Nowakowski, Mark








Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet V.1.2 - Energiestrategien und -szenarien



Gerade angezeigt 1 - 5 von 5
  • Veröffentlichung
    Archetypes of a 100% Renewable Energies Power Supply
    (2014) Lehmann, Harry; Nowakowski, Mark
    On the way to a low carbon or even carbon neutral society there are a number of possible paths depending on political and social priorities. The German Federal Environment Agency has therefore been analyzing several "archetypesŁ of a future RE-based power generation. Three radically different scenarios were developed in order to study the technical and ecological feasibility of Germany switching to an electricity supply based entirely on renewable sources by 2050. Apart from different generation structures, the studies assume different degrees of connection and interchange between regions in Germany as well as between Germany and other countries within a Pan-European network.With the "Regions NetworkŁ scenario it has been shown that a 100% RE-based power generation is technically and ecologically feasible (English short version: Here, all German regions make extensive use of their RE potentials. Energy efficiency compensates for the rise in consumption caused by economic growth, e-mobility, and the use of heat-pumps. The introduction of large-scale electricity storage such as Power-to-Gas and the utilization of demand side management potentials plus a well-developed national electricity transmission grid make substantial contributions to the balancing of load and production. The system dynamics between supply and demand were minutely analyzed over 4 consecutive years.
    In the "Local Energy AutarkyŁ scenario, small-scale decentralized energy systems use locally available RE sources to satisfy their power demand without being connected with each other or outside suppliers, i.e. without electricity imports to Germany.
    The "International Large ScaleŁ scenario addresses the question whether and to which extent a wider network reaching across Germany's borders can be beneficial in terms of the optimal use of REs, the large-scale balancing between fluctuating RE feed-in and load, and using storage potentials.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Energy Storage for a Greenhouse Gas Neutral Society: Demand and Long-Term Strategy
    (2015) Nowakowski, Mark; Purr, Katja
    Germany aims at total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions of 80-95% until 2050 compared to 1990. A new scenario study by the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA) shows that even the ambitious 95% path is viable from a technical point of view. In a first step, it could be shown that a power supply for Germany based entirely on renewable energy sources (RES) is technically and ecologically feasible by 2050. Three radically different scenarios were developed which demonstrated that there are viable paths towards such a target. On the way to a GHG neutral society, however, considering all relevant GHG emitting sectors becomes indispensable. UBA has therefore developed a scenario for a GHG neutral Germany with emissions reductions of up to 95 % versus 1990. It becomes obvious that along with the electricity sector, particularly the heat and transport sectors must become completely CO2 neutral, as well, while others such as agriculture and certain industrial processes cannot eliminate all emissions. Whereas in Germanys current energy system storage is not yet an economic option to enhance flexibility, the demand for energy storage grows rapidly in the studied scenario. Herein, the major technology is the conversion of electric power into hydrogen, methane (Power to Gas), and liquid fuels (Power to Liquid). This allows for easy storage within the existing natural gas system plus beneficial coupling of the different sectors. The stored methane is a versatile material which can be either reconverted into electricity on demand or used as fuel for both heating and transport or as a basis for further chemical processes. Hence, in the long run PtG and PtL could be a core element of the whole energy market in a GHG neutral society.Quelle: Nowakowski, Mark; Purr, Katja:Energy Storage for a Greenhouse Gas Neutral Society: Demand and Long-Term Strategy [Elektronische Ressource] / Mark Nowakowski ; Katja Purr. - S. 1-7 : graph. Darst. In: Conference Presentations and Materials of the "9th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference : 9-11 March 2015. - Bonn. - (2015), S. 1
  • Veröffentlichung
    Archetypes of 100 % Renewable Energies Scenarios by 2050
    (2017) Lehmann, Harry; Nowakowski, Mark
  • Vorschaubild
    Die Rolle von Speichersystemen für eine 100 % erneuerbare Stromversorgung
    (2014) Lehmann, Harry; Nowakowski, Mark
  • Vorschaubild
    Daten und Fakten zu Braun- und Steinkohlen
    (2017) Baumgarten, Corinna; Beckers, Rolf; Bünger, Björn; Drosihn, Detlef; Frauenstein, Jörg; Gibis, Claudia; Hain, Benno; Icha, Petra; Köder, Lea; Kirst, Ingo; Kuhs, Gunter; Langner, Marcel; Lewandrowski, Dmitri; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Matthey, Astrid; Nowakowski, Mark; Osiek, Dirk; Pabst, Jeannette; Grimm, Sabine; Penn-Bressel, Gertrude; Pfeiffer, David; Plaß, Dietrich; Sandau, Fabian; Schlömer, Steffen; Straff, Wolfgang; Weiß, Jan; Wintermeyer, Dirk; Wolter, Rüdiger; Juhrich, Kristina
    Deutschland droht sein Klimaziel zu verfehlen. Ein wesentlicher Grund: Rund 40 Prozent der Bruttostromerzeugung stammen immer noch aus Braun- und Steinkohle. Das aktualisierte UBA-Hintergrundpapier beleuchtet diese Energieträger aus energiewirtschaftlicher, ökonomischer und umweltpolitischer Sicht. Wegen der schlechten Umwelt- und Klimabilanz ist ein zügiger Kohleausstieg dringend geboten. Quelle: