Person: Rauert, Caren
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Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet IV.1.1 - Internationales Chemikalienmanagement
Research Projects
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11 results
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Publication Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten zu Hexabromcyclododecan (HBCD)(2015) Apel, Petra; Beer, Inga; Bolland, Til; Debiak, Malgorzata; Dettling, Folke; Koch-Jugl, Juliane; Rauert, Caren; Stolzenberg, Hans-Christian; Wuttke, Joachim; Tietjen, Lars; Walther, Mareike; Wurbs, JohannaFür das Flammschutzmittel Hexabromcyclododecan (HBCD) gilt seit Frühjahr 2016 in der EU ein weitgehendes Handels- und Verwendungsverbot. HBCD war lange das wirtschaftlich wichtigste Flammschutzmittel für Polystyrol-Dämmstoffe – entsprechend gibt es für Dämmstoffe aus expandiertem Polystyrol (EPS) noch Übergangsregeln. Das weltweite Aus war 2013 eingeleitet worden, als HBCD unter der internationalen Stockholm-Konvention als in der Umwelt schwer abbaubarer organischer Schadstoff (POP) identifiziert wurde. Das Verbot wird zurzeit von allen an der Konvention beteiligten Staaten stufenweise eingeführt. In unserem aktualisierten Hintergrundpapier haben wir für Sie zusammengestellt, warum der Stoff nicht mehr verwendet werden soll, welche Verbote in der Europäischen Union (EU) bereits ab März 2016 gelten und wo es noch Übergangsfristen gibt. Wir erläutern, welche Alternativen vorliegen und wie HBCD-haltige Dämmstoffe zu entsorgen sind.Publication Häufig gestellte Fragen und Antworten zu Hexabromcyclododecan (HBCD)(2016) Apel, Petra; Beer, Inga; Bolland, Til; Debiak, Malgorzata; Dettling, Folke; Koch-Jugl, Juliane; Rauert, Caren; Stolzenberg, Hans-Christian; Wuttke, Joachim; Tietjen, Lars; Walther, Mareike; Wurbs, Johanna; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtFür das Flammschutzmittel Hexabromcyclododecan (HBCD) gilt seit Frühjahr 2016 in der EU ein weitgehendes Handels- und Verwendungsverbot. HBCD war lange das wirtschaftlich wichtigste Flammschutzmittel für Polystyrol-Dämmstoffe Ń entsprechend gibt es für Dämmstoffe aus expandiertem Polystyrol (EPS) noch Übergangsregeln. Das weltweite Aus war 2013 eingeleitet worden, als HBCD unter der internationalen Stockholm-Konvention als in der Umwelt schwer abbaubarer organischer Schadstoff (POP) identifiziert wurde. Das Verbot wird zurzeit von allen an der Konvention beteiligten Staaten stufenweise eingeführt. In unserem aktualisierten Hintergrundpapier haben wir für Sie zusammengestellt, warum der Stoff nicht mehr verwendet werden soll, welche Verbote in der Europäischen Union (EU) bereits ab März 2016 gelten und wo es noch Übergangsfristen gibt. Wir erläutern, welche Alternativen vorliegen und wie HBCD-haltige Dämmstoffe zu entsorgen sind. Quelle: UmweltbundesamtPublication Food web on ice: a pragmatic approach to investigate the trophic magnification of chemicals of concern(2021) Kosfeld, Verena; Koschorreck, Jan; Rüdel, Heinz; Schlechtriem, Christian; Rauert, CarenBackground The trophic magnification factor (TMF) is a metric that describes the average trophic magnification of a chemical through a food web. TMFs may be used for the risk assessment of chemicals, although TMFs for single compounds can vary considerably between studies despite thorough guidance available in the literature to eliminate potential sources of error. The practical realization of a TMF investigation is quite complex and often only a few chemicals can be investigated due to low sample masses. This study evaluated whether a pragmatic approach involving the large-scale cryogenic sample preparation practices of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) is feasible. This approach could provide sufficient sample masses for a reduced set of samples allowing screenings for a broad spectrum of substances and by that enabling a systematic comparison of derived TMFs. Furthermore, it was assessed whether plausible TMFs can be derived with the â€ÌFood web on iceâ€Ì approach via a comparison with literature TMF values. Results This investigation at Lake Templin near Potsdam is the first TMF study for a German freshwater ecosystem and aimed to derive TMFs that are appropriate for regulatory purposes. A set of 15 composite biota samples was obtained and analyzed for an extended set of benchmark chemicals such as persistent organic pollutants, mercury and perfluoroalkyl substances. TMFs were calculated for all substances that were present in†>†80% of the biota samples. For example, in the case of polychlorinated biphenyls, TMFs from 1.7 to 2.5 were determined and comparisons to literature TMFs determined in other freshwater ecosystems showed similarities. We showed that 32 out of 35 compounds analyzed had TMFs significantly above 1. In the remaining three cases, the correlations were not statistically significant. Conclusions The derived food web samples allow for an on-demand analysis and are ready-to-use for additional investigations. Since substances with non-lipophilic accumulation properties were also included in the list of analyzed substances, we conclude that the 'Food web on ice' provides samples which could be used to characterize the trophic magnification potential of substances with unknown bioaccumulation properties in the future which in return could be compared directly to the benchmarking patterns provided here. © The Author(s) 2021Publication Bioakkumulation in der Stoffbewertung(2013) Rauert, CarenPublication Selection and application of trophic magnification factors for priority substances to normalize freshwater fish monitoring data under the European Water Framework Directive: a case study(2020) Rüdel, Heinz; Duffek, Anja; Kosfeld, Verena; Fliedner, Annette; Koschorreck, Jan; Rauert, CarenBackground The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the monitoring of biota-preferably fish - to check the compliance of tissue concentrations of priority substances (PS) against substance-specific environmental quality standards (EQSs). In monitoring programs, different fish species are covered, which often are secondary consumers with a trophic level (TL) of about 3. For harmonization, a normalization of monitoring data to a common trophic level is proposed, i.e., TL 4 (predatory fish) in freshwaters, so that data would be sufficiently protective. For normalization, the biomagnification properties of the chemicals can be considered by applying substance-specific trophic magnification factors (TMFs). Alternatively, TL-corrected biomagnification factors (BMFTLs) may be applied. Since it is impractical to derive site-specific TMFs or BMFTLs, often data from literature will be used for normalization. However, available literature values for TMFs and BMFTLs are quite varying. In the present study, the use of literature-derived TMFs and BMFTLs in data normalization is studied more closely. Results An extensive literature evaluation was conducted to identify appropriate TMFs for the WFD PS polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), hexachlorobenzene, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), dioxins and dioxin-like compounds (PCDD/F+dl-PCB), hexabromocyclododecane, and mercury. The TMFs eventually derived were applied to PS monitoring data sets of fish from different trophic levels (chub, bream, roach, and perch) from two German rivers. For comparison, PFOS and PBDE data were also normalized using literature-retrieved BMFTLs. Conclusions The evaluation illustrates that published TMFs and BMFTLs for WFD PS are quite variable and the selection of appropriate values for TL 4 normalization can be challenging. The normalized concentrations partly included large uncertainties when considering the range of selected TMFs, but indicated whether an EQS exceedance at TL 4 can be expected. Normalization of the fish monitoring data revealed that levels of substances accumulating in the food web (TMF or BMF>1) can be underestimated when relying on fish with TL<4 for EQS compliance assessment. The evaluation also revealed that TMF specifically derived for freshwater ecosystems in Europe would be advantageous. Field-derived BMFTLs seemed to be no appropriate alternative to TMFs, because they can vary even stronger than TMFs. © The Author(s) 2020Publication Answers to frequently asked questions to Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD)(2016) Apel, Petra; Beer, Inga; Bolland, Til; Debiak, Malgorzata; Dettling, Folke; Koch-Jugl, Juliane; Rauert, Caren; Stolzenberg, Hans-Christian; Wuttke, Joachim; Tietjen, Lars; Walther, Mareike; Wurbs, Johanna; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn May 2013 the chemical hexabromocyclododecane, or HBCD, was identified as a persistent organic pollutant (POP) under the international Stockholm Convention. This means that a worldwide ban on the sale and application of the chemical will soon become effective. For a long time HBCD was the most economically significant flame retardant used in polystyrene foam for insulation materials. We have compiled information about why the chemical will no longer be used, what transitional phases are likely to be in effect in the EU, what the alternatives are, and how to dispose of insulation materials which contain HBCD. Quelle: UmweltbundesamtPublication National implementation plan of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Stockholm Convention(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Rauert, Caren; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn the National Implementation Plan, Germany describes the measures taken to implement the obligations under the Stockholm Convention. These include both the legal measures implementing these obligations into national and European law and measures to reduce or eliminate releases of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from intentional and unintentional production and use as well as from stockpiles and wastes. Also, measures for public information, awareness developing and education as well as research, development and monitoring are included. The National Implementation Plan is reviewed periodically. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication Nationaler Durchführungsplan der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Stockholmer Übereinkommen(Umweltbundesamt, 2017) Rauert, Caren; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtMit dem Nationalen Umsetzungsplan beschreibt Deutschland die Maßnahmen, die zur Umsetzung der Verpflichtungen des Stockholmer Übereinkommens ergriffen wurden. Dies beinhaltet sowohl die rechtlichen Grundlagen auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene wie auch die getroffenen Maßnahmen. Zu diesen Maßnahmen gehört die Verringerung oder Verhinderung der Freisetzung von persistenten organischen Schadstoffen (POPs) aus beabsichtigter und unbeabsichtigter Produktion und aus Verwendung, und von Freisetzungen aus Lagerbeständen und Abfällen. Ebenso gehören Maßnahmen zur Information, Bewusstseinsbildung und Aufklärung dazu sowie zur Forschung, Entwicklung und Überwachung. Der Nationale Umsetzungsplan wird in Abständen von einigen Jahren überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.dePublication Berlin statement on legacy and emerging contaminants in polar regions(2023) Ebinghaus, Ralf; Barbaro, Elena; Nash, Susan Bengtson; Herata, Heike; Koschorreck, Jan; Küster, Anette; Rauert, CarenPolar regions should be given greater consideration with respect to the monitoring, risk assessment, and management of potentially harmful chemicals, consistent with requirements of the precautionary principle. Protecting the vulnerable polar environments requires (i) raising political and public awareness and (ii) restricting and preventing global emissions of harmful chemicals at their sources. The Berlin Statement is the outcome of an international workshop with representatives of the European Commission, the Arctic Council, the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), environmental specimen banks, and data centers, as well as scientists from various international research institutions. The statement addresses urgent chemical pollution issues in the polar regions and provides recommendations for improving screening, monitoring, risk assessment, research cooperation, and open data sharing to provide environmental policy makers and chemicals management decision-makers with relevant and reliable contaminant data to better protect the polar environments. The consensus reached at the workshop can be summarized in just two words: "Act now!" Specifically, "Act now!" to reduce the presence and impact of anthropogenic chemical pollution in polar regions by. -Establishing participatory co-development frameworks in a permanent multi-disciplinary platform for Arctic-Antarctic collaborations and establishing exchanges between the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) of the Arctic Council and the Antarctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AnMAP) of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to increase the visibility and exchange of contaminant data and to support the development of harmonized monitoring programs. -Integrating environmental specimen banking, innovative screening approaches and archiving systems, to provide opportunities for improved assessment of contaminants to protect polar regions. © 2023 The AuthorsPublication Answers to frequently asked questions to Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD)(2017) Apel, Petra; Beer, Inga; Bolland, Til; Debiak, Malgorzata; Dettling, Folke; Koch-Jugl, Juliane; Rauert, Caren; Stolzenberg, Hans-Christian; Wuttke, Joachim; Tietjen, Lars; Walther, Mareike; Wurbs, Johanna; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn May 2013 the chemical hexabromocyclododecane, or HBCD, was identified as a persistent organic pollutant (POP) under the international Stockholm Convention. This means that a worldwide ban on the sale and application of the chemical will soon become effective. For a long time HBCD was the most economically significant flame retardant used in polystyrene foam for insulation materials. We have compiled information about why the chemical will no longer be used, what transitional phases are likely to be in effect in the EU, what the alternatives are, and how to dispose of insulation materials which contain HBCD. Quelle: Umweltbundesamt