Person: Bauerdorff, Andrea
Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet I.2.4 - Lärmminderung bei Anlagen und Produkten, Lärmwirkungen
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Veröffentlichung Determination and assessment of noise from wind turbines in Germany(2016) Bauerdorff, Andrea; Myck, ThomasIn 2014, 28.2 % of the total electrical energy has been generated from renewable energy sources within the European Union. In this context, wind turbines are of great importance. Especially in Germany, the number of these installations has continuously increased in the last years. Therefore, it is particularly important to have clear legal regulations for noise protection by wind turbines. Wind turbines with a height of more than 50 m are subject to licensing pursuant to the German Federal Immission Control Act. Assessment of noise immissions from wind turbines is carried out according to a General Administrative Provision to the Federal Immission Control Act, which is called ̮Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement - TA NoiseŁ. It describes the methods for the determination and the assessment of noise caused by industrial or commercial installations, including wind turbines. These regulations will be explained in detail. Moreover, the low-frequency noise immissions of wind turbines will be discussed and evaluated. Quelle: PROCEEDINGS of the 22nd International Congress on AcousticsVeröffentlichung Entstehung und Minderung des Lärms von Windenergieanlagen(2019) Bauerdorff, AndreaDie Nutzung der Windenergie an Land ist wegen des hohen Treibhausgasminderungspotenzials, niedriger Stromgestehungskosten und geringer Flächeninanspruchnahme eine der tragenden Säulen der Energiewende. Um die anvisierten Klimaschutzziele erreichen zu können, ist ein stetiger Ausbau der Windenergie notwendig. Die Zahl der Windenergieanlagen erhöht sich daher kontinuierlich und rückt näher an die Wohnbebauung heran. Damit einhergehend kommt es häufig zu Lärmbeschwerden. Besonders tieffrequente Geräusche und Infraschall, aber auch die Entstehung und Belästigung durch Amplitudenmodulation stehen im Fokus der öffentlichen Diskussion. Eine wichtige Aufgabe des Umweltbundesamtes besteht darin, die Bevölkerung vor Geräuschbelastungen zu schützen. Neben eigenen Analysen zu dieser Thematik hat das Umweltbundesamt verschiedene Forschungsvorhaben initiiert und beauftragt, um die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über die Lärmauswirkungen von Windenergieanlagen zu vertiefen. Diese Vorhaben werden nachfolgend vorgestellt. Copyright: Andrea BauerdorffVeröffentlichung Wind turbine noise - an overview of current knowledge and perspectives(2017) Bauerdorff, Andrea; Körper, SteffenVeröffentlichung Current regulations for the protection against noise from wind turbines in Germany(2019) Bauerdorff, AndreaThe wind energy sector is growing steadily in Germany. With 29213 wind turbines and an installed capacity of around 52931 MW [1], Germany ranks first in Europe. For a successful realization of the transformation of the energy system it is necessary to increase the acceptance of wind turbines in the neighborhood. The basis for the approval of wind turbines in Germany is the German Federal Immission Control Act. According to this act installations subject to licensing shall be established and operated in such a way that this does not involve harmful effects on the environment. This requirement is specified in the "Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement, TI Noise" which contain noise immission values. The total noise exposure at a decisive immission point may not exceed these values. An important part of the noise assessment of wind turbines is a prediction of the noise immission. For this purpose, the TI Noise as well as the recommendations for the protection against noise exposure from wind turbines of the federal states are used in Germany. These recommendations have been fundamentally revised under consideration of the current state of knowledge in 2017. The procedure for the protection against noise from wind turbines in Germany will be explained in detail. Copyright: Andrea BauerdorffVeröffentlichung Regulations for the protection against noise from wind turbines in Germany(2019) Bauerdorff, AndreaThe generation of energy by wind turbines is essential for the implementation of the energy transition. Especially in Germany, the number of wind turbine installations has continuously increased over the last years. In 2018, there were 29213 wind turbines with an installed wind power capacity of 52931 MW [1]. Within the framework of the importance of wind energy, the protection of the population from wind turbine noise has to be taken into consideration. The legal basis are the German Federal Immission Control Act and the "Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement, TI Noise". The TI Noise deals with the determination and the assessment of noise generated from industrial and commercial installations, including wind turbines. Especially, it contains ambitious binding immission values for immission points outside buildings. These regulations will be explained in detail. Moreover, the low-frequency noise immission of wind turbines will be discussed and evaluated. In: Saschita ot powyschennogo schuma i wibrazii / Sbornik dokladow Pod redakziej N.I. Iwanowa. - Sankt-Peterburg - (2019), Seite 15