Staude, Claudia

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Deutschland, Umweltbundesamt, Fachgebiet IV.2.3-Chemikalien

Research Projects

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  • Publication
    Short-chain perfluoroalkyl acids: environmental concerns and a regulatory strategy under REACH
    (2018) Biegel-Engler, Annegret; Fetter, Èva; Brendel, Stephan; Fetter, Éva; Staude, Claudia; Vierke, Lena
    Background Short-chain PFASs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are widely used as alternatives to long-chain PFASs. Long-chain PFASs become gradually regulated under REACH (EC No. 1907/2006) and other international regulations, due to having persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties and/or being toxic for reproduction. The increasingly used short-chain PFASs are assumed to have a lower bioaccumulation potential. Nonetheless, they have other properties of concern and are already widely distributed in the environment, also in remote regions. The REACH Regulation does not directly address these emerging properties of concern, complicating the implementation of regulatory measures. Therefore, this study illustrates these environmental concerns and provides a strategy for a regulation of short-chain PFASs within REACH. Results Short-chain PFASs have a high mobility in soil and water, and final degradation products are extremely persistent. This results in a fast distribution to water resources, and consequently, also to a contamination of drinking water resources. Once emitted, short-chain PFASs remain in the environment. A lack of appropriate water treatment technologies results in everlasting background concentrations in the environment, and thus, organisms are permanently and poorly reversibly exposed. Considering such permanent exposure, it is very difficult to estimate long-term adverse effects in organisms. Short-chain PFASs enrich in edible parts of plants and the accumulation in food chains is unknown. Regarding these concerns and uncertainties, especially with respect to the precautionary principle, short-chain PFASs are of equivalent concern to PBT substances. Therefore, they should be identified as substances of very high concern (SVHC) under REACH. The SVHC identification should be followed by a restriction under REACH, which is the most efficient way to minimize the environmental and human exposure of short-chain PFASs in the European Union. Conclusion Due to an increasing use of short-chain PFASs, an effective regulation is urgently needed. The concerns of short-chain PFASs do not match the "classical" concerns as defined under REACH, but are not of minor concern. Therefore, it is of advantage to clearly define the concerns of short-chain PFASs. This might facilitate the following restriction process under REACH. © The Author(s) 2018
  • Publication
    Perfluorierte Carbonsäuren nicht nur Perfluoroctansäure (PFOA) ist besorgniserregend
    (2013) Staude, Claudia; Vierke, Lena
    Perfluorierte Carbonsäuren mit einer Kettenlänge von elf bis vierzehn Kohlenstoffatomen (C11-14 perfluoroalkyl carboxylicacids - PFCAs) sind ubiquitär in der Umwelt zu finden. DieKonzentrationen in Biota zeigen einen ansteigenden Trend.Eine Bewertung der Eigenschaften dieser Stoffe nach denKriterien des Annex XIII der europäischen ChemikalienverordnungREACH bestätigt die sehr persistenten und sehrbioakkumulierenden Eigenschaften der C11-14-PFCAs. Deshalbsind C11-14-PFCAs gemäß der REACH-Verordnungbesonders besorgniserregende Stoffe und seit Dezember2012 auf der Kandidatenliste gelistet. Die von diesen Stoffenausgehenden Risiken sind zu minimieren und die Stoffe durchAlternativstoffe oder -technologien zu ersetzen. Quelle: Mitt. Umweltchem. Ökotox, 19(2013)2, S.30