Person: Chorus, Ingrid
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Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet II.3.3 - Trinkwasserressourcen und Wasseraufbereitung
Research Projects
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14 results
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Publication Biologische Aspekte der Wassernutzung und Wasserqualität(2020) Chorus, Ingrid; Clasen, J.; Melzer, A.; Fastner, JuttaPublication Comment on "Models predict planned phosphorus load reduction will make Lake Erie more toxic"(2022) Huisman, Jef; Chorus, Ingrid; Dittmann, Elke; Fastner, JuttaHellweger et al. (Reports, 27 May 2022, pp. 1001) predict that phosphorus limitation will increase concentrations of cyanobacterial toxins in lakes. However, several molecular, physiological, and ecological mechanisms assumed in their models are poorly supported or contradicted by other studies. We conclude that their take-home message that phosphorus load reduction will make Lake Erie more toxic is seriously flawed. © 2022 the authorsPublication Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistances in the Environment(2018) Adler, Nicole; Balzer, Frederike; Blondzik, Katrin; Brauer, Frank; Chorus, Ingrid; Ebert, Ina; Fiedler, Traute; Förster, Christina; Heidemeier, Joachim; Grummt, Tamara; Hein, Arne; Helmecke, Manuela; Hilliges, Falk; Kirst, Ingo; Konradi, Sabine; Klasen, Jutta; Küster, Anette; Krause, Bernd; Pirntke, Ulrike; Roskosch, Andrea; Schönfeld, Jens; Selinka, Hans-Christoph; Straff, Wolfgang; Szewzyk, Regine; Westphal-Settele, Kathi; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtEnvironmental aspects have so far only partially been addressed in the discussion of antimicrobial resistance. To bring this issue into focus, UBA compiled background information and data on the topic 'Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in the environment'. The results show that previously considered requirements for reduction, from the perspective of UBA, are insufficient to adequately protect health and the environment. UBA sees urgent need for improvement and proposes possible options for action.Publication Decades needed for ecosystem components to respond to a sharp and drastic phosphorus load reduction(2020) Beulker, Camilla; Köhler, Antje; Chorus, Ingrid; Fastner, JuttaLake Tegel is an extreme case of restoration: inflow treatment reduced its main external phosphorus (TP) load 40-fold, sharply focused in time, and low-P water flushed the lake volume ~ 4 times per year. We analysed 35 years of data for the time TP concentrations took to decline from ~ 700 to 20-30 (my)g/l, biota to respond and cyanobacteria to become negligible. The internal load proved of minor relevance. After 10 years, TP reached 35-40 (my)g/l, phytoplankton biomass abruptly declined by 50% and cyanobacteria no longer dominated; yet 10 years later at TP < 20-30 (my)g/l they were below quantifiable levels. 20-25 years after load reduction, the lake was stably mesotrophic, macrophytes had returned down to 6-8 m, and vivianite now forms, binding P insolubly in the sediment. Bottom-up control of phytoplankton through TP proved decisive. Five intermittent years with a higher external P load caused some 're-eutrophication', delaying recovery by 5 years. While some restoration responses required undercutting thresholds, particularly that of phytoplankton biomass to TP, resilience and hysteresis proved irrelevant. Future research needs to focus on the littoral zone, and for predicting time spans for recovery more generally, meta-analyses should address P load reduction in combination with flushing rates. The Author(s) 2020Publication Nitrogen Limitation Promotes Accumulation and Suppresses Release of Cylindrospermopsins in Cells of Aphanizomenon Sp.(2014) Preußel, Karina; Chorus, Ingrid; Fastner, JuttaAs the biosynthesis of cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is assumed to depend on nitrogen availability, this study investigated the impact of nitrogen availability on intra- and extracellular CYN and deoxy-CYN (D-CYN) contents in three Aphanizomenon strains from temperate waters. Nitrogen deficient (-N) cultures showed a prolonged growth phase and intracellular toxin accumulation by a factor of 2-6. In contrast, cultures with additional nitrate supply (+N) did not accumulate CYN within the cells. Instead, the maximum conceivable CYN release estimated for dead cells (identified by SYTOX® Green staining) was much lower than the concentrations of dissolved CYN actually observed, suggesting these cultures actively release CYN from intact cells. Furthermore, we found remarkably altered proportions of CYN to D-CYN: as batch cultures grew, the proportion of D-CYN increased by up to 40% in +N medium, whereas D-CYN remained constant or decreased slightly in -N medium. Since +N cultures showed similar toxin patterns as -P cultures with increased extracellular CYNs and higher proportion of D-CYN we conclude that nitrogen limitation may affect the way the cells economize resources, especially the yield from phosphorus pools, and that this has an impact on CYN production and release. For water management, these result imply that nutrient availability not only determines the abundance of potentially CYN-producing cyanobacteria, but also the amount of extracellular CYNs (challenging drinking-water treatment) as well as the ratio of D-CYN to CYN (affecting toxicity).
Quelle: Combating cyanobacterial proliferation by avoiding or treating inflows with high P load ̶ experiences from eight case studies(2015) Abella, Sally E. B.; Chorus, Ingrid; Litt, Arni; Fastner, Jutta; Morabito, Giuseppe; Voeroes, Lajos; Pálffy, Károly; Straile, Dietmar; Kümmerlin, Reiner; Matthews, David; Phillips, M. GeoffIncreased external nutrient loads of anthropogenic origin, especially those of phosphorus (P), were one of the major causes of eutrophication during the first half of the twentieth century in Europe. They led to deterioration of lake ecosystems, particularly including noxious blooms of (potentially toxic) cyanobacteria. From the 1970-1980s, strategies to decrease the phosphorus loads from sewage were increasingly implemented, among them are the ban of phosphates in detergents, the expansion of sewer systems and improvement in wastewater treatment to remove nutrients. Case studies of eight lakes, whose response to point source reduction of phosphorus was observed over decades, show that a pronounced reduction of the phosphorus load from point sources can be achieved either by the diversion of inflows carrying high loads, by upgraded sewage treatment, or by phosphorus precipitation in the major tributary directly before its inflow into the water body. Outcomes demonstrate that in order to effectively control cyanobacterial blooms, the measures taken need to reduce in-lake concentrations of total phosphorus below 20-50 Ţg L-1, with this threshold varying somewhat between lakes depending in particular on hydromorphological and biological conditions. Whether and when load reduction succeeds in controlling cyanobacteria depends primarily on the load remaining after remediation and on the water residence time.
Quelle: Fatal neurotoxicosis in dogs associated with tychoplanktic, anatoxin-a producing tychonema sp. in mesotrophic Lake Tegel, Berlin(2018) Beulker, Camilla; Chorus, Ingrid; Fastner, JuttaIn May 2017, at least 12 dogs showed signs of acute neurotoxicosis after swimming in or drinking from Lake Tegel, a mesotrophic lake in Berlin, Germany, and several of the affected dogs died shortly afterwards despite intensive veterinary treatment. Cyanobacterial blooms were not visible at the water surface or the shorelines. However, detached and floating water moss (Fontinalis antipyretica) with high amounts of Tychonema sp., a potential anatoxin-a (ATX) producing cyanobacterium, was found near the beaches where the dogs had been swimming and playing. Necropsies of two of the dogs revealed no specific lesions beside the anamnestic neurotoxicosis. ATX was detected in concentrations up to 8700 Ìg Lâ Ì1 in the stomach contents, while other (neuro)toxic substances were not found. In the aqueous fraction of Fontinalis/Tychonema clumps sampled after the casualties, ATX was found in concentrations up to 1870 Ìg Lâ Ì1. This is the first report of a dense population of Tychonema sp. in stands of Fontinalis resulting in high ATX contents. This case emphasizes the need for further investigation of potentially toxic, non-bloom forming cyanobacteria in less eutrophic water bodies and underlines the novel challenge of developing appropriate surveillance schemes for respective bathing sites. Quelle: https://www.mdpi.comPublication Bromat im Trinkwasser: Herkunft, Vorkommen und gesundheitliche Bewertung(2021) Chorus, Ingrid; El-Athman, Fatima; Kämpfe, Alexander David; Mahringer, DanielPublication Drinking-Water Criteria: safety, quality, and perception(2023) Dieter, Hermann H.; Chorus, IngridPublication What Colin Reynolds could tell us about nutrient limitation, N:P ratios and eutrophication control(2020) Chorus, Ingrid; Spijkerman, EllyColin Reynolds exquisitely consolidated our understanding of driving forces shaping phytoplankton communities and those setting the upper limit to biomass yield, with limitation typically shifting from light in winter to phosphorus in spring. Nonetheless, co-limitation is frequently postulated from enhanced growth responses to enrichments with both N and P or from N:P ranging around the Redfield ratio, concluding a need to reduce both N and P in order to mitigate eutrophication. Here, we review the current understanding of limitation through N and P and of co-limitation. We conclude that Reynolds is still correct: (i) Liebig's law of the minimum holds and reducing P is sufficient, provided concentrations achieved are low enough; (ii) analyses of nutrient limitation need to exclude evidently non-limiting situations, i.e. where soluble P exceeds 3-10 (my)g/l, dissolved N exceeds 100-130 (my)g/l and total P and N support high biomass levels with self-shading causing light limitation; (iii) additionally decreasing N to limiting concentrations may be useful in specific situations (e.g. shallow waterbodies with high internal P and pronounced denitrification); (iv) management decisions require local, situation-specific assessments. The value of research on stoichiometry and co-limitation lies in promoting our understanding of phytoplankton ecophysiology and community ecology. © The Author(s) 2020