Person: Ilvonen, Outi
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Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet III.1.4 - Stoffbezogene Produktfragen
Research Projects
Organizational Units
12 results
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Publication Protecting the environment and climate - creating living space - improving quality of life(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Bartke, Stephan; Becken, Katja; Breitmeier, Maresa; Brozowski, Frank; DeTroy, Sarah Eileen; Grimski, Detlef; Ilvonen, Outi; Keßler, Hermann; Meilinger, Valentin; Messner, Dirk; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von ; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von; Schröder, Alice; Schuberth, Jens; Schubert, Susanne; Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtWe are facing an enormous challenge: the climate crisis and scarcity of resources require a consistent paradigm shift in housing construction and urban development. Quality of life, health and aesthetics must be combined with environmental, resource and climate protection. This position paper of the German Environment Agency and the Commission for Sustainable Building (KNBau) at the German Environment Agency presents recommendations for the creation of affordable housing that is environmentally, climate and resource efficient, and at the same time climate-adapted, health and socially compatible. The recommendations are primarily addressed to federal policy-makers, especially the departments of building and urban development, environment, climate protection, transport and health. Quelle: umweltbundesamt.dePublication Umwelt und Klima schützen - Wohnraum schaffen - Lebensqualität verbessern(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Bartke, Stephan; Becken, Katja; Breitmeier, Maresa; Brozowski, Frank; DeTroy, Sarah Eileen; Grimski, Detlef; Ilvonen, Outi; Keßler, Hermann; Meilinger, Valentin; Messner, Dirk; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von ; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von; Schröder, Alice; Schuberth, Jens; Schubert, Susanne; Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtDas Umweltbundesamt (UBA) und die Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt (KNBau) haben Empfehlungen zur umwelt-, klima- und ressour-censchonenden und gleichzeitig klimaangepassten, gesundheits- und sozialverträglichen Schaffung bezahlbaren Wohnraums vorgelegt. Im Zentrum steht dabei der Umbau und die Umnutzung des Gebäudebestands, um die Ziele für Klima- und Ressourcenschutz im Gebäudesektor zu erreichen. Die Empfehlungen richten sich in erster Linie an die Bundespolitik mit den Ressorts für Bau- und Stadtentwicklung, Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Verkehr und Gesundheit. Darüber hinaus sind weitere Akteure angesprochen, wie politische Entscheidungs-träger*innen auf EU-, Landes- und kommunaler Ebene, Verbände, Planungspraxis und die Fachöffentlichkeit. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication Umwelt und Klima schützen - Wohnraum schaffen - Lebensqualität verbessern(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Bartke, Stephan; Becken, Katja; Breitmeier, Maresa; Brozowski, Frank; DeTroy, Sarah Eileen; Grimski, Detlef; Ilvonen, Outi; Keßler, Hermann; Meilinger, Valentin; Messner, Dirk; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von ; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von; Schröder, Alice; Schuberth, Jens; Schubert, Susanne; Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtDas Umweltbundesamt (UBA) und die Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt (KNBau) haben Empfehlungen zur umwelt-, klima- und ressour-censchonenden und gleichzeitig klimaangepassten, gesundheits- und sozialverträglichen Schaffung bezahlbaren Wohnraums vorgelegt. Im Zentrum steht dabei der Umbau und die Umnutzung des Gebäudebestands, um die Ziele für Klima- und Ressourcenschutz im Gebäudesektor zu erreichen. Die Empfehlungen richten sich in erster Linie an die Bundespolitik mit den Ressorts für Bau- und Stadtentwicklung, Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Verkehr und Gesundheit. Darüber hinaus sind weitere Akteure angesprochen, wie politische Entscheidungs-träger*innen auf EU-, Landes- und kommunaler Ebene, Verbände, Planungspraxis und die Fachöffentlichkeit. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication Investigating the ecotoxicity of construction product eluates as multicomponent mixtures(2023) Heisterkamp, Ines; Gartiser, Stefan; Schoknecht, Ute; Ilvonen, OutiBackground The release of hazardous compounds from construction products can harm human health and the environment. To improve the sustainability of construction materials, the leaching of substances from construction products and their potential environmental impact should be assessed. Twenty-seven construction products from different product groups were examined with a combination of standardized leaching tests (dynamic surface leaching test and percolation test) and biotests (algae, daphnia, fish egg, luminescent bacteria, umu and Ames fluctuation tests). To identify the released substances, extensive qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses were performed, including gas chromatographic and liquid chromatographic screening techniques. Results Many of the tested eluates caused significant ecotoxic effects. Particularly high ecotoxicities were observed for grouts (lowest ineffective dilution (LID) up to 16384) and cork granules (LID up to 24578). The results of ecotoxicity tests allow the prioritization of the eluates that should be subjected to detailed chemical analyses. Organic screening by different methods and ranking the identified substances based on recorded hazard classification is a suitable approach to identify the relevant toxic substances. Conclusions Determining the ecotoxicity of eluates from construction products records the summary effect of all leachable substances. This instrument is especially useful for construction products of complex and largely unknown composition. The ecotoxicological and the chemical-analytical approach complement each other in an ideal way to characterize the potential hazard of eluates from construction products and to identify the environmentally hazardous components in these eluates. Our results confirm that the proposed harmonized methods for testing eluate toxicity are an adequate and applicable procedure to move toward a more sustainable way of building and to reduce toxic effects of construction products in their use phase in the environment. © The Author(s) 2023Publication Results from a round robin test for the ecotoxicological evaluation of construction products using two leaching tests and an aquatic test battery(2017) Gartiser, Stefan; Brauer, Frank; Heisterkamp, Ines; Schoknecht, Ute; Ilvonen, OutiPublication Recommendation for a test battery for the ecotoxicological evaluation of the environmental safety of construction products(2017) Gartiser, Stefan; Heisterkamp, Ines; Schoknecht, Ute; Ilvonen, OutiPublication Umwelt- und gesundheitsverträgliche Bauprodukte(2015) Bolland, Til; Dürkop, Jutta; Däumling, Christine; Horn, Wolfgang; Dorer, Conrad; Englert, Norbert; Fischer, Jürgen; Ilvonen, Outi; Kirschbaum, Bernd; Noack, Constance; Oehm, Anke; Plehn, Wolfgang; Rapp, Thomas; Scutaru, Ana-Maria; Utermann, Jens; Wolter, Rüdiger; Wurbs, Johanna; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIm Mittelpunkt dieser überarbeiten Fachbroschüre steht der aktuelle Stand des Wissens zu Emissionen und Schadstoffausträgen aus Bauprodukten. Die Broschüre geht den Fragen nach, wie charakteristische Emissionen aus Bauprodukten aussehen, welche Prüfmethoden zur Verfügung stehen und welche Bewertungsmaßstäbe es gibt. Sie enthält Informationen über Möglichkeiten zur Minderung von schädlichen Emissionen und Gerüchen aus Bauprodukten für beabsichtigte Bau- oder Renovierungsmaßnahmen. Die geltenden gesetzlichen Regelungen sowie weitere Kriterien und Kennzeichnungen, die bei der Produktauswahl behilflich sind, werden vorgestellt. Wir freuen uns, wenn wir damit dem Informationsbedarf bei Beschäftigten in Gesundheits-, Bauaufsichts-, Beschaffungs- und Umweltbehörden, bei Fachleuten in der Bauplanung und -ausführung, bei kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen und auch bei allen Interessierten entgegen kommen.
Quelle: UmweltbundesamtPublication Mindeststandards für Bauprodukte(2017) Ilvonen, Outi; Plehn, WolfgangPublication Resilience of biocide-free ETICS to microbiological growth in an accelerated weathering test(2023) Krueger, Nicole; Hofbauer, Wolfgang; Ilvonen, Outi; Thiel, AndréBiocide-free renders and coatings for external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) are now long-established on the market and contribute notably to the improvement of ETICS' environmental properties. A low likelihood of microbiological growth is a relevant criterion when choosing ETICS. We examined whether a previously developed accelerated weathering test would be able to determine the ETICS' resilience to microorganisms and be suitable as a standard instrument to check the fitness for use of biocide-free ETICS renders and coatings. 15 different combinations of renders and façade coatings, including both new and established products, were tested for 15 weeks under accelerated weathering. The used lifelike weather conditions derived from climate data on an average autumn day in Holzkirchen, Bavaria are favourable for microbiological growth. Specimens were inoculated with a spore suspension containing fungi and algae typical for buildings derived from the institutes' own collection of building-relevant organisms. The results clearly show that biocide-free ETICS' coatings can be highly resistant to microbiological growth. Of the tested product variants, only two showed low or medium resilience. Additionally, we measured the formation of surface water condensation. Knowledge of the amount of condensation water accumulated during dew point shortfall usually confirms the results of the accelerated weathering test. However, contradictory results also exist. This can be explained by different evaporation times of condensation water on the surface of renders. The evaporation times depend on the render's inherent properties. Our results confirm that the used accelerated weathering setup is a suitable standard instrument to assess and compare the resilience of biocide free ETICS to microbial infestation. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Publication Assessing release of hazardous substances from construction products - Review of 10 years of experience with a horizontal approach in the European Union(2013) Ilvonen, OutiAspects like compressive strength or fire resistance are familiar requirements for construction products,and have been addressed by product standard developers for decades. New requirements concerninghealth and environmental aspects of construction products have appeared gradually during the last twodecennia. The EU legislation for construction products has promoted the performance approach. Thismeans that it is not enough to list environmentally benign materials in administrative provisions andstandards. To assess a products emission performance reliable test methods are needed and any requirementsmust be backed up with test methods. This article reviews the development and harmonizationof assessment methods for the release of hazardous substances from construction products,presents the results achieved so far in standardization and makes recommendations regarding the futureuse of the new horizontal assessment methods.Quelle: Elsevier, 2013