Person: Voß-Stemping, Judith
Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet V.1.2 - Strategien und Szenarien zu Klimaschutz und Energie
4 Ergebnisse
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Veröffentlichung Technische Negativemissionen: Ist die klimapolitische Zielarchitektur der Bundesregierung fit for purpose?(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Purr, Katja; Schultz, Karlotta; Voß-Stemping, Judith; Bretschneider, Lisa; Erxleben, Friederike; Herzfeld, Tobias; Günther, Dirk; Kotzulla, Michael; Ruddigkeit, DanaVeröffentlichung Regulatory framework for the certification of carbon removals - remarks on the EU commission's roadmap(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Bretschneider, Lisa; Balzer, Frederike; Erxleben, Friederike; Döring, Ulrike; Hipt, Kirsten op de ; Köder, Lea; Hipt, Kirsten op de; Marx, Marc; Ruddigkeit, Dana; Voß-Stemping, Judith; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtOn 15.12.2021, the European Commission announces to create a legal framework in a communication on "Sustainable carbon cycles" according to which procedures for natural carbon sequestration and technical CO2 extraction and storage can be certified. By the end of 2022, the European Commission wants to make a legislative proposal. In this short position, the German Environment Agency points to gaps in the European Commission's proposal, refers to essential minimum requirements for the certification of carbon sequestrations and calls for a clearer integration of the certification framework with regard to its steering effect and its steering objective in the climate protection target architecture of the European Union. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Der geplante EU-Zertifizierungsrahmen für Kohlenstoffbindungen: eine Kurzeinschätzung des Umweltbundesamts(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Bretschneider, Lisa; Erxleben, Friederike; Voß-Stemping, Judith; Balzer, Frederike; Döring, Ulrike; Köder, Lea; Marx, Marc; Hipt, Kirsten op de; Ruddigkeit, DanaVeröffentlichung Making the EU climate governance fit for net zero(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Duwe, Matthias; Voß-Stemping, Judith; Ecologic Institut; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Hipt, Kirsten op deThe paper "Making EU Governance Fit for Net Zero" analyses the current landscape of climate policy governance against eight core parameters at EU level and for Member States, and identifies a number of remaining weaknesses. Improvements should address several key processes, such as updating of the NECPs in 2023-2024 and of national LTSs and the new progress and consistency assessments under the EU Climate Law. The paper identifies a number of specific actions in 2022 and 2023 to enhance these processes: - Targeted revisions of the Governance Regulation,e., to improve standards for NECPs and LTSs and improve the overall alignment towards the climate neutrality goal (e.g., via the ESR); - A transparent process to develop progress monitoring based on net zero indicators to inform several processes (NECPs, LTSs, progress checks); - An update to the EU LTS to inform overall policy and the 2040 target and to as a coordinating hub for sectoral strategies; - A dialogue with Member States about where coordinated EU policy is needed most - and support to their efforts to improve governance (incl. greater emphasis on national LTSs). Quelle: