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Wissenschaftlicher Artikel



Occurrence, Distribution and Toxins of Benthic Cyanobacteria in German Lakes


Containing Item

11 (2023), Heft 8


Blaualgen, See [Binnengewässer], Volksgesundheit

Funding Indicator (FKZ)

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BAUER, Franziska, Immanuel WOLFSCHLÄGER, Jutta FASTNER und Jürgen GEIST, 2023. Occurrence, Distribution and Toxins of Benthic Cyanobacteria in German Lakes. Toxics [online]. 2023. Bd. 11 (2023), Heft 8. DOI 10.60810/openumwelt-269. Verfügbar unter:
Abstract english
Cyanobacteria are favored by climate change and global warming; however, to date, mostresearch and monitoring programs have focused on planktic cyanobacteria. Benthic cyanobacte-ria blooms also increase and pose a risk to animal and human health; however, there is limitedknowledge of their occurrence, distribution and the toxins involved, especially in relation to theirplanktic conspeciï Ącs. Therefore, we analyzed the benthic and planktic life forms of cyanobacterialcommunities in 34 lakes in Germany, including a monitoring of cyanotoxins. Community analyseswere based on microscopic examination and Illumina sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. The analysesof cyanotoxins were carried out using LC-MS/MS and ELISA. Observed benthic mats containingcyanobacteria consisted mainly of Nostocales and Oscillatoriales, being present in 35% of the lakes. Ana-toxin was the most abundant cyanotoxin in the benthic samples, reaching maximum concentrationsof 45,000Ìg/L, whereas microcystin was the predominate cyanotoxin in the open-water samples,reaching concentrations of up to 18,000Ìg/L. Based on the results, speciï Ąc lakes at risk of toxiccyanobacteria could be identiï Ąed. Our ï Ąndings suggest that monitoring of benthic cyanobacteria andtheir toxins should receive greater attention, ideally complementing existing open-water samplingprograms with little additional effort. © 2023 by the authors.