Person: Obermaier, Nathan
Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet III.2.6 - Abwassertechnikforschung, Abwasserentsorgung
21 Ergebnisse
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Veröffentlichung Occurrence of microplastics in the Danube River - a first screening(2021) Asenova, Mina; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Bednarz, Marius; Kerndorff, Alexander; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, MathiasPlastics, and microplastics in particular, are still part of scientific and regulatory discussions. Their inputs from land ultimately end up in the oceans, where they remain for a long time. River systems represent an important path of entry into the oceans. The Danube is the second largest river in Europe and can therefore be an example for the occurrence of plastic in other large river systems. In JDS4 a comprehensive screening of microplastics was carried out over the entire course of the river. Sampling was performed by means of deploying sedimentation boxes into the river for 14 days; followed by thermo-analytical detection (TED-GC/MS) for determination of the total content of various plastic polymers in the collected suspended particulate matter samples. For the first time, a baseline of pollution by microplastics in the Danube River Basin has been established. In all samples almost, all analyzed polymers were detected and quantified, whereas there is no clear trend along the Danube with increasing or decreasing contents. The contents ranged between 0.05 - 22.24, 0.00 - 0.45, 0.00-1.03 and 0.00 3.32 for PE, PP, SBR and PS [(micro)g/mg] SPM, respectively. Quelle: A shared analysis of the Danube River : joint Danube survey 4 ; scientific report / Editors: Igor Liška [and five others]. - Vienna : International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, 2021. - 1 Onlineresource (562 pages) : Illustrationen. - E-Book; Dateigröße / Dateiumfang: 44,09 MB. - ISBN 978-3-200-07450-7, Seite 487Veröffentlichung Den Weg zu einem treibhausgasneutralen Deutschland ressourcenschonend gestalten(2019) Günther, Jens; Butz, Wolfgang; Lorenz, Ullrich; Fee, Eric; Herbener, Reinhard; Döring, Ulrike; Hermann, Tim; Hofmeier, Katja; Kessler, Kai; Knoche, Guido; Kosmol, Jan; Kristof, Kora; Koller, Matthias; Lange, Martin; Lehmann, Harry; Lambrecht, Martin; Leprich, Uwe; Mönch, Lars; Nuss, Philip; Obermaier, Nathan; Pfeiffer, David; Plickert, Sebastian; Purr, Katja; Rechenberg, Bettina; Schmied, Martin; Schuberth, Jens; Seven, Jan; Starke, Sue-Martina; Werlein, Max; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet I.2.1 - Internationaler Klimaschutz; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtDie Studie zeigt, dass es möglich ist, Deutschland sowohl treibhausgasneutral als auch ressourcenschonend umzugestalten. Den Einsparungen von Treibhausgasen und Rohstoffen durch den Ausstieg aus fossilen Energieträgern steht die erhöhte Rohstoffinanspruchnahme für den Aufbau des erneuerbare Energiesystems gegenüber. Im vorgestellten „GreenEe“-Szenario gelingt es, die Treibhausgasemissionen um 95 Prozent gegenüber 1990 und die Primär-Rohstoffinanspruchnahme um 60 Prozent gegenüber 2010 bis 2050 zu senken. Die Studie zeigt, dass ein verbundener ambitionierter Klima- und Ressourcenschutz hilft, beide Ziele zu erreichen. Eine solche systemische Vorgehensweise sollte künftig stärker diskutiert und realisiert werden.Veröffentlichung Opportunities to improve energy use in urban wastewater treatment: a European-scale analysis(2019) Ganora, Daniele; Hospido, Almudena; Husemnn, Jovana; Obermaier, NathanWastewater treatment is an essential public service that has a major impact on energy use in the urban water cycle, thus receiving increasing attention in context of the Water-Energy Nexus. Understanding the current energy use for wastewater is an essential step to design reliable policies promoting a more efficient use of resources. This paper develops a pan European estimation of electricity use for the treatment of wastewater, based on a dataset of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) across the continent. Prediction of electricity use has been performed using a statistical model that accounts for economies of scale. Different scenarios of improvements of energy use efficiency have been investigated to understand the possible reductions in electricity consumption at the continental scale. The overall WWTP electricity use in Europe (only plants with no less than 2000 population equivalent (PE) have been considered) was estimated at 24 747 GWh yr-1, about the 0.8% of the electricity consumption in the EU-28. Small plants (less than 50 000 PE) represent almost 90% of the total number of plants, but process only 31% of the PE and require 42% of electricity use. Plants from mid to very large size (more than 50 000 PE), being only 10% of the plants, process about 70% of the PE with 58% of the total electricity use. If all plants that use more than the current average were shifted to the average value, the saving would be slightly more than 5500 GWh yr-1. With highly stringent targets of efficiency improvement, saving of about 13 500 GWh yr-1 could be expected. Further considerations on the emerging role of WWTPs as energy and material producer are finally discussed.© 2019 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing LtdVeröffentlichung Mikroplastik: Entwicklung eines Umweltbewertungskonzepts(2016) Miklos, David; Jekel, Martin; Obermaier, Nathan; Technische Universität Berlin; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn dieser Arbeit wird eine umfassende Literaturzusammenstellung über (potenzielle) Einträge in die Umwelt, sowie Vorkommen und Auswirkungen von MP in der aquatischen Umwelt gegeben. Darüber hinaus werden aktuelle Untersuchungsverfahren von Probenahme, Probenaufbereitung und Analytik betrachtet, kritisch diskutiert und offene Fragen benannt. Ökotestverfahren zur Ermittlung potenzieller MP-Wirkungen werden im Hinblick auf Methodik und Übertragbarkeit überprüft. In diesem Zusammenhang werden insbesondere der limnische Bereich sowie MPEinträge über den Ablauf kommunaler Kläranlagen betrachtet. Hierbei wird ein erster vorläufiger Vorschlag für Beurteilungswerte zu MP in Oberflächengewässern und in Abläufen kommunaler Kläranlagen in Deutschland abgeleitet. Schließlich wird ein Handlungsleitfaden zur Interpretation und Einordnung von Befunden von MP in der Umwelt aufgezeigt, eine mögliche Integration der MP-Thematik in vorhandene Rechtssysteme diskutiert und Vorschläge für Minderungsmaßnahmen werden unterbreitet.Quelle: http://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung A simple model approach for the desorption of DDT and related compounds from contaminated sediment to plastic polymers(2021) Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Kerndorff, Alexander; Braun, Ulrike; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, MathiasVeröffentlichung Analysis of microplastics - sampling, preparation and detection(Deutschland. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2021) Braun, Ulrike; Altmann, Korinna; Bannik, Claus G.; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias; Stein, Ulf; Schritt, HannesThis status report was prepared within the framework of the cross-cutting topic 1 "Analytics and reference materials" of the research focus. It summarizes the contents of the project discussions and coordination within the cross-cutting issue. The organization of this ongoing process of development or elaboration has been supported by several events. The status report presents a summary of the physicochemical methods for the analysis of MP used in the research focus "Plastics in the Environment". The present recommendations are based on the current state of knowledge of the analysis of MP and are directed at actors in science as well as potential users in practice © bmf-plastik.deVeröffentlichung A resource efficient pathway towards a greenhouse gas neutral Germany(2019) Günther, Jens; Butz, Wolfgang; Lorenz, Ullrich; Fee, Eric; Herbener, Reinhard; Döring, Ulrike; Hermann, Tim; Hofmeier, Katja; Kessler, Kai; Knoche, Guido; Kosmol, Jan; Kristof, Kora; Koller, Matthias; Lange, Martin; Lehmann, Harry; Lambrecht, Martin; Leprich, Uwe; Mönch, Lars; Nuss, Philip; Obermaier, Nathan; Pfeiffer, David; Plickert, Sebastian; Purr, Katja; Rechenberg, Bettina; Schmied, Martin; Schuberth, Jens; Seven, Jan; Starke, Sue-Martina; Werlein, Max; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet I.2.1 - Internationaler Klimaschutz; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe study shows that it is possible to transform Germany to both greenhouse gas neutral and resource efficient. One side of the balance is greenhouse gas and raw material saving due to exit from fossil energy carriers and the other is the increased raw material use for the construction of the renewable energy system. In the “GreenEe” scenario it is possible to reduce the GHG emissions in 2050 by 95 % compared to 1990 and the raw material consumption (RMC) by almost 60 % compared to 2010. The study shows also that related ambitious climate and resource efficiency policies helps to achieve both goals. Considering both policy field in a systemic way, should be further discussed and implemented in future politics.Veröffentlichung Widening the European Green Deal's perspective towards a sustainable Europe(Umweltbundesamt, 2021) Neßhöver, Carsten; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Beckert, Barbara; Claussen, Ulrich; Doyle, Ulrike; Eckermann, Frauke; Frische, Tobias; Haße, Clemens; Günther, Jens; Hollweg, Beate; Huckestein, Burkhard; Janitzek, Timmo; Kabel, Claudia; Jering, Almut; Keßler, Hermann; Klatt, Anne; Knoche, Guido; Köder, Lea; Koller, Matthias; Krause, Bernd; Kreuser, Margarethe; Lindenthal, Alexandra; Löwe, Christian; Manstein, Christopher; Matthey, Astrid; Meurer, Doris; Mohaupt, Volker; Mutert, Tina; Obermaier, Nathan; Pieper, Silvia; Plickert, Sebastian; Rechenberg, Jörg; Reichart, Almut; Rönnefahrt, Ines; Schulte, Christoph; Schweitzer, Christian; Spengler, Laura; Stolzenberg, Hans-Christian; Suhr, Michael; Töpfer, Christoph; Unnerstall, Herwig; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in 2019, represents a new and ambitious approach to put environment and sustainability at the heart of European policy. Its ambitions are high, yet the planned measures might not be sufficient to actually meet them. The report analyzes the European Green Deal from the perspective of the German Environment Agency and places it in the context of the global challenge of achieving the United Nations' sustainable development goals. In addition to necessary measures in the thematic fields of the European Green Deal, the report also addresses the structural adjustments needed as key levers to achieve the desired goals. The report concludes that the European Green Deal is an important step forward, but that further efforts beyond those described there are still needed in order to achieve a sustainable Europe. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Wege in eine ressourcenschonende Treibhausgasneutralität - RESCUE(Umweltbundesamt, 2019) Adlunger, Kirsten; Günther, Jens; Berger, Juliane; Nuss, Philip; Bernicke, Maja; Bertram, Andreas; Balzer, Frederike; Dettling, Folke; Drosihn, Detlef; Fee, Eric; Biewald, Anne; Futterlieb, Matthias; Gromke, Ulrich; Hain, Benno; Herbener, Reinhard; Günther, Dirk; Hipt, Kirsten op de ; Hofmeier, Katja; Jäger-Gildemeister, Fabian; Knoche, Guido; Koch, Yvonne; Koska, Anna; Kosmol, Jan; Koller, Matthias; Krack, Juri; Kristof, Kora; Kropf, Antje; Lambrecht, Martin; Lange, Martin; Lehmann, Christian; Lehmann, Harry; Leuthold, Sandra; Lohse, Christiane; Lorenz, Ullrich; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Mahrenholz, Petra; Martens, Kerstin; Mohr, Lennart; Mönch, Lars; Müller, Felix; Naumann, Stephan; Nissler, Diana; Hipt, Kirsten op de; Obermaier, Nathan; Pfeiffer, David; Plappert, Marie-Luise; Plickert, Sebastian; Proske, Christopher; Rechenberg, Bettina; Purr, Katja; Reichart, Almut; Rother, Stefan; Rudolph, Manuel; Schauser, Inke; Schmied, Martin; Schuberth, Jens; Steinbrenner, Joscha; Vollmer, Carla; Werlein, Max; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtDie RESCUE-Studie zeigt in sechs Szenarien mögliche Lösungs- und Handlungsspielräume für Wege in eine ressourcenschonende Treibhausgasneutralität in Deutschland bis 2050. Dabei werden Änderungen im Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien, Anstrengungsniveaus zur Treibhausgasneutralität, Materialeffizienz und zu nachhaltigen Lebensstilen untersucht. Bis 2050 können die Treibhausgasemissionen um 95 Prozent bis 97 Prozent gegenüber 1990 gemindert werden. In Verbindung mit einer nachhaltigen land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Bewirtschaftung können Netto-Null-Emissionen erreicht werden. Der Primärrohstoffkonsum wird um 56 Prozent bis 70 Prozent reduziert (allerdings kommt es auch zu einer Mehrinanspruchnahme einzelner Rohstoffe). Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht gibt eine detaillierte Übersicht über das Projekt. Zur Umsetzung der beschriebenen Transformationspfade sind ein ambitioniertes und schnelles Handeln sowie internationale Kooperation notwendig. Quelle: BerichtVeröffentlichung Microplastics in the Danube River Basin: a first comprehensive screening with harmonized analytical approach(2022) Braun, Ulrike; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Bednarz, Marius; Kerndorf, Alexander; Lukas, Marcus; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, MathiasIn this study, carried out within the Joint Danube Survey 4, a comprehensive microplastic screening in the water column within a large European river basin from its source to estuary, including major tributaries, was realized. The objective was to develop principles of a systematic and practicable microplastic monitoring strategy using sedimentation boxes for collection of suspended particulate matter followed by its subsequent analysis using thermal extraction desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In total, 18 sampling sites in the Danube River Basin were investigated. The obtained suspended particulate matter samples were subdivided into the fractions of >100 mikrom and <100 mikrom and subsequently analyzed for microplastic mass contents. The results showed that microplastics were detected in all samples, with polyethylene being the predominant polymer with maximum contents of 22.24 mikrog/mg, 3.23 mikrog/mg for polystyrene, 1.03 mikrog/mg for styrene-butadiene-rubber, and 0.45 mikrog/mg for polypropylene. Further, polymers such as different sorts of polyester, polyacrylates, polylactide, and natural rubber were not detected or below the detection limit. Additional investigations on possible interference of polyethylene signals by algae-derived fatty acids were assessed. In the context of targeted monitoring, repeated measurements provide more certainty in the interpretation of the results for the individual sites. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the chosen approach using an integrative sampling and determination of total plastic content proved to be successful. © 2022 The Authors
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