Ricking, Mathias



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  • Veröffentlichung
    Molecular insights into the formation and remobilization potential of nonextractable anthropogenic organohalogens in heterogeneous environmental matrices
    (2019) Zhu, Xiaojing; Dsikowitzky, Larissa; Ricking, Mathias
    Anthropogenic organohalogens (AOHs) are toxic and persistent pollutants that occur ubiquitously in the environment. An unneglectable portion of them can convert into nonextractable residues (NER) in the natural solid substances. NER-AOHs are not detectable by conventional solvent-extraction, and will get remobilized through changes of surrounding environment. Consequently, the formation and fate of NER-AOHs should be investigated comprehensively. In this study, solvent extraction, sequential chemical degradation and thermochemolysis were applied on different sample matrices (sediments, soils and groundwater sludge, collected from industrial areas) to release extractable and nonextractable AOHs. Covalent linkages were observed most favorable for the hydrophilic-group-containing monocyclic aromatic AOHs (HiMcAr-AOHs) (e.g. halogenated phenols, benzoic acids and anilines) incorporating into the natural organic matter (NOM) as NER. Physical entrapment mainly contributed to the NER formation of hydrophobic monocyclic aromatic AOHs (HoMcAr-AOHs) and polycyclic aromatic AOHs (PcAr-AOHs). The hypothesized remobilization potential of these NER-AOHs follow the order HiMcAr-AOHs > HoMcAr-AOHs/ aliphatic AOHs > PcAr-AOHs. In addition, the NOM macromolecular structures of the studied samples were analyzed. Based on the derived results, a conceptual model of the formation mechanisms of NER-AOHs is proposed. This model provides basic molecular insights that are of high value for risk assessment and remediation of AOHs. © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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    A simple model approach for the desorption of DDT and related compounds from contaminated sediment to plastic polymers
    (2021) Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Kerndorff, Alexander; Braun, Ulrike; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias
  • Veröffentlichung
    Analysis of microplastics - sampling, preparation and detection
    (Deutschland. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2021) Braun, Ulrike; Altmann, Korinna; Bannik, Claus G.; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias; Stein, Ulf; Schritt, Hannes
    This status report was prepared within the framework of the cross-cutting topic 1 "Analytics and reference materials" of the research focus. It summarizes the contents of the project discussions and coordination within the cross-cutting issue. The organization of this ongoing process of development or elaboration has been supported by several events. The status report presents a summary of the physicochemical methods for the analysis of MP used in the research focus "Plastics in the Environment". The present recommendations are based on the current state of knowledge of the analysis of MP and are directed at actors in science as well as potential users in practice ©
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    Microplastics in the Danube River Basin: a first comprehensive screening with harmonized analytical approach
    (2022) Braun, Ulrike; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Bednarz, Marius; Kerndorf, Alexander; Lukas, Marcus; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias
    In this study, carried out within the Joint Danube Survey 4, a comprehensive microplastic screening in the water column within a large European river basin from its source to estuary, including major tributaries, was realized. The objective was to develop principles of a systematic and practicable microplastic monitoring strategy using sedimentation boxes for collection of suspended particulate matter followed by its subsequent analysis using thermal extraction desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In total, 18 sampling sites in the Danube River Basin were investigated. The obtained suspended particulate matter samples were subdivided into the fractions of >100 mikrom and <100 mikrom and subsequently analyzed for microplastic mass contents. The results showed that microplastics were detected in all samples, with polyethylene being the predominant polymer with maximum contents of 22.24 mikrog/mg, 3.23 mikrog/mg for polystyrene, 1.03 mikrog/mg for styrene-butadiene-rubber, and 0.45 mikrog/mg for polypropylene. Further, polymers such as different sorts of polyester, polyacrylates, polylactide, and natural rubber were not detected or below the detection limit. Additional investigations on possible interference of polyethylene signals by algae-derived fatty acids were assessed. In the context of targeted monitoring, repeated measurements provide more certainty in the interpretation of the results for the individual sites. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the chosen approach using an integrative sampling and determination of total plastic content proved to be successful. © 2022 The Authors
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    Occurrence of microplastics in the Danube River - a first screening
    (2021) Asenova, Mina; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Bednarz, Marius; Kerndorff, Alexander; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias
    Plastics, and microplastics in particular, are still part of scientific and regulatory discussions. Their inputs from land ultimately end up in the oceans, where they remain for a long time. River systems represent an important path of entry into the oceans. The Danube is the second largest river in Europe and can therefore be an example for the occurrence of plastic in other large river systems. In JDS4 a comprehensive screening of microplastics was carried out over the entire course of the river. Sampling was performed by means of deploying sedimentation boxes into the river for 14 days; followed by thermo-analytical detection (TED-GC/MS) for determination of the total content of various plastic polymers in the collected suspended particulate matter samples. For the first time, a baseline of pollution by microplastics in the Danube River Basin has been established. In all samples almost, all analyzed polymers were detected and quantified, whereas there is no clear trend along the Danube with increasing or decreasing contents. The contents ranged between 0.05 - 22.24, 0.00 - 0.45, 0.00-1.03 and 0.00 3.32 for PE, PP, SBR and PS [(micro)g/mg] SPM, respectively. Quelle: A shared analysis of the Danube River : joint Danube survey 4 ; scientific report / Editors: Igor Liška [and five others]. - Vienna : International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, 2021. - 1 Onlineresource (562 pages) : Illustrationen. - E-Book; Dateigröße / Dateiumfang: 44,09 MB. - ISBN 978-3-200-07450-7, Seite 487
  • Veröffentlichung
    Mikroplastik-Analytik - Probenahme, Probenaufbereitung und Detektionsverfahren
    (Deutschland. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2020) Braun, Ulrike; Altmann, Korinna; Bannik, Claus G.; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias; Stein, Ulf; Schritt, Hannes
    Das Statuspapier fasst die Inhalte der Verbundprojekt-übergreifenden Diskussionen und Abstimmungen innerhalb des Querschnittsthemas (QST) "Analytik und Referenzmaterialien" des Forschungsschwerpunkts Plastik in der Umwelt zusammen. Die vorliegenden Verfahrensempfehlungen beruhen auf dem aktuellen Wissensstand zur Analytik von MP und richtet sich an Akteur*innen in der Wissenschaft als auch Anwender*innen in der Praxis. Die vorliegende Fassung wurde aus dem Diskussionspapier (Link Dokument Stand Oktober 2018) entwickelt. Dieser kontinuierliche Entwicklungs- oder Erarbeitungsprozess wurde durch eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen zwischen 2018 und 2020 innerhalb des Forschungsschwerpunktes organisatorisch untermauert. Motivation dieses Statuspapiers ist es, die im Forschungsschwerpunkt "Plastik in der Umwelt" verwendeten physikochemischen Untersuchungsverfahren zur Analytik von Mikroplastik zusammenzuführen. Dadurch sollen möglichst validierte Methoden und vergleichbare Ergebnisse in den verschiedenen Projekten für die jeweils spezifische Fragestellung erreicht werden - insbesondere für zukünftige Projekte. Am Ende soll ein möglichst einheitlicher Methodenpool für die relevanten Fragestellungen in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung zur Verfügung stehen. ©
  • Veröffentlichung
    Konzeptvorschlag für die Auswahl zu untersuchender Mikroverunreinigungen in kommunalen Abwässern mittels physiko-chemischer Untersuchungsverfahren
    (2022) Braun, Ulrike; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Lukas, Marcus; Bachem, Gunnar; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias
  • Veröffentlichung
    Malachite Green in Suspended Particulate Matter and Surface Sediments in Germany
    (2013) Ricking, Mathias; Schwarzbauer, Jan
    Malachitgrün wird neben der Verwendung als Farbstoff als Tierarzneimittel in der Zierfischzucht eingesetzt. Aufgrund seiner potenziellen Karzinogenität ist eine Anwendung in der kommerziellen Speisefischzucht in der EU verboten, dennoch sind Kontaminationen von Speisefisch publiziert. Aus diesem Grund wurden Schwebstoffe der Umweltprobenbank des Bundes (UPB-UBA) aus den Jahren 2007 und 2010 sowie Oberflächensedimente aus dem Berliner Raum, die dem Zeitraum 2010-11 entsprechen, hinsichtlich Malachtgrün und Leukomalachitgrün, dem reduzierten Metaboliten, untersucht. Es wurde nur Malachitgrün mit bis zu 543 ng/g Trockensubstanz bei insgesamt gestiegenen Gehalten in den Proben aus dem Jahre 2010 nachgewiesen. Die Proben aus dem Berliner Raum, die durch Klärwerkseinleitungen geprägt sind, wiesen moderate Kontaminationen auf. Die Arbeiten belegen eine Kontamination von Schwebstoffen und Oberflächensedimenten und eine Persistenz von Malachitgrün unter anoxischen Bedingungen.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Richtlinie zur Probenahme und Probenbearbeitung
    (2017) Keller, Martina; Heininger, Peter; Körner, Andrea; Ricking, Mathias; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
  • Veröffentlichung
    A promising approach to monitor microplastic masses in composts
    (2023) Wiesner, Yosri; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Bednarz, Marius; Braun, Ulrike; Ricking, Mathias
    Inputs of plastic impurities into the environment via the application of fertilizers are regulated in Germany and the EU by means of ordinances. Robust and fast analytical methods are the basis of legal regulations. Currently, only macro- and large microplastic contents (>1 mm) are measured. Microplastics, are not yet monitored. Thermal analytical methods are suitable for this purpose, which can determine the mass content and can also be operated fully automatically in routine mode. Thermal extraction desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TED-GC/MS) allows the identification of polymers and the determination of mass contents in solid samples from natural environments. In accordance with the German or European Commission (EC) Fertiliser Ordinance, composting plants should be monitored for microplastic particles with this method in the future. In this context a compost plant was sampled. At the end of the rotting process, the compost was sieved and separated in a coarse (>1 mm) and a fine fraction (<1 mm). The fine fraction was processed using density separation comparing NaCl and NaI as possible salt alternative and screened for microplastic masses by TED-GC/MS with additional validation and quality assurance experiments. With TED-GC/MS total microplastics mass contents of 1.1-3.0 g/mg in finished compost could be detected with polyethylene mainly. What differs much to the total mass of plastics in the coarse fraction with up to 60 ug/mg, which were visually searched, identified via ATR-FTIR and gravimetrically weighted. © 2023 Wiesner, Bednarz, Braun, Bannick, Ricking and Altmann.