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Celebrating 20 years of SETAC German Language Branch (GLB)
Celebrating 20 years of SETAC German Language Branch (GLB)
Containing Item
Environmental Sciences Europe
31 (2019)
31 (2019)
Ökotoxikologie, Umweltchemie
Funding Indicator (FKZ)
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ZUBROD, Jochen P., Rolf-Alexander DÜRING, Klaus P. EBKE, Tobias FRISCHE und Anja KEHRER, 2019. Celebrating 20 years of SETAC German Language Branch (GLB). Environmental Sciences Europe [online]. 2019. Bd. 31 (2019). DOI 10.60810/openumwelt-324. Verfügbar unter:
Abstract english
This editorial presents the objectives and achievements of the German Language Branch of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Europe (SETAC GLB), a regional branch of SETAC Europe, of the last 20 years. SETAC GLB serves Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, by providing an open forum for research related to ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry, to the sustainable management and regulation of natural resources, to education in environmental sciences, as well as to issues related to research and development, and manufacturing of chemicals and products. The editorial serves as an introduction for an article collection published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe, providing an overview of the current state of ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry in German-speaking countries and of the main developments and key topics within SETAC GLB. The article collection was developed on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the regional branch of SETAC Europe. Quelle: