Myck, Thomas








Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet I.2.4 - Lärmminderung bei Anlagen und Produkten, Lärmwirkungen



Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 31
  • Veröffentlichung
    Vereinfachte Umweltbewertung des Umweltbundesamtes
    (2017) Berger; Markus; Angrick, Michael; Finkbeiner, Matthias; Baumgarten, Corinna; Markard, Christiane; Fabris, Christian; Busse, Lilian; Fendler, Roland; Gromke, Ulrich; Rechenberg, Bettina; Kirschbaum, Bernd; Kosmol, Jan; Langner, Marcel; Lüdecke, Anja; Heidemeier, Joachim; Jering, Almut; Mohaupt, Volker; Moriske, Heinz-Jörn; Müller, Felix; Müschen, Klaus; Myck, Thomas; Penn-Bressel, Gertrude; Rechenberg, Jörg; Reichart, Almut; Schütze, Gudrun; Strogies, Michael; Szewzyk, Regine; Utermann, Jens; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    Dienstleistungen und Produkte zu bewerten und zu vergleichen ist eine Kernaufgabe des UBA. Die Vor- und Nachteile für Umwelt und Gesundheit verschiedener Staubsaugersysteme, die Umweltbelastung von Fernbussen im Vergleich zur Bahn oder die umweltfreundliche Beheizung eines Einfamilienhauses - mit diesen und vergleichbaren Fragen beschäftigen sich unsere Experten. Um das Vorgehen bei der Bewertung von Umweltbelastungen zu vereinheitlichen und transparenter zu machen, haben die zuständigen Arbeitseinheiten in Zusammenarbeit mit der Technischen Universität Berlin die Methoden, die das Amt bei der Bewertung von Umweltbelastungen einsetzt, im Leitfaden VERUM zusammengestellt. Seit 2/2017 steht die aktualisierte Fassung VERUM 2.0 zur Verfügung. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Umweltbedingte Krankheitslasten in Deutschland
    (2018) Steckling, Nadine; Myck, Thomas; Mertes, Hanna; Plaß, Dietrich; Ziese, Thomas; Tobollik, Myriam; Wintermeyer, Dirk; Hornberg, Claudia
  • Veröffentlichung
    Infraschall von Windenergieanlagen
    (2022) Myck, Thomas; Wothge, Jördis
  • Veröffentlichung
    Calculating noise exposure in Germany
    (2017) Myck, Thomas; Vogelsang, Berthold M.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Burden of Disease Due to Traffic Noise in Germany
    (2019) Hintzsche, Matthias; Myck, Thomas; Plaß, Dietrich; Tobollik, Myriam; Wothge, Jördis
    Traffic noise is nearly ubiquitous and thus can affect the health of many people. Using the German noise mapping data according to the Directive 2002/49/EC of 2017 and exposure-response functions for ischemic heart disease, noise annoyance and sleep disturbance assessed by the World Health Organizationâ€Ìs Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region the burden of disease due to traffic noise is quantified. The burden of disease is expressed in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and its components. The highest burden was found for road traffic noise, with 75,896 DALYs when only considering moderate evidence. When including all available evidence, 176,888 DALYs can be attributable to road traffic noise. The burden due to aircraft and railway noise is lower because fewer people are exposed. Comparing the burden by health outcomes, the biggest share is due to ischemic heart disease (90%) in regard to aircraft noise, however, the lowest evidence was expressed for the association between traffic noise and ischemic heart disease. Therefore, the results should be interpreted with caution. Using alternative input parameters (e.g., exposure data) can lead to a much higher burden. Nevertheless, environmental noise is an important risk factor which leads to considerable loss of healthy life years. Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Transposition of CNOSSOS-EU into german law
    (2019) Myck, Thomas; Weinandy, René
  • Vorschaubild
    Wohin geht die Reise?
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2019) Bopst, Juliane; Hölzer-Schopohl, Olaf; Lindmaier, Jörn; Myck, Thomas; Schmied, Martin; Weiß, Jan; Alsleben, Carsten; Berger, Juliane; Biegel-Engler, Annegret; Bölke, Michael; Bunz, Maxie; Burger, Andreas; Claussen, Ulrich; Dauert, Ute; Douglas, Martyn; Dziekan, Katrin; Eichhorn, Daniel; Hain, Benno; Hanke, Gerolf; Hartmann, David; Herbener, Reinhard; Hermann, Hans-Joachim; Hilliges, Falk; Hintzsche, Matthias; Keßler, Hermann; Köhler, Kay; Krakau, Manuela; Kruse, Marcel; Kühleis, Christoph; Lambrecht, Martin; Landgrebe, Jürgen; Lange, Martin; Langner, Marcel; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Mutert, Tina; Penn-Bressel, Gertrude; Purr, Katja; Rechenberg, Jörg; Reißmann, Daniel; Salzborn, Nadja; Seven, Jan; Straff, Wolfgang; Thierbach, Roman; Tobollik, Myriam; Treichel, Julia; Voigt, Thomas; Vollmer, Carla; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von; Wachotsch, Ulrike; Weinandy, René; Wetzel, Frank; Wintermeyer, Dirk; Wolke, Frank; Wothge, Jördis
    Immer mehr Menschen fliegen. Allein 2018 nahm der weltweite Passagierluftverkehr gegenüber dem Vorjahr um 6,7 Prozent zu. Und er wächst weiter. Damit wachsen auch die Belastungen. Das Umweltbundesamt (UBA ) widmet sich mit dieser Broschüre daher einer wichtigen und zugleich sehr komplexen Materie. Wieviel Luftverkehr ist tatsächlich notwendig? Zu welchen Kosten für Mensch, Klima und Umwelt ist er in Zukunft tragbar? Wie gelingt eine Verkehrswende, die nicht nur Flugzeuge und Flughäfen, sondern auch Veränderungen in Wirtschaft und im Konsumverhalten erfasst? Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Determination and assessment of noise from wind turbines in Germany
    (2016) Bauerdorff, Andrea; Myck, Thomas
    In 2014, 28.2 % of the total electrical energy has been generated from renewable energy sources within the European Union. In this context, wind turbines are of great importance. Especially in Germany, the number of these installations has continuously increased in the last years. Therefore, it is particularly important to have clear legal regulations for noise protection by wind turbines. Wind turbines with a height of more than 50 m are subject to licensing pursuant to the German Federal Immission Control Act. Assessment of noise immissions from wind turbines is carried out according to a General Administrative Provision to the Federal Immission Control Act, which is called ̮Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement - TA NoiseŁ. It describes the methods for the determination and the assessment of noise caused by industrial or commercial installations, including wind turbines. These regulations will be explained in detail. Moreover, the low-frequency noise immissions of wind turbines will be discussed and evaluated. Quelle: PROCEEDINGS of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics
  • Veröffentlichung
    Effective abatement of railway noise in Germany
    (2020) Myck, Thomas; Weinandy, René
  • Veröffentlichung
    Measures to abate railway noise in Germany
    (2015) Myck, Thomas; Weinandy, René
    Environmental noise is an important issue causing one of the most common public com-
    plaints in Germany and within the EU. Noise causes health threats, like cardiovascular ef-
    fects and cognitive impairment and has an enormous negative economic impact. The most
    important source for rail noise is freight trains that operate around the clock. The enormous
    ecological "Achilles' heel" of railway traffic is the noise. Especially during the nights, the
    noise impairment is up to 25 dB(A) above the threshold, which is to be aspired in terms of a
    precautious health protection of the people. Noise is of high relevance with respect to any
    expansion, upgrade or construction measures of railway infrastructure. Therefore, it is agreed
    to enlarge noise protection measures to a wide degree. There are a number of technical
    measures available, e.g. retrofitting of the freight wagons to alternative brake systems.
    Moreover, legal measures like the TSI Noise exist. This Noise Technical Specification for
    Interoperability constitutes general requirements for the transnational railway traffic in Eu-
    rope. The presentation gives an overview on these technical and legal measures to efficiently

    abate railway noise in Germany. Quelle: