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Wissenschaftlicher Artikel



A chip-integrated optical microfluidic pressure sensor


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Sensors and actuators
(2017), Heft in press


Funding Indicator (FKZ)

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KIONTKE, Andreas, Christian HÖRA, Maik PAHL und Detlev BELDER, 2017. A chip-integrated optical microfluidic pressure sensor. Sensors and actuators [online]. 2017. Bd. (2017), Heft in press. DOI 10.60810/openumwelt-160. Verfügbar unter:
Abstract english
Pressure sensing inside microfluidic channels in glass chips was achieved by integrating an oxygen sensitive luminescent sensor layer inside of an air-filled cavity. The device enables reliable determination of gas pressures, as well as flow rate-induced liquid backpressures at various positions along a channel. This optically readable microfluidic pressure sensor allows on-chip pressure sensing with high sensitivity at up to 9 mbar, and unsurpassed working range from atmospheric pressure up to 5 bar. Investigation of the system revealed high flexibility, stability and reproducibility of the proposed method. In addition to the pressure determination, the integrated luminescent sensor allows simultaneous detection of the temperature and oxygen content of a process medium. Quelle: