5-point programme
for sustainable plant protection
5-point programme
for sustainable plant protection
5-point programme, plant protection
Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)
Verbundene Publikation
5-point programme
for sustainable plant protection, 2016. [online]. Umweltbundesamt. Verfügbar unter: https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/10143
Zusammenfassung englisch
In recent decades, with EU and national subsidies for farming in Germany, the conventional cultivation of crops has established itself as the basis of an increasingly intensified agriculture and food production. For many crops, a key requirement for this form of production is the intensive application of chemical plant protection products, on which the system is now practically dependent. This is reflected in the assumption that the amount of chemical plant production products currently used and the frequency of their application represents a “necessary minimum” (in German language: “notwendiges Maß”).However, products that protect crops and benefit farmers may have undesirable impacts on nature and the environment. Even for present-day insecticides, herbicides and fungicides, the general principle remains: No effects (i.e. plant protection) without side-effects (i.e. impacts on nature and the environment). In view of the considerable potential environmental threats they pose and because they are applied in large quantities over ample areas of land, plant protection products may only be used if they have successfully undergone strict testing and approval procedures. In Germany, the German Environment Agency (UBA) is responsible for assessing the environmental risks.