Schulz, Christine

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Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet II.1.2 - Toxikologie, gesundheitsbezogene Umweltbeobachtung

Research Projects

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    The exposure of German children and young adults to chemicals of concern
    (2013) Apel, Petra; Conrad, André; Fiddicke, Ulrike; Schröter-Kermani, Christa; Schulz, Christine; Seiwert, Margarete
  • Publication
    Phthalate metabolites in urine of children and adolescents in Germany. Human biomonitoring results of the German Environmental Survey GerES V, 2014-2017
    (2020) Conrad, André; Daniels, Anja; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa; Rucic, Enrico; Schmied-Tobies, Maria Irene Hilde; Schulz, Christine; Schwedler, Gerda
    During the population representative German Environmental Survey of Children and Adolescents (GerES V, 2014-2017) 2256 first-morning void urine samples from 3 to 17 years old children and adolescents were analysed for 21 metabolites of 11 different phthalates (di-methyl phthalate (DMP), di-ethyl phthalate (DEP), butylbenzyl phthalate (BBzP), di-iso-butyl phthalate (DiBP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP), di-cyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP), di-n-pentyl phthalate (DnPeP), di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), di-iso-nonyl phthalate (DiNP), di-iso-decyl phthalate (DiDP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DnOP)). Metabolites of DMP, DEP, BBzP, DiBP, DnBP, DEHP, DiNP and DiDP were found in 97-100% of the participants, DCHP and DnPeP in 6%, and DnOP in none of the urine samples. Geometric means (GM) were highest for metabolites of DiBP (MiBP: 26.1 my g/L), DEP (MEP: 25.8 my g/L), DnBP (MnBP: 20.9 my g/L), and DEHP (cx-MEPP: 11.9 my g/L). For all phthalates but DEP, GMs were consistently higher in the 3-5 years old children than in the 14-17 years old adolescents. For DEHP, the age differences were most pronounced. All detectable phthalate biomarker concentrations were positively associated with the levels of the respective phthalate in house dust. In GerES V we found considerably lower phthalate biomarker levels than in the preceding GerES IV (2003-2006). GMs of biomarker levels in GerES V were only 18% (BBzP), 23% (MnBP), 23% (DEHP), 29% (MiBP) and 57% (DiNP) of those measured a decade earlier in GerES IV. However, some children and adolescents still exceeded health-based guidance values in the current GerES V. 0.38% of the participants had levels of DnBP, 0.08% levels of DEHP and 0.007% levels of DiNP which were higher than the respective health-based guidance values. Accordingly, for these persons an impact on health cannot be excluded with sufficient certainty. The ongoing and substantial exposure of vulnerable children and adolescents to many phthalates confirms the need of a continued monitoring of established phthalates, whether regulated or not, as well as of potential substitutes. With this biomonitoring approach we provide a picture of current individual and cumulative exposure developments and body burdens to phthalates, thus providing support for timely and effective chemicals policies and legislation. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
  • Publication
    Hexamoll® DINCH and DPHP metabolites in urine of children and adolescents in Germany. Human biomonitoring results of the German Environmental Survey GerES V, 2014-2017
    (2019) Conrad, André; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Rucic, Enrico; Schmied-Tobies, Maria Irene Hilde; Schulz, Christine; Schwedler, Gerda
    The production and use of the plasticisers Hexamoll® DINCH (di-(iso-nonyl)-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate) and DPHP (di-(2-propylheptyl) phthalate) have increased after both chemicals were introduced into the market in the early 2000s as substitutes for restricted high molecular weight phthalates. During the population representative German Environmental Survey (GerES) of Children and Adolescents (GerES V, 2014-2017), we collected urine samples and measured the concentrations of DINCH and DPHP metabolites in 2228 and in a subsample of 516 participants, respectively. We detected DINCH and DPHP metabolites in 100% and 62% of the 3-17 years old children and adolescents, respectively. Geometric means of DINCH metabolites were 2.27 myg/L for OH-MINCH, 0.93 myg/L for oxo-MINCH, 1.14 myg/L for cx-MINCH and 3.47 myg/L for DINCH (Sigma of OH-MINCH + cx-MINCH). Geometric means of DPHP metabolites were 0.30 myg/L for OH-MPHP, 0.32 myg/L for oxo-MPHP and 0.64 myg/L for DPHP (Sigma of OH-MPHP + oxo-MPHP). The 3-5 years old children had almost 3-fold higher DINCH biomarkers levels than adolescents (14-17 years). Higher concentrations of DPHP biomarkers among young children only became apparent after creatinine adjustment. Urinary levels of DINCH but not of DPHP biomarkers were associated with the levels of the respective plasticisers in house dust. When compared to HBM health-based guidance values, we observed no exceedance of the HBM-I value of 1 mg/L for DPHP (Sigma of OH-MPHP + oxo-MPHP). However, 0.04% of the children exceeded the health based guidance value HBM-I of 3 mg/L for DINCH (Sigma of OH-MINCH + cx-MINCH). This finding shows that even a less toxic replacement of restricted chemicals can reach exposures in some individuals, at which, according to current knowledge, health impacts cannot be excluded with sufficient certainty. In conclusion, we provide representative data on DINCH and DPHP exposure of children and adolescents in Germany. Further surveillance is warranted to assess the substitution process of plasticisers, and to advise exposure reduction measures, especially for highly exposed children and adolescents. Providing the results to the European HBM Initiative HBM4EU will support risk assessment and risk management not only in Germany but also in Europe. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH
  • Thumbnail Image
    Die Deutsche Umweltstudie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen 2014-2017 (GerES V)
    (2015) Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schulz, Christine
    Das Umweltbundesamt untersucht mit der Deutschen Umweltstudie zur Gesundheit 2014-2017 die gesundheitsrelevante Belastung 3- bis 17-jähriger Kinder und Jugendlicher durch Umweltfaktoren. Bei den zufällig ausgewählten Kindern und Jugendlichen aus 167 zufällig ausgewählten Orten werden Schadstoffe im menschlichen Körper (in Blut und Urin), der Wohn-Innenraumluft, im Hausstaub, im häuslichen Trinkwasser und der Schallpegel im Wohnumfeld gemessen sowie belastungsrelevante Wohnbedingungen und Verhaltensweisen in standardisierten Interviews erfragt. Die Ergebnisse liefern die Grundlage dafür, die Öffentlichkeit besser über mögliche Risiken informieren und wirksame Maßnahmen zur Verringerung und Vermeidung von Schadstoffbelastungen ergreifen zu können. GerES V trägt dazu bei die Gesundheit der heranwachsenden Generation zu schützen und zu fördern.
  • Publication
    Die Deutsche Umweltstudie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen 2014-2017 (GerES V)
    (2017) Gies, Andreas; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schulz, Christine
  • Publication
    Epidemiologische Studien mit Umweltbezug in Deutschland
    (2018) Schneider, Alexandra; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Rückerl, Regina; Standl, Marie; Schulz, Christine
    Unsere Umwelt beeinflusst Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden des Menschen, von der Geburt bis ins hohe Alter. In diesem Überblick werden die wichtigsten epidemiologischen Studien und Gesundheitsmonitoringsysteme in Deutschland erläutert, die unter anderem auch Umwelteinflüsse in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen untersuchen und Gesundheitseffekte abschätzen. Die darin jeweils untersuchten Umweltfaktoren werden beschrieben. Diese Studien an Kindern und Erwachsenen schaffen eine Basis für Vorhersagen und präventive Maßnahmen. Die hohe Anzahl der erfassten umweltbezogenen Faktoren und die Intensität ihrer Untersuchung unterscheiden sich in den Studien, ebenso wie die (phänotypische) Charakterisierung der Studienteilnehmenden. Dennoch bilden die gewonnenen Daten eine Grundlage für die zukünftige Forschungsarbeit. Hierzu ist allerdings eine flächendeckende dauerhafte Erfassung der Daten zu den verschiedenen Umweltfaktoren notwendig. Da der Anteil der in städtischen Gebieten lebenden Bevölkerung in Zukunft weiter steigen wird, werden Umweltfaktoren wie Luftverschmutzung, Lufttemperatur, Lärm, aber auch soziale Ungerechtigkeit zukünftig die Gesundheit und Lebensqualität der Bevölkerung maßgeblich beeinflussen. Die Herausforderung einer alternden Gesellschaft, aber auch die mögliche Adaptation der Bevölkerung an diverse Umweltstimuli machen einen multidisziplinären Ansatz erforderlich. Gerade aus umweltepidemiologischer Sicht sind hier die gesammelten Daten der in diesem Artikel aufgezeigten Kohortenstudien in Deutschland ein wertvoller Schatz, denn nur damit können Zusammenhänge zwischen Umwelteinflüssen und Gesundheit erforscht und public-health-relevante präventive Maßnahmen identifiziert werden. Die NAKO-Gesundheitsstudie, die in den kommenden Jahrzehnten die größte verfügbare Ressource für Gesundheitsdaten sein wird, sollte in zukünftige Aktivitäten zur Erforschung von Umwelteinflüssen eingebunden werden. © Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2018
  • Thumbnail Image
    Deutsche Umweltstudie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen 2014-2017 (GerES) - Ergebnisse der Zufriedenheitsbefragung
    (2018) Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Moldenhauer, Jennifer; Schulz, Christine; Schwedler, Gerda
  • Publication
    The German Environmental Survey for Children and Adolescents 2014-2017 (GerES V) - Study population, response rates and representativeness
    (2021) Conrad, André; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Peisker, Jasmin; Reiber, Lena; Rucic, Enrico; Schulz, Christine
    The German Environmental Survey (GerES) is a population-representative, cross-sectional study on environ-mental exposures of the general population of Germany. GerES has repeatedly been conducted since 1985 by the German Environment Agency (UBA) in close collaboration with the Health Interview and Examination Surveys of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). In the German Environmental Survey for Children and adolescents 2014-2017 (GerES V) pollutants and other environmental stressors were measured in human samples as well as in the homes of 3- to 17-year-old children and adolescents. Interviews were conducted about health-related behaviors and living conditions. The GerES V basic program encompassed examinations of whole blood, blood plasma, morning urine and drinking water samples, measurements of ultrafine particles and noise levels, comprehensive stan-dardized interviews, and self-administrated questionnaires. Additional modules on volatile organic compounds and aldehydes, particulate matter (PM2.5) in indoor air, organic compounds in drinking water and pollutants in house dust were conducted in subsamples. Potential GerES V participants were identified and attained by the RKI from those participants who were examined and interviewed for the cross-sectional component of the second follow-up to the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS Wave 2). The gross sample of GerES V comprised 3031 children and adolescents of which 2294 finally took part in the survey. This equals a total response rate of 75.7 %. Response rates varied, depending on region, type of mu-nicipality, age and sex, from 66.0 % to 78.3 %. By calculating individual case weights, discrepancies due to sample design and non-response between the GerES V sample and the whole population could be considered in statistical analysis. Therefore, the representativeness of the GerES V results with regard to age, sex, community size and region was assured. © 2021 Elsevier GmbH.