Oehme, Ines



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  • Veröffentlichung
    Effectively tackling the issue of millions of vehicles with unknown whereabouts
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Kitazume, Christian; Kohlmeyer, Regina; Oehme, Ines; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    6 million end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) are disposed of in the EU each year according to Eurostat statistics. However, annually, the fate of an additional 3.4 to 4.7 million deregistered vehicles is unaccounted for. A substantial share of this efflux is likely to be illegally treated or exported, thereby potentially causing environmental damage and harming European economies. To halt unauthorised treatment and illegal export of these vehicles with unknown whereabouts, an appropriate European framework for national vehicle registration systems is needed to effectively prevent leakage and intrinsically direct all ELVs into the more than 13,000 authorised treatment facilities. The certificate of destruction (CoD) as the current steering instrument under the ELV Directive 2000/53/EC can only be effective if embedded into appropriate vehicle registration/ deregistration systems. The German Environment Agency therefore recommends to complement the CoD by the following minimum requirements for national vehicle registration systems. Quelle: E-Book
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    UBA's key aspects to increase plastic recycling and the use of recyclates
    (2017) Fabian, Matthias; Heutling, Susanne; Jung, Matthias; Körber-Ziegengeist, Grit; Kovacs, Daniel; Krause, Susann; Moser, Heidrun; Oehme, Ines; Krüger, Franziska; Weiss, Volker; Wurbs, Johanna
    The recycling of plastic waste and the use of recyclates in new products conserve primary raw materials and, unlike the production from crude oil, save energy and reduce CO2 emissions. Recycling (i.e. material recovery) is usually the most environmentally friendly choice among waste management processes. Consequently, material recovery from waste is at the top of the recovery options in the Circular Economy Act̷s waste hierarchy. Nevertheless, plastic waste in Germany is predominantly recovered for energy. The recycling of plastic waste has remained at a low level for years, even though significantly more plastics could be reclaimed in this way. The causes are varied, therefore a range of measures and tools are required aimed at the elimination of barriers and at the promotion of high-quality plastic recycling and use of recyclates. This paper presents the German Environment Agency̷s view as to which measures and tools should be applied. Quelle: Verlagsinformation
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    Recommendations for the revision of the packaging and packaging waste Directive 1994/62/EG
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2021) Boße, Jasmin; Fabian, Matthias; Friedrich, Norman; Grimminger, Sonia; Kerellaj, Samir; Kotschik, Gerhard; Krüger, Franziska; Oehme, Ines; Seifert, Kim; Wagner, Isabel; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    Over the past 10 years, the amount of packaging generated across the EU has increased by almost 18 percent, with around 66 percent of packaging waste being recycled. The revision of the Packaging Directive should therefore primarily help to strengthen waste prevention, the recyclability of packaging and the use of recyclates and further develop information requirements. Material requirements should be stipulated in the Directive itself, supplemented by the possibility to set, if necessary, more extensive requirements for certain types of packaging in downstream legal acts. In a scientific opinion paper, the German Environment Agency presents a regulatory concept and recommendations in this regard. Quelle: