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Regional and local optimisation of material flows and cycles

areas of action, case studies and recommendations for municipalities



Ressourcenschonung, Effizienzsteigerung, Kommunalebene, Handlungsbeteiligter, Nachhaltiger Konsum, Ressourceneffizienz, Stoffstrom, Ressourcenerhaltung, Stoffkreislauf

Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)


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VERBÜCHELN, Maic und Sandra WAGNER-ENDRES, 2018. Regional and local optimisation of material flows and cycles [online]. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt. Fachbroschüre / Umweltbundesamt. Verfügbar unter: https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/5323
Zusammenfassung englisch
While resource efficiency is still not a priority for most municipalities today, various projects and measures to optimise material flows and cycles are being implemented by municipal actors, primarily on a sectoral basis. Examples of integrated and more horizontal perceptions and approaches are also starting to appear. What is clear is that on a local and regional level, it is inconceivable that there can be a comprehensive optimisation of material cycles and material flows to increase resource efficiency without municipal actors being involved. Municipalities are therefore crucial to the success of resource policies. To increase resource efficiency, it is essential that municipalities take on a variety of roles and be involved in all kinds of activities. Municipalities are initiators, coordinators, moderators, implementers, partners, financiers and supporters of measures to improve resource conservation. To be able to fulfil the above roles and launch and implement measures, the right institutional framework conditions within the administration, such as suitable processes and organisational and communications structures, are helpful. Projects are also boosted when there are defined and binding municipal objectives, strategies and guiding principles. A legal framework, such as statutory provisions and regulations, and the definition of standards are also important levers for optimising material cycles. Municipalities are also crucial for promoting awareness, raising the profile and conveying the reliability of resource efficiency projects on a local level. Municipalities can fulfil central roles and services to optimise material cycles and flows, and already do so, however there remains considerable potential in many areas. It should be noted that material flow optimisation in its entirety is not a statutory obligation for municipalities and that all kinds of approaches are being taken as a matter of choice. For comprehensive optimisation of material flows and to make best use of the available opportunities, more information and support is needed to help municipal actors with resource efficiency, for example from the federal government. Support for the development of a mission statement on "resource-efficient municipalities" could also make an important contribution to the establishment of comprehensive and integrated municipal strategies and measures. The sustainable use of natural resources is one of the greatest challenges our society faces. This has been recognised by politicians on an international, European and national level and substantial efforts are being made to promote their sustainable use. It was stated in Germany national resource efficiency programme (ProgRess II) that the federal government should be promoting a policy of resource efficiency at a municipal and regional level, supporting municipal activities to align business development more closely with resource efficiency and the closure of regional cycles. In addition it will provide information and advice on other resource-relevant areas at a municipal level (for example procurement, housing associations, companies in the circular economy, public utilities, transport companies) in consultation with associations and organisations. Against this backdrop, resource efficiency and thus the optimisation of material flows and cycles in municipalities can be expected to play a crucial role in future. Quelle: Forschungsbericht