12 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung On the Future of Biogas Generation and Utilisation(2013) Balzer, Frederike; Ehlers, Knut; Schulz, DietrichThe use of biomass grown specifically for energy generation can have negative outcomes for environment protection and nature conservation. In this position paper, the Agriculture Commission at the German Federal Environment Agency (KLU) make suggestions for comprehensive ecological improvement.Veröffentlichung Fracking zur Schiefergasförderung(2014)Das UBA-Positionspapier zeigt, warum die Schiefergasförderung mittels Fracking in Deutschland kaum positiven Effekt auf Brennstoffpreise, Versorgungssicherheit, Importabhängigkeit und Deutschlands Klimabilanz haben kann. Außerdem beschreibt es die Leitplanken, die nötig sind, um die Risiken für Umwelt und Gesundheit zu minimieren.Veröffentlichung Integration of Power to Gas/ Power to Liquids into the ongoing transformation process(2016) Adlunger, Kirsten; Burger, Andreas; Hain, Benno; Klaus, Thomas; Lange, Martin; Lehmann, Harry; Mönch, Lars; Osiek, Dirk; Proske, Christopher; Purr, Katja; Schmied, Martin; Vollmer, CarlaPower to gas (PtG) is a technology for producing hydrogen and methane using electricity, while power to liquids (PtL) is an electricity-based process for the generation of liquid fuels. Jointly with other so-called power-to-x technologies PtG and PtL make it possible to provide renewable energies for all applications. This position paper assesses the role and prospects of the power-to-gas/power-to-liquids (PtG/PtL) technology in a fully renewable energy system and identifies, in particular, the challenges for integration and further development of this technology in the ongoing transformation process, which should be addressed in the next few years.Veröffentlichung Ambition lohnt sich: Wir brauchen ehrgeizige Bekenntnisse zum Klimaschutz(2014) Burger, Andreas; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtGegen den Klimawandel müssen unverzüglich Maßnahmen zur Minderung von Treibhausgasen ergriffen werden. Frühzeitig und ambitioniert zu handeln ist auch ökonomisch sinnvoll. Denn je später wir mit dem Klimaschutz beginnen, umso teurer wird er. Außerdem birgt eine Transformation hin zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Wirtschaft, insbesondere der Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien und die Steigerung der Energieeffizienz, auch wirtschaftliche Chancen. Klimaschutz schafft Wachstum und Beschäftigung. Dies zeigt sich für Deutschland und weltweit. Am 23. September 2014 kommen die Staats- und Regierungschefs zu einem UN-Sondergipfel in New York zusammen. Hier gilt es, die bisher zugesagten Minderungsanstrengungen bis 2020 zu erhöhen und mit ambitionierten Zusagen für eine neue Klimaschutzvereinbarung ab 2020 ein glaubwürdiges Zeichen für den globalen Klimaschutz zu setzen.
Quelle: VerlagsinformationVeröffentlichung Klimaschutzplan 2050 der Bundesregierung(2016)Ziel dieses Papiers ist es, konkrete Vorschläge und aus Sicht des Umweltbundesamtes notwendige Schritte für eine nachhaltige und ambitionierte Ausgestaltung in den Prozess zur Erstellung des Klimaschutzplanes 2050 der Bundesregierung einzuspeisen. Der Fokus liegt auf der Darstellung strategischer Maßnahmen und Instrumente für den Zeitraum 2020 bis 2030, die somit unmittelbar an das Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020 der Bundesregierung anschließen. Maßstab ist dabei der obere Rand des nationalen und europäischen Zielkorridors: eine Minderung der Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2050 um 95 Prozent. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Compatibility of the European Emissions Trading Scheme with interacting energy and climate policy instruments and measures(2016) Gibis, Claudia; Kühleis, Christoph; Weiß, Jan; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Lünenburger, Benjamin; Pfeiffer, David; Knoche, Guido; Landgrebe, JürgenThe European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is currently unable to fulfil its role as a leading climate policy instrument: surpluses in the market have pushed the price of emission allowances down over a long period of time and weakened incentives created by the EU ETS. The caps are structurally set too high and not sufficiently coordinated with interacting energy and climate policy instruments. Given the weak price signal from the EU ETS, more and more EU Member States are currently planning to introduce - or have already implemented - additional national climate or energy policy instruments in order to achieve their national climate protection targets. These additional emission mitigation measures however, can lead to a shift of emissions within the EU ETS and further weaken the price signal unless the allowance supply is reduced correspondingly. The new position paper of the German Environment Agency (UBA) provides concrete recommendations for the structural reform of the EU ETS in order to improve the compatibility with interacting energy and climate policy: The ETS cap-setting cycle should be shortened to five years and aligned with an ambitious long-term reduction path. The German Environment Agency recommends an increase of the linear reduction factor to at least 2.6 percent for the 2021Ń2025 period. The ETS cap must not be set above the predicted emissions. The adequacy of the cap level for the fourth trading period must be checked against the background of the known energy and climate policy instruments and then adjusted accordingly. The emission reducing effect of interacting climate and energy policies Ń at national and European level Ń needs to be recorded more carefully than previously and quantitatively taken into account for any determination of the ETS cap. Emission and demand reductions in the EU ETS triggered by interacting national policy measures must be counterbalanced by the Member States in the form of reductions in supply in the EU ETS (preferably by reducing auction volumes). Surpluses in the EU ETS that will accumulate until 2020 and partly transferred to the Market Stability Reserve (expected to be more than three billion allowances) should be, to a great extent, permanently cancelled. Quelle: UmweltbundesamtVeröffentlichung Coal-fired power generation and climate protection until 2030(2018) Gibis, Claudia; Hain, Benno; Klaus, Thomas; Knoche, Guido; Landgrebe, Jürgen; Leprich, Uwe; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Matthey, Astrid; Pfeiffer, David; Purr, Katja; Unnerstall, Herwig; Weiß, Jan; Werlein, Max; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtWith this position paper, the UBA proposes strategic measures and targeted climate policy instruments for achieving a reduction in coal-fired power generation for the period up until 2030. To achieve a disproportionately high reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the energy sector as a contribution to achieving the climate protection targets by 2020, the UBA recommends to limit coal-fired power generation to 4,000 full-load hours per year for hard coal and lignite power plants that are at least 20 years old and additional closure of at least 5 GW of the oldest lignite power plants. To ensure that the energy sector comfortably achieves its targeted reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the UBA recommends in addition to limit coal-fired power generation the closure of the oldest lignite and hard coal power plants following the Nuclear Power Phase-Out in 2022 to a maximum remaining output of 19 GW.Veröffentlichung Re-aligning the European Unions climate policy to the Paris Agreement(2018) Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtBy 2020, the Parties to the Paris Agreement should communicate or submit new, updated nationally determined contributions (NDC). For this exercise, the findings of the IPCC Special Report “Global Warming of 1.5°C” are especially relevant. In this light, a position paper of the German Environment Agency outlines how climate policy could be calibrated towards limiting warming to 1.5°C.Veröffentlichung Sustainable pathways out of the Corona crisis(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Gibis, Claudia; Kosmol, Jan; Matthey, Astrid; Schubert, Tim; Wehnemann, Kai; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Neßhöver, CarstenThe Covid 19 pandemic is causing considerable social and economic disruption worldwide. Short and midterm financial support measures for mitigating the acute consequences of the pandemic must be structured in a way, that they support the needed longterm changes towards a sustainable and climate-neutral society. The UBA position paper proposes an action plan for Germany, that takes into account the framework conditions for fostering a sustainable economy and that focuses on concrete measures in the building. mobility and energy sectors. As central element of all these measures, the European Green Deal must be implemented ambitiously. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Advanced materials(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Schwirn, Kathrin; Völker, Doris; Ahrens, Birgit; Berkner, Silvia; Blum, Christopher; Niederle, Werner; Süring, Kathrin; Tietjen, Lars; Vogel, Julia; Weißhaupt, PetraAdvanced materials promise technical solutions to support sustainable transformation. They play an important role for a variety of environmental topics worked on at UBA, such as energy transition, circular economy and chemical safety. Various sectors can benefit from the use of advanced materials, but they can also face challenges. The UBA position paper describes the area of tension between the promising use and possible challenges for environmental and health protection and other sustainability dimensions, illustrates this with various examples and derives corner stones for a safe and sustainable life cycle of advanced materials. Quelle: