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Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015
Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015
a systematic analysis for the Global
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The Lancet
388 (2016), Heft 10053
388 (2016), Heft 10053
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WANG, Haidong, Mohsen NAGHAVI, Christine ALLEN, Ryan M. BARBER, Zulfiqar A. BHUTTA, Austin CARTER, Daniel C. CASEY, Fiona J. CHARLSON, Alan Zian CHEN, Matthew M. COATES, Megan COGGESHALL, Lalit DANDONA, Daniel J. DICKER, Holly E. ERSKINE, Alize J. FERRARI, Christina FITZMAURICE, Kyle J. FOREMAN, Mohammad H. FOROUZANFAR, Maya S. FRASER, Nancy FULLMAN, Peter W. GETHING, Ellen M. GOLDBERG, Nicholas GRAETZ, Juanita A. HAAGSMA, Simon I. HAY, Chantal HUYNH, Catherine O. JOHNSON, Nicholas J. KASSEBAUM, Yohannes KINFU, Xie Rachel KULIKOFF, Michael KUTZ, Hmwe H. KYU, Heidi J. LARSON, Janni LEUNG, Xiaofeng LIANG, Stephen S. LIM, Margaret LIND, Rafael LOZANO, Neal MARQUEZ, George A. MENSAH, Joe MIKESELL, Ali H. MOKDAD, Meghan D. MOONEY, Grant NGUYEN, Elaine NSOESIE, David M. PIGOTT, Christine PINHO, Gregory A. ROTH, Joshua A. SALOMON, Logan SANDAR, Naris SILPAKIT, Amber SLIGAR, Reed J. D. SORENSEN, Jeffrey STANAWAY, Caitlyn STEINER, Stephanie TEEPLE, Bernadette A. THOMAS, Christopher TROEGER, Amelia VANDERZANDEN, Stein Emil VOLLSET, Dietrich PLASS, Valentine WANGA, Harvey A. WHITEFORD, Timothy WOLOCK, Leo ZOECKLER, Kalkidan Hassen ABATE, Cristiana ABBAFATI, Kaja M. ABBAS, Foad ABD-ALLAH, Semaw Ferede ABERA, Daisy M. X. ABREU, Laith J. ABU-RADDAD, Gebre Yitayih ABYU, Tom ACHOKI, Ademola Lukman ADELEKAN, Zanfina ADEMI, Arsène Kouablan ADOU, José C. ADSUAR und Kossivi Agbelenko AFANVI, 2016. Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015. The Lancet [online]. 2016. Bd. 388 (2016), Heft 10053. DOI 10.60810/openumwelt-316. Verfügbar unter:
Abstract english
Improving survival and extending the longevity of life for all populations requires timely, robust evidence on local mortality levels and trends. The Global Burden of Disease 2015 Study (GBD 2015) provides a comprehensive assessment of all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes in 195 countries and territories from 1980 to 2015. These results informed an in-depth investigation of observed and expected mortality patterns based on sociodemographic measures. Quelle: