Person: Grimski, Detlef
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Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet I.2.5 - Nachhaltige Raumentwicklung, Umweltprüfungen
Research Projects
Organizational Units
13 results
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Publication National reports with a review and synthesis of the collated information(2016) Brils, Jos M.; Maring, Linda; Minixhofer, Pia; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Sophie; Stangl, Rosemarie; Baumgarten, Andreas; Weigl, Martin; Tramberend, Peter; Bal, Nele; Peeters, Bavo; Klusáèek, Petr; Martinát, Stanislav; Frantál, Bohumil; Rehunen, Antti; Haavisto, Teija; Grimski, Detlef; Britschgi, Ritva; Pyy, Outi; Rintala, Jari; Shemeikka, Petri; Dictor, Marie-Christine; Coussy, Samuel; Guerin, Valérie; Merly, Corinne; Ferber, Uwe; Tabasso, Matteo; Chiodi, Sarah; Melis, Giulia; Starzewska-Sikorska, Anna; Panagopoulos, Thomas; Ferreira, Vera; Antunes, Dulce; Dumitru, Mihail; Stefanescu, Sorin Liviu; Vrinceanu, Andrei; Voicu, Valentina; Vrinceanu, Nicoleta; Finka, Maros; Kozova, Maria; Bartke, Stephan; European Commission. InspirationPublication Protecting the environment and climate - creating living space - improving quality of life(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Bartke, Stephan; Becken, Katja; Breitmeier, Maresa; Brozowski, Frank; DeTroy, Sarah Eileen; Grimski, Detlef; Ilvonen, Outi; Keßler, Hermann; Meilinger, Valentin; Messner, Dirk; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von ; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von; Schröder, Alice; Schuberth, Jens; Schubert, Susanne; Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtWe are facing an enormous challenge: the climate crisis and scarcity of resources require a consistent paradigm shift in housing construction and urban development. Quality of life, health and aesthetics must be combined with environmental, resource and climate protection. This position paper of the German Environment Agency and the Commission for Sustainable Building (KNBau) at the German Environment Agency presents recommendations for the creation of affordable housing that is environmentally, climate and resource efficient, and at the same time climate-adapted, health and socially compatible. The recommendations are primarily addressed to federal policy-makers, especially the departments of building and urban development, environment, climate protection, transport and health. Quelle: umweltbundesamt.dePublication The upcoming European Soil Health Law - chances and challenges for an effective soil protection(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Biegel-Engler, Annegret; Frauenstein, Jörg; Ginzky, Harald; Glante, Frank; Grimski, Detlef; Kotschik, Pia; Marx, Kirstin; Pieper, SilviaThe European Soil Strategy for 2030 by the European Commission has set the foundations for an overarching approach to the protection of soils in Europe. In this scientific opinion paper, the German Environment Agency (⥠UBA⥠) lays down its key recommendations for the upcoming Soil Health Law. Feedback on legislative options is provided and experience gained in Germany in the past years on soil protection and restoration is shared. Knowing the outstanding importance of soils for human and ecosystem health, UBA strongly agrees that a new binding European legislative framework on soils with high ambition is urgently needed. Quelle: Umweltbundesamt.dePublication Umwelt und Klima schützen - Wohnraum schaffen - Lebensqualität verbessern(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Bartke, Stephan; Becken, Katja; Breitmeier, Maresa; Brozowski, Frank; DeTroy, Sarah Eileen; Grimski, Detlef; Ilvonen, Outi; Keßler, Hermann; Meilinger, Valentin; Messner, Dirk; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von ; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von; Schröder, Alice; Schuberth, Jens; Schubert, Susanne; Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtDas Umweltbundesamt (UBA) und die Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt (KNBau) haben Empfehlungen zur umwelt-, klima- und ressour-censchonenden und gleichzeitig klimaangepassten, gesundheits- und sozialverträglichen Schaffung bezahlbaren Wohnraums vorgelegt. Im Zentrum steht dabei der Umbau und die Umnutzung des Gebäudebestands, um die Ziele für Klima- und Ressourcenschutz im Gebäudesektor zu erreichen. Die Empfehlungen richten sich in erster Linie an die Bundespolitik mit den Ressorts für Bau- und Stadtentwicklung, Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Verkehr und Gesundheit. Darüber hinaus sind weitere Akteure angesprochen, wie politische Entscheidungs-träger*innen auf EU-, Landes- und kommunaler Ebene, Verbände, Planungspraxis und die Fachöffentlichkeit. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication Umwelt und Klima schützen - Wohnraum schaffen - Lebensqualität verbessern(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Bartke, Stephan; Becken, Katja; Breitmeier, Maresa; Brozowski, Frank; DeTroy, Sarah Eileen; Grimski, Detlef; Ilvonen, Outi; Keßler, Hermann; Meilinger, Valentin; Messner, Dirk; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von ; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von; Schröder, Alice; Schuberth, Jens; Schubert, Susanne; Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtDas Umweltbundesamt (UBA) und die Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt (KNBau) haben Empfehlungen zur umwelt-, klima- und ressour-censchonenden und gleichzeitig klimaangepassten, gesundheits- und sozialverträglichen Schaffung bezahlbaren Wohnraums vorgelegt. Im Zentrum steht dabei der Umbau und die Umnutzung des Gebäudebestands, um die Ziele für Klima- und Ressourcenschutz im Gebäudesektor zu erreichen. Die Empfehlungen richten sich in erster Linie an die Bundespolitik mit den Ressorts für Bau- und Stadtentwicklung, Umwelt, Klimaschutz, Verkehr und Gesundheit. Darüber hinaus sind weitere Akteure angesprochen, wie politische Entscheidungs-träger*innen auf EU-, Landes- und kommunaler Ebene, Verbände, Planungspraxis und die Fachöffentlichkeit. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication INSPIRATION report concluding 2nd project phase: Enriched, updated and prioritised overview of the transnational shared state-of-the-art as input to develop a Strategic Research Agenda and for a matchmaking process(2016) Makeschin, Franz; Schröter-Schlaack, Christoph; Glante, Frank; Zeyer, Josef; Gorgon, Justyna; Grimski, Detlef; Ferber, Uwe; Villeneuve, Jacques; Bartke, Stephan; European Commission. InspirationPublication Public summary of D1.2(2016) Bartke, Stephan; Brils, Jos M.; Maring, Linda; Grimski, Detlef; Makeschin, Franz; Nathanail, Paul; Darmendrail, Dominique; Guérin, Valérie; European Commission. InspirationPublication Addressing goal conflicts: New policy mixes for commercial land use management(2022) Kosow, Hannah; Wassermann, Sandra; Grimski, Detlef; Bartke, StephanCommercial land use management that focuses on a future-oriented urban and regional development must address multiple goals. Effective policy mixes need to simultaneously (1) improve city-regional and inter-municipal cooperation, (2) reduce land take, and (3) assure the long-term economic development of a region. Using the Northern Black Forest in Germany as a case study, we brought together planning and land use research with public policy analysis. We applied cross-impact balances (CIB) to build and analyze a participatory policy-interaction model. Together with a group of 12 experts, we selected effective individual measures to reach each of the three goals and analyzed their interactions. We then assessed the current policy mix and designed alternative policy mixes. The results demonstrate that current approaches to commercial land use management present internal contradictions and generate only little synergies. Implementing innovative measures on a stand-alone basis runs the risk of not being sufficiently effective. In particular, the current practice of competing for municipal marketing and planning of commercial sites has inhibiting effects. We identified alternative policy mixes that achieve all three goals, avoid trade-offs, and generate significant synergy effects. Our results point towards a more coherent and sustainable city-regional (commercial) land-use governance. © 2022 by the authorsPublication INSPIRATION, a European research project on land use(2016) Bartke, Stephan; Ferber, Uwe; Grimski, DetlefPublication Soil and land use research in Europe: Lessons learned from INSPIRATION bottom-up strategic research agenda setting(2018) Bartke, Stephan; Boekhold, Alexandra E.; Brils, Jos M.; Ferber, Uwe; Grimski, DetlefWe introduce the INSPIRATION bottom-up approach for the development of a strategic research agenda for spatial planning, land use and soil-sediment-water-system management in Europe. Research and innovation needs were identified by more than 500 European funders, endusers, scientists, policy makers, public administrators and consultants. We report both on the concept and on the implementation of the bottom-up approach, provide a critique of the process and draw key lessons for the development of research agendas in the future. Based on identified strengths and weaknesses we identified as key opportunities and threats 1) a high ranking and attentiveness for the research topics on the political agenda, in press and media or in public awareness, 2) availability of funding for research, 3) the resources available for creating the agenda itself, 4) the role of the sponsor of the agenda development, and 5) the continuity of stakeholder engagement as bases for identification of windows of opportunity, creating ownership for the agenda and facilitating its implementation. Our derived key recommendations are 1) a clear definition of the area for which the agenda is to be developed and for the targeted user, 2) a conceptual model to structure the agenda, 3) making clear the expected roles, tasks, input formats regarding the involvement and communication with the stakeholders and project partners, 4) a sufficient number of iterations and checks of the agenda with stakeholders to insure completeness, relevance and creation of co-ownership for the agenda, and 5) from the beginning prepare the infrastructure for the network to implement the agenda. © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.