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Experiences shared by the (future) Public Health Workforce during the COVD-19 pandemic in Germany: results of a survey on workload, work content, and related challenges among students and young professionals


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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
19 (2022), Heft 18


Volksgesundheit, Epidemiologie, Ausbildung

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FISCHER, Florian, Julia WICHERSKI und Myriam TOBOLLIK, 2022. Experiences shared by the (future) Public Health Workforce during the COVD-19 pandemic in Germany: results of a survey on workload, work content, and related challenges among students and young professionals. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [online]. 2022. Bd. 19 (2022), Heft 18. DOI 10.60810/openumwelt-326. Verfügbar unter:
Abstract english
Although previous studies have focused on the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on various professional groups (particularly in the health and nursing care sector), this study aims to close a research gap by assessing perspectives of students and young professionals in epidemiology and public health in Germany in terms of shifts in workload, work content, and related challenges caused by the pandemic. We conducted a cross-sectional survey between mid-February and mid-March 2022. Quantitative data were analyzed via standardized mean differences. Qualitative data based on answers to open-ended questions were analyzed via a qualitative content analysis. Overall, 172 individuals participated in this survey. Results indicate that students felt burdened the most by lack of exchange with other students and lecturers. Study participants employed in public health experienced changes in their employment because they had changes in their work content- and administration, which was accompanied by a high burden due to the workload. Multiple demands that can have an impact on both acquired skills and mental health during the professional qualification phase were mentioned by the participants. Therefore, more in-depth analyses are needed to investigate the impact the pandemic will have on the (future) public health workforce in the long run. © 2022 by the authors