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Toward an adequate level of detail in flood risk assessments
Toward an adequate level of detail in flood risk assessments
Containing Item
Journal of Flood Risk Management
2023, 16, Heft 3
2023, 16, Heft 3
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SIEG, Tobias, Sarah KIENZLER, Kristin VOGEL und Henning RUST, 2023. Toward an adequate level of detail in flood risk assessments. Journal of Flood Risk Management [online]. 2023. Bd. 2023, 16, Heft 3. DOI 10.60810/openumwelt-124. Verfügbar unter:
Abstract english
Flood risk assessments require different disciplines to understand and modelthe underlying components hazard, exposure, and vulnerability. Manymethods and data sets have been refined considerably to cover more details ofspatial, temporal, or process information. We compile case studies indicatingthat refined methods and data have a considerable effect on the overall assess-ment of flood risk. But are these improvements worth the effort? The adequatelevel of detail is typically unknown and prioritization of improvements in aspecific component is hampered by the lack of an overarching view on floodrisk. Consequently, creating the dilemma of potentially being too greedy or toowasteful with the resources available for a risk assessment. A "sweet spot" between those two would use methods and data sets that cover all relevantknown processes without using resources inefficiently. We provide three keyquestions as a qualitative guidance toward this "sweet spot".For quantitativedecision support, more overarching case studies in various contexts are neededto reveal the sensitivity of the overall flood risk to individual components. Thiscould also support the anticipation of unforeseen events like the flood event inGermany and Belgium in 2021 and increase the reliability of flood riskassessments. © 2023 The Authors