doch damit die Vorgaben auch in der Praxis wirken, zum Artenerhalt beitragen und resiliente Ökosysteme in Agrarlandschaften hervorbringen kann, braucht es noch weitere Voraussetzungen. Dieses Scientific Opinion Paper erklärt aus der Umweltperspektive vier Verbesserungsvorschläge zur SUR, die dafür notwendig sind. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung COM draft proposal endangers level of health protection against hazardous VOC emissions from construction products(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtMany construction products release Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) to the indoor air, which are hazardous to human health. Among others, VOCs may have effects ranging from odour perception and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat to acute or systemic effects and long-term effects. This includes effects on the nervous system, allergies or allergy promotion and, in particular, cancer, gene mutations and impaired fertility. The use of low-emission products is an important contribution to a high indoor air quality and hence the human well-being, in particular in new buildings (less ventilation due to higher energy efficiency standards) and in larger scale renovation (introduction of large amounts of construction products into a building). Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Considerations on the Revision of the Air Quality Directive 2008/50 EU(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Wichmann-Fiebig, Marion; Dauert, Ute; Geupel, Markus; Hellack, Bryan; Langner, Marcel; Moravek, Alexander; Richter, Simone; Schütze, Gudrun; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn preparation for the upcoming revision the German Environment Agency (UBA) from a scientific point of view has assessed the possibility to meet the proposed WHO Guidelines Levels, the applicability of improved chemical transport models and advanced monitoring methods for air quality assessment as well as concepts for a better protection of ecosystems from air pollutants. In the following we propose criteria for binding and non-binding air quality standards as well as a monitoring strategy beyond compliance checking. The considerations are based on the German situation but may be extrapolated to many other European Member States. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Duiféi chanpin hé zhao zha de zhìliàng baozhèng(Umweltbundesamt, 2018) Dollhofer, Marie; Zettl, Elisabeth; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtEstablishing a quality assurance system for compost and digestate from bio-waste can help to decrease the amount of biodegradable waste being landfilled and to increase material recycling. Germany has been successfully operating such a system since 1989, comprising also an organisation with the competence to control the quality of compost and digestate and to award a quality label, the Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost e.V. This brochure introduces to the quality assurance system of compost and digestate in Germany in order to give orientation and to share experiences. It provides information, inter alia, on the legal framework related to bio-waste in the EU and in Germany, on involved organisations and on requirements. This brochure is available in English and in Chinese. Quelle: http://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Effectively tackling the issue of millions of vehicles with unknown whereabouts(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Kitazume, Christian; Kohlmeyer, Regina; Oehme, Ines; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt6 million end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) are disposed of in the EU each year according to Eurostat statistics. However, annually, the fate of an additional 3.4 to 4.7 million deregistered vehicles is unaccounted for. A substantial share of this efflux is likely to be illegally treated or exported, thereby potentially causing environmental damage and harming European economies. To halt unauthorised treatment and illegal export of these vehicles with unknown whereabouts, an appropriate European framework for national vehicle registration systems is needed to effectively prevent leakage and intrinsically direct all ELVs into the more than 13,000 authorised treatment facilities. The certificate of destruction (CoD) as the current steering instrument under the ELV Directive 2000/53/EC can only be effective if embedded into appropriate vehicle registration/ deregistration systems. The German Environment Agency therefore recommends to complement the CoD by the following minimum requirements for national vehicle registration systems. Quelle: E-BookVeröffentlichung Empfehlungen für die Revision der Verpackungsrichtlinie 1994/62/EG(Umweltbunesamt, 2021) Boße, Jasmin; Fabian, Matthias; Friedrich, Norman; Grimminger, Sonia; Kerellaj, Samir; Kotschik, Gerhard; Krüger, Franziska; Oehme, Ines; Seifert, Kim; Wagner, Isabel; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn den vergangenen 10 Jahren ist das Aufkommen von Verpackungen EU-weit um fast 18 Prozent gestiegen, wobei rund 66 Prozent der Verpackungsabfälle dem Recycling zugeführt wurden. Die Revision der Verpackungsrichtlinie sollte daher vor allem dazu beitragen, die Abfallvermeidung, die Recyclingfähigkeit von Verpackungen und den Rezyklateinsatz zu stärken und Informationsanforderungen weiter zu entwickeln. Die materiellen Anforderungen sollten in der Richtlinie selbst festgelegt werden, ergänzt durch die Möglichkeit, bei Bedarf weitergehende Anforderungen an bestimmte Verpackungsarten in nachgeordneten Rechtsakten zu regeln. In einem "Scientific Opinion Paper" legt das Umweltbundesamt hierzu ein Regelungskonzept und Empfehlungen vor. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials(German Environment Agency, 2023) Alsleben, Carsten; Kohlmeyer, Regina; Kosmol, Jan; Rechenberg, Jörg; Weber, Oliver; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtWith the overall objective of ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials, the European Commission has proposed a new regulation, the Critical Raw Materials Act. This scientific opinion paper provides recommendations to EU policy makers on how to further develop this proposal from an environmental perspective. Quelle: umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung How do we achieve a harmonised European regulation of materials in contact with drinking water?(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtOn its way from the source to the tap, drinking water is exposed to myriad materials. Those can leach substances into the water which can alter its odour or taste, have human health relevance (e.g. bisphenol A, lead), or enhance microbial growth. Most components used for the abstraction, treatment and distribution of drinking water are permanently installed and have a long service life. It is therefore essential that they satisfy a high level of safety in order to keep our most vital food item clean and pure and protect human health. Quelle:öffentlichung Hydrofluorocarbon emission reduction: a crucial contribution to climate protection(Umweltbundesamt, 2021) Graaf, Daniel de; Elsner, Cornelia; Graaf, Daniel de ; Hoffmann, Gabriele; Martens, Kerstin; Plehn, Wolfgang; Thalheim, Diana; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtHydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are the dominant fraction of fluorinated greenhouse gases, also known as F-gases. HFC emissions in the European Union (EU) amounted to 112 million tonnes CO2 equivalent (Mt CO2eq.) in 2018. This amounts to 2,2% of the EU's total greenhouse gas emissions. Main sources of HFC emissions are refrigeration and air conditioning plants and appliances. Following a proposal by the EU Commission, EU member states and the EU parliament just recently agreed to increase the 2030 target from 40% to 55% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions compared to the 1990 level. This considerable step-up of climate ambition by more than a third needs to be reflected also in the revision process of the F-gas Regulation, regardless of the achievements already made to curb F-gas emissions. On the occasion of the F-gas Regulation revision, the German Environment Agency proposes the acceleration of the phase-down scenario, resulting in larger reduction steps from 2024 on and a final level of 10% of the baseline by 2030 compared to 21% according to the current schedule. Source: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Making the EU climate governance fit for net zero(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Duwe, Matthias; Voß-Stemping, Judith; Ecologic Institut; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Hipt, Kirsten op deThe paper "Making EU Governance Fit for Net Zero" analyses the current landscape of climate policy governance against eight core parameters at EU level and for Member States, and identifies a number of remaining weaknesses. Improvements should address several key processes, such as updating of the NECPs in 2023-2024 and of national LTSs and the new progress and consistency assessments under the EU Climate Law. The paper identifies a number of specific actions in 2022 and 2023 to enhance these processes: - Targeted revisions of the Governance Regulation,e., to improve standards for NECPs and LTSs and improve the overall alignment towards the climate neutrality goal (e.g., via the ESR); - A transparent process to develop progress monitoring based on net zero indicators to inform several processes (NECPs, LTSs, progress checks); - An update to the EU LTS to inform overall policy and the 2040 target and to as a coordinating hub for sectoral strategies; - A dialogue with Member States about where coordinated EU policy is needed most - and support to their efforts to improve governance (incl. greater emphasis on national LTSs). Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Monographs of Environmental Data for Active Substances in Veterinary Pharmaceuticals(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Rönnefahrt, Ines; Schmitz, Susanne; Ebert, Ina; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThis scientific opinion paper outlines existing problems related to data gaps, non-harmonized assessments, insufficient post-market control, and data transparency of pharmaceuticals, and identifies possible solutions through the introduction of a monograph system for active pharmaceutical substances. From UBA's point of view, monographs are the crucial bridge between risk assessment, risk communication and risk management and this across different regulatory areas. The current revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation of the EU offers the opportunity to establish a monograph system for active substances for both veterinary medicinal products and medicinal products for human use. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Moving forward: the European Commission's proposal for a Recast Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Flügel, Ines; Braun, Ulrike; Eisenträger, Adolf; Obermaier, Nathan; Osiek, Dirk; Rechenberg, Jörg; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThis scientific opinion paper discusses the key topics of the European Commission's Proposal for a Recast Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive. It shows how the proposed changes could affect wastewater treatment in Germany and highlights further refinement needs. In general, the proposal of the revised UWWTD is endorsed. The clear shift from basic wastewater collection and treatment to efficient wastewater management will have a positive influence on various environmental targets. It will also reduce the impact of wastewater treatment on the receiving water bodies as well as the impact of climate change on both, our cities, and the environment. