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Modellbasierte Berechnung des aerosolgebundenen Infektionsrisikos in Klassenräumen, Großraumbüros, Hörsälen und Sporthallen bei unterschiedlichen Nutzungssituationen
Modellbasierte Berechnung des aerosolgebundenen Infektionsrisikos in Klassenräumen, Großraumbüros, Hörsälen und Sporthallen bei unterschiedlichen Nutzungssituationen
Containing Item
Gefahrstoffe, Reinhaltung der Luft
81 (2021), Heft 3-4, 117-126
81 (2021), Heft 3-4, 117-126
Klimatisierung, Berechnung, Infektion, Risikoanalyse, Schule
Funding Indicator (FKZ)
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MÜLLER, Dirk, Heinz-Jörn MORISKE, Christian SCHERER und Alfred TRUKENMÜLLER, 2021. Modellbasierte Berechnung des aerosolgebundenen Infektionsrisikos in Klassenräumen, Großraumbüros, Hörsälen und Sporthallen bei unterschiedlichen Nutzungssituationen. Gefahrstoffe, Reinhaltung der Luft [online]. 2021. Bd. 81 (2021), Heft 3-4, 117-126. DOI 10.60810/openumwelt-346. Verfügbar unter:
Abstract english
In this article, results are presented by means of a calculation method for assessing the relative risk of infection, with which an (arbitrary) actual environmental situation can be compared with a reference situation. The reference situation describes a classroom with mechanical ventilation, designed according to the current state of the art. It is assumed that there is no absolute, but a high level of security with regard to infections. The selection of room and ventilation parameters ensures that in the reference situation, according to the current state of knowledge, infections via virus-carrying aerosol particles can only spread to a limited extent or not at all. For cases in which equipment with mostly centrally controlled air conditioning systems is not available (this applies to most schools), a reference situation with a relative risk of infection of "1" was also described in school classrooms with ventilation via windows and used as a calculation reference. All calculations can be carried out both steady-state and transient via a website for different rooms and scenarios: http://ri In all model-based considerations, other transmission paths, such as fomite transmission, non-compliance with general hygiene rules or direct contacts, are left out. The general wearing of effective masks (FFP2, surgical masks with CE mark [DIN EN 14683]), as is increasingly becoming a requirement in the political discussion, is also not presumed. © 2021, VDI Fachmedien GmBbH & Co.. All rights reserved.