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Veröffentlichung Phylogeography of the invasive cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii(2003) Neilan, B. A.; Saker, Martin L.; Fastner, J.; Törökné, A.; Burns, P. B.Veröffentlichung Veröffentlichung Umweltbelastungen von Kindern in Deutschland(2007) UmweltbundesamtVeröffentlichung Veröffentlichung Use of sex ratio of bream (Abramis brama L.) as an indicator of endocrine effects: Results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank(2011)In field monitoring, sex ratio as an endpoint of possible endocrine effects at population level can only be recorded as the deviation from the natural sex ratio. Unfortunately, data on natural sex ratios of many species cannot be used to control for such effects. This also applies to bream (Abramis bramaL.), an important fish species in passive biomonitoring. Here we show that in natural bream populations the sex ratio decreases with increasing age. Age class specific correction coefficients were derived to eliminate age-dependency of the sex ratio.
Quelle:öffentlichung Ferntransportpotential von Chemikalien - Wie kann diese besorgniserregende Stoffeigenschaft in der PBT-Bewertung unter REACH berücksichtigt werden?(2013) Ackermann, Juliane; Scheringer, Martin; Vierke, LenaVeröffentlichung Lenkungswirkung der Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetze (EEG 2004 und 2009) für die ökologische Modernisierung von Wasserkraftanlagen - Ergebnisse einer Umfrage(2013) Anderer, Pia; Naumann, StephanGermany lacks a unified register containing data on the equipment of hydropower stations with environmental facilities or of those subject to requirements for reducing the environmental impact on the status of waters. Thanks to the cooperation of the hydro-power plant operators, our survey allowed us for the first time to gain insight into the regulation effects of the German Renewable Energy Act (Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz; EEG) as well as into the ecological upgrade potential of German hydro-power plants. EEG 2004 and 2009 funded measures implemented at hydro-power stations are focused on ensuring a minimum flow as well as on longitudinal connectivity. This priority is consistent with the water management requirement of achieving the goals of the Water Framework Directive in this area: Quelle:öffentlichung Sediment toxicity testing for prospective risk assessment ̶ a new framework and how to establish it(2013)There is a recognized need to design a new framework for sediment toxicity testing that meets current scientific standards and regulatory requirements, such as reliable assessment of toxicity, which prevents any harmful effects on biodiversity, a strong capability to predict population- and community-level effects, and applicability of the results to decision-making. We propose a new framework for prospective sediment toxicity testing, and suggest solutions to the key methodological challenges that hinder establishment of this framework (comparison of sensitivities, design of test batteries, consideration of different exposure routes, extrapolations to population and community levels, use of test results for decision-making). The proposed framework consists of the following three units: test-battery system, higher-tier testing systems and additional ecological modeling, and a decision support system. The key methodologies proposed to establish this framework are compound-tailored test-battery use approach, relative sensitivity distribution analysis, toxicity tests that combine bacteria and arthropods, micro- and mesocosms studies, population and community models, and model-driven decision support systems. The proposed framework, as well as the key methods mentioned above, has the potential to improve not only prospective toxicity testing for sediments, but also ecological risk assessment in general. Quelle: http://www.tandfonline.comVeröffentlichung Veröffentlichung Verbesserung der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung aus umweltrechtlicher Sicht(2013) Mutert, TinaDie Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung kann einen Beitrag dazu leisten, Umwelt- und Gesundheitsbelastungen stärker als bisher zu vermeiden und so dem Schutz der Umwelt undden Interessen der Bürgerinnen und Bürger besser Rechnung zu tragen. Daher enthält das Recht bereitsheute vielfältige Vorgaben und Möglichkeiten für eine Beteiligung der Öffentlichkeit. Die Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung kann aber dennoch verbessert werden. Der Gesetzgeber hat dazu mit seiner aktuellen Gesetzgebung schon richtige Schritte getan. Es gibt aber noch weitere Möglichkeiten das Recht so zu gestalten, dass es alle Akteure in Beteiligungsverfahren noch besser unterstützt. Darüber hinaus sollten die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter,die in den Behörden umweltrelevante Entscheidungen treffen, sich über ihre heute schon bestehendenSpielräume klar werden und sie bei der Gestaltung der Verfahren und der Beteiligung der Bürgerinnenund Bürger nutzen. Praktischen Rat dafür wird ein vom UBA in Auftrag gegebener Leitfaden anbieten. Quelle: UMID (2013)2, S.28.Veröffentlichung Marine litter within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive(2013)There have been numerous anthropogenic-driven changes to our planet in the last half-century. One of the most evident changes is theubiquity and abundance of litter in the marine environment. The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC) establishesa framework within which EU Member States shall take action to achieve or maintain good environmental status (GES) of theirmarine waters by 2020. GES is based on 11 qualitative descriptors as listed in Annex I of the MSFD. Descriptor 10 (D 10) concernsmarine litter. As a follow-up to the related Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standards (2010/477/EU) in which 56indicators for the achievement of GES are proposed, the EC Directorate-General for the Environment, on the request of the EuropeanMarine Directors, established a Technical Subgroup on Marine Litter (TSG ML) under the Working Group on GES. The role of TSG MLis to support Member States through providing scientific and technical background for the implementation of MSFD requirementswith regard to D 10. Started in 2011, TSG ML provides technical recommendations for the implementation of the MSFD requirementsfor marine litter. It summarizes the available information on monitoring approaches and considers how GES and environmental targetscould be defined with the aim of preventing further inputs of litter to, and reducing its total amount in, the marine environment. Italso identifies research needs, priorities and strategies in support of the implementation of D 10. The work of TSG ML also focuses onthe specification of monitoring methods through the development of monitoring protocols for litter in the different marine compartments,and for microplastics and litter in biota. Further consideration is being given to monitoring strategies in general and associatedcosts. Other priorities include the identification of sources of marine litter and a better understanding of the harm caused by marine litter.
Quelle:öffentlichung Sustainable resource use and the projected development of PV(2013) Günther, Jens; Lehmann, HarryClimate protection, the transformation of the energy system, the sustainable use of natural resources and increasing resource efficiency are main strategic policy fields in the EU and the member countries. Whereas the expansion of PV electricity supply is clearly fostering the first two strategic fields, negative effects on the latter may occur. The expected expansion requires significant amounts of raw materials and other resources. This raises questions on raw material supply, but also hampers the target achievement on resource efficiency and trade-offs to different environmental policies may occur. Whereas the topic of raw material supply is already under intensive investigation, the questions on synergies and trade-offs coming along with the PV expansion are rarely explored. Several research projects on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) were analyzing different aspects in the context of environmental feasible expansion of PV in Germany. Based on selected results, we highlighted the interlinkages of PV expansion and resource use, evaluate the possible trade-offs and synergies to sustainable use of natural resources and conclude with implication for environmental policies, resource efficiency and suggestion for a resource efficient expansion of PV.Quelle:
Veröffentlichung Aerosole(2013) Ries, LudwigVeröffentlichung The association between road traffic noise exposure and blood pressure among children in Germany(2013)Studies examining the association between road traffic noise and blood pressure in children are scarce. Nighttime noise levels and window orientations have not been considered in most previous studies. Investigate the association between road traffic noise exposure and blood pressure among children, and investigate the impact of bedroom window direction on this association. We measured blood pressure in 605 children aged 10 years from two Munich cohorts. Demographic and health information was collected by parent completed questionnaires. Road traffic noise levels were assessed by day-evening-night noise indicator "Lden" and night noise indicator "Lnight". Minimum and maximum levels within a 50 m buffer around child's home address were derived. Generalized additive models were applied to explore effect of noise levels on systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP). The orientation of child's bedroom window was considered in sensitivity analyses. DBP was significantly associated with the minimum level of noise during 24 h (Lden_min) and nightime (Lnight_min). Specifically, DBP increased by 0.67 and 0.89 mmHg for every 5 A-weighted decibels increase in Lden_min and Lnight_min. After adjusting for Lden_min (Lnight_min), DBP of children whose bedroom window faced the street was 1.37 (1.28) mmHg higher than those whose bedroom window did not, these children showed statistically significant increased SBP for Lden_min (3.05 mmHg) and Lnight_min (3.27 mmHg) compared to children whose bedroom window did not face the street. Higher minimum levels of weighted day-evening-night noise and nighttime noise around the home residence may increase a child's blood pressure.
Quelle: http://www.noiseandhealth.orgVeröffentlichung Hochwasser: natur oder menschengemacht?(2013) Mathan, CindyVeröffentlichung Eco-Label with Brand Character(2013) Heutling, Susanne; Oehme, InesVeröffentlichung Robin test for the implementation of odour measurements according to DIN ISO 16000-28 into the assessment of emissions from building products(2013)Odour measurements become increasingly important in view of the assessment of indoor air quality and the emissions of building products. Hence they need to be implemented into evaluation schemes such as the AgBB scheme. While there are already standards like DIN ISO 16000-28 and VDI 4302 Part 1 specifying the procedure of odour measurements using a comparison scale, no final validation of the method has been carried out so far. Therefore, a round robin test was conducted in 2012 with 12 participating laboratories that mainly consisted of the following two parts: 1) testing of the available comparison scales with respect to their operational performance and 2) execution of an odour assessment of an acrylic sealant using emission test chambers. Part one included the measurement of the air flow rates and the provided concentrations of the reference substance (acetone). Part two was conducted to test the performance of the laboratories and the applicability of DIN ISO 16000-28 and supplementary VDI 4302 Part 1 by assessing the perceived intensity and the hedonic tone of the air samples. Moreover, samples for VOC analysis were taken from the air in the emission test chamber on the 7th day of testing to allow for quality control. Resulting from this round robin test main deficits were detected and suggestions for the improvement of the odour measurement procedure were made.Quelle: Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft, 73(2013)10, S. 441-445