Green Economy in the Alps
Green Economy in the Alps
Containing Item
Grüne Wirtschaft, CO2-arme Wirtschaft, Anpassung an den Klimawandel, Naturkapital, Lebensqualität, Alpen, Alps, Green Economy, low-carbon economy, adaptation to climate change, resource-efficient economy, ecosystem services, natural capital, quality of life, well-being
Funding Indicator (FKZ)
Connected Publication
BÜNGER, Björn, Andreas BURGER, Frank GLANTE, Bettina HEDDEN-DUNKHORST, Richard LANDGRAF, Andrej LANGE, Silvia REPPE, Ludwig RIES und Ulrike WACHOTSCH, 2018. Green Economy in the Alps [online]. Dessau-Roßlau. Hintergrundpapier. Verfügbar unter:
Abstract english
The Alpine area wants to turn into a green economy model region. The background paper describes important aspects for a development of a green economy in the Alps in four topic areas: Low-carbon economy and adaptation to climate change, resource-efficient economy, ecosystem services and natural capital, quality of life and well-being. To complement this, current information from relevant projects of the German Environment Agency is added.