Indicators in the area of sustainable resource use and circular economy
Indicators in the area of sustainable resource use and circular economy
Principles and requirements for the development of consistent indicator systems
circular economy, Ressourcenschonung, Indikatoren, Materialflussdaten, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Monitoring
Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)
Verbundene Publikation
SCHEBEK, Liselotte, Klaus DOSCH, Martin FAULSTICH, Christian HAGELÜKEN, Melanie JAEGER-ERBEN, Philip NUSS und Mario SCHMIDT, 2025. Indicators in the area of sustainable resource use and circular economy [online]. German Environment Agency. Position. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung englisch
Today, a large number of resource and circular economy (CE) indicators based on different conceptual and methodological approaches can be found in scientific literature, studies, and policy programs. To facilitate the selection of suitable indicators, this position paper is divided into two parts: Part I presents guidelines for indicators and indicator systems that enable the classification of existing CE indicators in terms of their function and informative value, and support for the development of target-oriented and consistent indicator systems. In Part II, the basics of indicators are presented in detail and on the basis of the scientific literature, and an overview of relevant resource and CE indicators is given.