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Obsolescence - Political strategies for improved durability of products(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtFrom fridges to fans - a growing number of consumers replace household goods earlier than they did in the past. The reasons are manifold. Some products simply break down before they reach an optimum technical life. Others are replaced before they reach an optimal service life (time of use by consumers) - the technology may have become outdated or a computer is no longer compatible with the newest software. In other cases, consumers get rid of perfectly working mobile phones simply because they crave the latest model. In this policy brief the German Environment Agency outlines some of its recommendations to policy makers, industry and consumers. They are based on two studies we commissioned in recent years and summed up in our position paper from 2016. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Plastics waste management and prevention of marine litter in a circular economy: push and pull instruments to enhance the use of recyclates(Umweltbundesamt, 2016) Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe European Commission plans a common strategy for plastics in its Action Plan for the Circular Economy. This strategy for plastics is going to address marine litter as one priority issue, with three-quarters of all marine litter being plastic materials. To prevent marine litter as well as to enhance plastics waste management in a circular economy, the plastics strategy needs to put forward a fine-adjusted common policy-mixture. The policy mixture needs to include concrete and binding instruments to efficiently strengthen recycling and recyclate use in Europe. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Recommendations for deriving EU minimum quality requirements for water reuse(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn this scientific opinion paper the German Environment Agency expresses its recommendations for the development of EU minimum quality requirements for water reuse for agricultural irrigation and aquifer recharge. More ambitious quality standards that complement the current EU legislation and are in line with the precautionary principle are needed to protect human health and the environment in a sustainable way. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Recommendations for the revision of the packaging and packaging waste Directive 1994/62/EG(Umweltbundesamt, 2021) Boße, Jasmin; Fabian, Matthias; Friedrich, Norman; Grimminger, Sonia; Kerellaj, Samir; Kotschik, Gerhard; Krüger, Franziska; Oehme, Ines; Seifert, Kim; Wagner, Isabel; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtOver the past 10 years, the amount of packaging generated across the EU has increased by almost 18 percent, with around 66 percent of packaging waste being recycled. The revision of the Packaging Directive should therefore primarily help to strengthen waste prevention, the recyclability of packaging and the use of recyclates and further develop information requirements. Material requirements should be stipulated in the Directive itself, supplemented by the possibility to set, if necessary, more extensive requirements for certain types of packaging in downstream legal acts. In a scientific opinion paper, the German Environment Agency presents a regulatory concept and recommendations in this regard. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Regulatory framework for the certification of carbon removals - remarks on the EU commission's roadmap(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Bretschneider, Lisa; Balzer, Frederike; Erxleben, Friederike; Döring, Ulrike; Hipt, Kirsten op de ; Köder, Lea; Hipt, Kirsten op de; Marx, Marc; Ruddigkeit, Dana; Voß-Stemping, Judith; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtOn 15.12.2021, the European Commission announces to create a legal framework in a communication on "Sustainable carbon cycles" according to which procedures for natural carbon sequestration and technical CO2 extraction and storage can be certified. By the end of 2022, the European Commission wants to make a legislative proposal. In this short position, the German Environment Agency points to gaps in the European Commission's proposal, refers to essential minimum requirements for the certification of carbon sequestrations and calls for a clearer integration of the certification framework with regard to its steering effect and its steering objective in the climate protection target architecture of the European Union. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Resource-efficient pathways towards Greenhouse Gas-Neutrality (RESCUE)(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Nuss, Philip; Günther, Jens; Knoche, Guido; Purr, Katja; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe RESCUE study describes in six scenarios possible development paths towards a resource-efficient and greenhouse-gas (GHG) neutral Germany until 2050. The GreenSupreme scenario achieves the reduction of emissions along a global 1.5 ˚C path towards GHG-neutrality by 2050, while at the same time substantially lowering Germany's material footprint. This publication discusses possible synergies and overlaps of the transformation areas within RESCUE and the elements of the recently published "European Green Deal". It is hoped to inform stakeholders (e.g., governments, businesses, civil society, and science) with an interest in transformation pathways until 2050. Quelle: