Bannick, Claus Gerhard

Claus Gerhard


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 11
  • Veröffentlichung
    Kunststoffe und Mikrokunststoffe in der Umwelt
    (2019) Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Braun, Ulrike
  • Veröffentlichung
    Analysis of polyethylene microplastics in environmental samples, using a thermal decomposition method
    (2015) Dümichen, Erik; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Barthel, Anne-Kathrin; Braun, Ulrike; Brand, Kathrin; Jekel, Martin; Senz, Rainer
    Small polymer particles with a diameter of less than 5 mm called microplastics find their way into the environment from polymer debris and industrial production. Therefore a method is needed to identify and quantify microplastics in various environmental samples to generate reliable concentration values. Such concentration values, i.e. quantitative results, are necessary for an assessment of microplastic in environmental media. This was achieved by thermal extraction in thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), connected to a solid-phase adsorber. These adsorbers were subsequently analysed by thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry (TDS-GC-MS). In comparison to other chromatographic methods, like pyrolyse gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), the relatively high sample masses in TGA (about 200 times higher than used in Py-GC-MS) analysed here enable the measurement of complex matrices that are not homogenous on a small scale. Through the characteristic decomposition products known for every kind of polymer it is possible to identify and even to quantify polymer particles in various matrices. Polyethylene (PE), one of the most important representatives for microplastics, was chosen as an example for identification and quantification.Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    A simple model approach for the desorption of DDT and related compounds from contaminated sediment to plastic polymers
    (2021) Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Kerndorff, Alexander; Braun, Ulrike; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias
  • Veröffentlichung
    Harmonisierung von Untersuchungsverfahren für (Mikro-)Plastik in der Umwelt
    (2019) Braun, Ulrike; Bannick, Claus Gerhard
  • Veröffentlichung
    Microplastics in the Danube River Basin: a first comprehensive screening with harmonized analytical approach
    (2022) Braun, Ulrike; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Bednarz, Marius; Kerndorf, Alexander; Lukas, Marcus; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias
    In this study, carried out within the Joint Danube Survey 4, a comprehensive microplastic screening in the water column within a large European river basin from its source to estuary, including major tributaries, was realized. The objective was to develop principles of a systematic and practicable microplastic monitoring strategy using sedimentation boxes for collection of suspended particulate matter followed by its subsequent analysis using thermal extraction desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In total, 18 sampling sites in the Danube River Basin were investigated. The obtained suspended particulate matter samples were subdivided into the fractions of >100 mikrom and <100 mikrom and subsequently analyzed for microplastic mass contents. The results showed that microplastics were detected in all samples, with polyethylene being the predominant polymer with maximum contents of 22.24 mikrog/mg, 3.23 mikrog/mg for polystyrene, 1.03 mikrog/mg for styrene-butadiene-rubber, and 0.45 mikrog/mg for polypropylene. Further, polymers such as different sorts of polyester, polyacrylates, polylactide, and natural rubber were not detected or below the detection limit. Additional investigations on possible interference of polyethylene signals by algae-derived fatty acids were assessed. In the context of targeted monitoring, repeated measurements provide more certainty in the interpretation of the results for the individual sites. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the chosen approach using an integrative sampling and determination of total plastic content proved to be successful. © 2022 The Authors
  • Veröffentlichung
    Plastik in Böden: Einträge, Verhalten und Verbleib
    (2022) Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Bauerfeld, Katrin; Bednarz, Marius; Braun, Ulrike
  • Veröffentlichung
    Garment ageing in a Laundry care process under household-like conditions
    (2023) Heller, Claudia; Altmann, Korinna; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Braun, Ulrike; Kerndorff, Alexander
    This study reflects typical consumer textile washing behaviour while taking into account existing standards in the household appliance and garment industries. Two garments were washed repeatedly with artificial dirt and detergent 30 times. The collected washing water was separated using fractional filtration. Textile physical tests were used to follow property changes of the garments, the microplastic release is determined using thermoextraction/desorbtionâ€Ìgas chromatography/mass spectrometry and the total organic carbon was measured as a sum parameter for the organic bonded carbon. This article shows the importance of a reality-based approach when investigating microplastics of textile origin in the laundry care process. Deposits of detergent and dirt on the textiles were detected. The total mass of sieve residues was much higher than the release of synthetic polymers. The cotton content of the garments causes a much higher fibre release than synthetic fibres. Both will lead to false results by purely gravimetric analysis because nonpolymer fibres will be included microplastic mass. The results cannot be generalised only by the main polymer type, knowledge of the textile construction must be included for final evaluation. © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
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    Konzeptvorschlag für die Auswahl zu untersuchender Mikroverunreinigungen in kommunalen Abwässern mittels physiko-chemischer Untersuchungsverfahren
    (2022) Braun, Ulrike; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Lukas, Marcus; Bachem, Gunnar; Obermaier, Nathan; Ricking, Mathias
  • Veröffentlichung
    A promising approach to monitor microplastic masses in composts
    (2023) Wiesner, Yosri; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Bednarz, Marius; Braun, Ulrike; Ricking, Mathias
    Inputs of plastic impurities into the environment via the application of fertilizers are regulated in Germany and the EU by means of ordinances. Robust and fast analytical methods are the basis of legal regulations. Currently, only macro- and large microplastic contents (>1 mm) are measured. Microplastics, are not yet monitored. Thermal analytical methods are suitable for this purpose, which can determine the mass content and can also be operated fully automatically in routine mode. Thermal extraction desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TED-GC/MS) allows the identification of polymers and the determination of mass contents in solid samples from natural environments. In accordance with the German or European Commission (EC) Fertiliser Ordinance, composting plants should be monitored for microplastic particles with this method in the future. In this context a compost plant was sampled. At the end of the rotting process, the compost was sieved and separated in a coarse (>1 mm) and a fine fraction (<1 mm). The fine fraction was processed using density separation comparing NaCl and NaI as possible salt alternative and screened for microplastic masses by TED-GC/MS with additional validation and quality assurance experiments. With TED-GC/MS total microplastics mass contents of 1.1-3.0 g/mg in finished compost could be detected with polyethylene mainly. What differs much to the total mass of plastics in the coarse fraction with up to 60 ug/mg, which were visually searched, identified via ATR-FTIR and gravimetrically weighted. © 2023 Wiesner, Bednarz, Braun, Bannick, Ricking and Altmann.
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    Development of a routine screening method for the microplastic mass content in a wastewater treatment plant effluent
    (2022) Goedecke, Caroline; Eisentraut, Paul; Bannick, Claus Gerhard; Altmann, Korinna; Barthel, Anne-Kathrin; Obermaier, Nathan; Braun, Ulrike; Ricking, Mathias
    An investigation of microplastic (MP) occurrence in a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent with tertiary treatment was carried out. Representative sample volumes of 1 m3 were taken by applying a fractionated filtration method (500, 100, and 50 (micro)m mesh sizes). The detection of MP mass fractions by thermal extraction desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TED-GC/MS) was achieved without the previously required additional sample pretreatment for the first time. Different types of quantification methods for the evaluation of TED-GC/MS data were tested, and their accuracy and feasibility have been proven for real samples. Polyethylene, polystyrene, and polypropylene were identified in effluent samples. The polymer mass content varied significantly between 5 and 50 mg m-3. A correlation between the MP load and the quantity of suspended matter in the WWTP effluents, particle size distribution, particle type, and operation day (i.e., weekday, season, and capacity) was not found. It can be concluded that a meaningful assessment of WWTPs requires a comprehensive sampling campaign with varying operation conditions. © 2022 The Authors