Scutaru, Ana Maria

Ana Maria


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  • Veröffentlichung
    Innenraumluftqualität nach Einbau von Bauprodukten in energieeffizienten Gebäuden
    (2016) Müller, Birgit; Mertes, Alexander; Scutaru, Ana Maria; Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    Ziel des Vorhabens war es, eine Bestandsaufnahme in größerem Umfang zu erhalten, ob die beim Einbau verwendeten Bauprodukte, die die Prüfkriterien des Ausschusses zur gesundheitlichen Bewertung von Bauprodukten (AgBB) erfüllen oder nach vergleichbaren Standards ausgewählt wurden, in der Praxis nach Einbau, tatsächlich zu Innenräumen frei von Geruchs- und Reizstoffen führen können. Hierfür sollte die Innenraumluftqualität nach Einbau von Bauprodukten in energetisch sanierten Gebäuden am Beispiel des Dienstgebäudes Bismarckplatz des Umweltbundesamtes (UBABP) in Berlin untersucht werden. Das Gebäude sollte zwischen 2011 und 2014 umfassend saniert werden. Hauptgegenstand des Untersuchungsauftrags an Dritte war die Erfassung der Geruchsemissionen aus Bauprodukten und der geruchlichen Situation in Innenräumen nach Einbau der Materialien (Bestimmung der Geruchsintensität und der Hedonik). In Ergänzung zu den Geruchsmessungen erfolgten im Rahmen der UBA-Eigenforschung Messungen des Raumluftgehaltes an flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen (VOC und Aldehyde). Weiterhin wurden olfaktorische und analytische Untersuchungen von verschiedenen Wand- sowie Fußbodenaufbauten in den Prüfräumen des eco-INSTITUTs in Köln durchgeführt. Aufgrund der Verschiebung des Beginns der Sanierungsarbeiten am Dienstgebäude Bismarckplatz wurde, in Abstimmung mit dem UBA undBMUB, eine Änderung der Leistungsbeschreibung vorgenommen. Als Untersuchungsobjekte wurden der Neubau des UBA "Haus 2019" und eine zu sanierende Etage in einem Bürogebäude ausgesucht.Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Health-based evaluation of chemical emissions to indoor air from construction products: Development and application of the EU-LCI harmonisation framework
    (2016) Crump, Derrick; Brouwere, Katleen De; Däumling, Christine; Harrison, Paul; Scutaru, Ana Maria; Wolkoff, Peder
  • Veröffentlichung
    Sensory evaluation of building products and various indoor settings - results of a research project
    (2017) Scutaru, Ana Maria; Mertes, Alexander; Müller, Birgit
  • Veröffentlichung
    Risk mitigation for indoor air quality using the example of construction products - efforts towards a harmonization of the health-related evaluation in the EU
    (2020) Scutaru, Ana Maria; Witterseh, Thomas
    In Europe, the Construction Products Regulation sets harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products with the objective of protecting the building users' health. Until now only three European countries have implemented requirements for the assessment of VOC emissions from construction products. Therefore, the European Commission is planning the issue of a delegated act on the communication of VOC emissions from construction products in the form of VOC classes. A key prerequisite for defining the VOC classes is the completion of the EU-LCI list currently being carried out by a group of experts from ten European countries. This paper reports on the development of the VOC class concept, the progress of the EU-LCI harmonization framework and Germany's current efforts to ensure a high level of health protection for building users and avoid dangers from construction product emissions. © 2020 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
  • Veröffentlichung
    European harmonization of health criteria for construction products: progress and current challenges
    (2018) Scutaru, Ana Maria
    In Europe, the Construction Products Regulation sets harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products with the objective of protecting the building users' health. However, until now only three European countries have implemented requirements for the assessment of VOC emissions from construction products. The European Commission has recognized the insufficient implementation of health require ents and is therefore currently planning the issue of a delegated act on the communication of VOC emissions from construction products in the form of "VOC Classes". A key prerequisite for defining the VOC classes is the completion of the EU-LCI list currently being carried out by a group of experts from ten European countries. This paper reports on the development of the VOC class concept, the progress of the EU-LCI harmonization framework and Germany's current efforts to ensure a high health protection level of building users and avoid dangers from construction product emissions. (Ana Maria Scutaru)
  • Veröffentlichung
    A review of critical residential buildings parameters and activities when investigating indoor air quality and pollutants
    (2022) Baeza, María Teresa; Dudzinska, Marzenna R.; Torkmahalleh, Mehdi Amouei; Scutaru, Ana Maria
    Indoor air in residential dwellings can contain a variety of chemicals, sometimes present at concentrations or in combinations which can have a negative impact on human health. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) surveys are often required to characterize human exposure or to investigate IAQ concerns and complaints. Such surveys should include sufficient contextual information to elucidate sources, pathways, and the magnitude of exposures. The aim of this review was to investigate and describe the parameters that affect IAQ in residential dwellings: building location, layout, and ventilation, finishing materials, occupant activities, and occupant demography. About 180 peer-reviewed articles, published from 01/2013 to 09/2021 (plus some important earlier publications), were reviewed. The importance of the building parameters largely depends on the study objectives and whether the focus is on a specific pollutant or to assess health risk. When considering classical pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the building parameters can have a significant impact on IAQ, and detailed information of these parameters needs to be reported in each study. Research gaps and suggestions for the future studies together with recommendation of where measurements should be done are also provided. © 2022 The Authors.