Green Public Procurement: Eco-friendly and cost-saving
Green Public Procurement: Eco-friendly and cost-saving
green procurement, procurement, green public procurement, public award procurement law, ecolabel, Ecolabel Blue Angel, EU Ecolabel, product life cycle costs, technical specifications, AVV Klima
Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)
Verbundene Publikation
Green Public Procurement: Eco-friendly and cost-saving, 2024. [online]. DOI 10.60810/openumwelt-7515. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung englisch
Each year, German contracting authorities purchase around €300 billion worth of products ranging from pencils to city buses. This massive purchasing power can potentially be used to reduce environmental pollution, improve the range of environmental products and services, and promote more targeted market launches of innovative eco-friendly products.This flyer provides an overview of the advantages of environmentally friendly procurement, how it can be implemented in practice and where further information can be found. Note: If a printout of the contents is required, we recommend using the factsheet for a better overview.