Person: Lepom, Peter
Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet II.2.5-Labor für Wasseranalytik
8 Ergebnisse
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Veröffentlichung Identification of contamination hotspots along a river by silicone-based passive sampling(2016) Becker, Benjamin; Duffek, Anja; Lepom, Peter; Möhlenkamp, Christel; Claus, Evelyn; Schäfer, SabineVeröffentlichung Waters in Germany(2017) Arle, Jens; Blondzik, Katrin; Claussen, Ulrich; Duffek, Anja; Grimm, Sabine; Hilliges, Falk; Kirschbaum, Bernd; Kirst, Ingo; Koch, Dietmar; Koschorreck, Jan; Lepom, Peter; Leujak, Wera; Mohaupt, Volker; Naumann, Stephan; Rechenberg, Jörg; Schilling, Petra; Ullrich, Antje; Wellmitz, Jörg; Werner, Stefanie; Wolter, Rüdiger; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtSince 2016, there are new legal requirements for the assessment for nutrients and substances of the waters in Germany. New assessment procedures for hydromorphology were developed. These assessment instruments are described in the brochure "Waters in Germany: Status and Assessment". The results of the assessment clarify the still open problems in water protection. The long time series of data for nitrate and phosphorus document the development of the nutrient load of groundwater, rivers, lakes and the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Until now, there are only a few data available for exposure to marine litter and underwater noise in the sea.Veröffentlichung Assessing the toxic potential of river water by combining passive sampling with bioassays(2016) Becker, B.; Duffek, Anja; Lepom, Peter; Claus, E.; Schäfer, S.Veröffentlichung Recommendations for reducing micropollutants in waters(2018) Ahting, Maren; Brauer, Frank; Duffek, Anja; Ebert, Ina; Eckhardt, Alexander; Hassold, Enken; Helmecke, Manuela; Kirst, Ingo; Krause, Bernd; Lepom, Peter; Leuthold, Sandra; Mathan, Cindy; Mohaupt, Volker; Moltmann, Johann F.; Müller, Alexandra; Nöh, Ingrid; Pickl, Christina; Pirntke, Ulrike; Pohl, Korinna; Rechenberg, Jörg; Suhr, Michael; Thierbach, Claudia; Tietjen, Lars; von der Ohe, Peter C.; Winde, Christine; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtResidues of medicinal products, pesticides, biozides and other chemicals can adversely affect the environment and human health already in low concentrations. These micropollutants are increasingly detected in our waters not least due to improved analytics. Precautionary measures are needed to prevent future stresses on our waterbodies. Therefore, the German Environment Agency (UBA) has analysed entry pathways, named critical substance characteristics and proposed a combination of measures consisting of measures at the source, in use and for wastewater treatment serving the objective of comprehensive water protection.Veröffentlichung Gewässer in Deutschland(2017) Arle, Jens; Blondzik, Katrin; Claussen, Ulrich; Duffek, Anja; Grimm, Sabine; Hilliges, Falk; Kirschbaum, Bernd; Kirst, Ingo; Koch, Dietmar; Koschorreck, Jan; Lepom, Peter; Leujak, Wera; Mohaupt, Volker; Naumann, Stephan; Rechenberg, Jörg; Schilling, Petra; Ullrich, Antje; Wellmitz, Jörg; Werner, Stefanie; Wolter, Rüdiger; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtSeit 2016 gibt es neue gesetzliche Vorgaben für die Bewertung der Gewässer hinsichtlich ihrer stofflichen Belastung. Und auch im Bereich der Hydromorphologie wurden und werden neue Bewertungsinstrumente entwickelt. In der Broschüre „Gewässer in Deutschland: Zustand und Bewertung“ sind diese Bewertungsinstrumente zusammengestellt. Ihre Anwendung verdeutlicht die noch offenen Probleme im Gewässerschutz. Der Vergleich der Daten für Nitrat und Phosphor über einen langen Zeitraum dokumentiert die Entwicklung der Nährstoffbelastung von Grundwasser, Fließgewässern, Seen und Nord- und Ostsee. Bei den Spurenstoffen werden immer wieder neue Verbindungen relevant. Für die Belastung mit Müll und Lärm im Meer liegen erst wenige Daten vor.Veröffentlichung Waters in Germany(2017) Arle, Jens; Blondzik, Katrin; Claussen, Ulrich; Duffek, Anja; Grimm, Sabine; Hilliges, Falk; Kirschbaum, Bernd; Kirst, Ingo; Koch, Dietmar; Koschorreck, Jan; Lepom, Peter; Leujak, Wera; Mohaupt, Volker; Naumann, Stephan; Rechenberg, Jörg; Schilling, Petra; Ullrich, Antje; Wellmitz, Jörg; Werner, Stefanie; Wolter, Rüdiger; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtVeröffentlichung Passive sampling in regulatory chemical monitoring of nonpolar organic compounds in the aquatic environment(2016) Roberts Cindy A.; Booij, Kees; Robinson, Craig D.; Burgess, Robert M.; Mayer, Philipp; Ahrens, Lutz; Allan, Ian J.; Brant, Jan; Jones, Lisa; Lepom, Peter; Kraus, Uta R.; Larsen, Martin M.; Petersen, Jördis; Pröfrock, Daniel; Roose, Patrick; Schäfer, Sabine; Smedes, Foppe; Tixier, Céline; Vorkamp, Katrin; Whitehouse, PaulWe reviewed compliance monitoring requirements in the European Union, the United States, and the Oslo-Paris Convention for the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic, and evaluated if these are met by passive sampling methods for nonpolar compounds. The strengths and shortcomings of passive sampling are assessed for water, sediments, and biota. Passive water sampling is a suitable technique for measuring concentrations of freely dissolved compounds. This method yields results that are incompatible with the EU̷s quality standard definition in terms of total concentrations in water, but this definition has little scientific basis. Insufficient quality control is a present weakness of passive sampling in water. Laboratory performance studies and the development of standardized methods are needed to improve data quality and to encourage the use of passive sampling by commercial laboratories and monitoring agencies. Successful prediction of bioaccumulation based on passive sampling is well documented for organisms at the lower trophic levels, but requires more research for higher levels. Despite the existence of several knowledge gaps, passive sampling presently is the best available technology for chemical monitoring of nonpolar organic compounds. Key issues to be addressed by scientists and environmental managers are outlined. Quelle: http://pubs.acs.orgVeröffentlichung Gewässer in Deutschland(2017) Arle, Jens; Blondzik, Katrin; Claussen, Ulrich; Duffek, Anja; Grimm, Sabine; Hilliges, Falk; Kirschbaum, Bernd; Kirst, Ingo; Koch, Dietmar; Koschorreck, Jan; Lepom, Peter; Leujak, Wera; Mohaupt, Volker; Naumann, Stephan; Rechenberg, Jörg; Schilling, Petra; Ullrich, Antje; Wellmitz, Jörg; Werner, Stefanie; Wolter, Rüdiger; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt