
Dauerhafte URI für die Sammlunghttps://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/16



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  • Vorschaubild
    A resource-efficient Europe – A programme for climate, competitiveness and employment
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2016)
    An ambitious resource policy supports the development of an integrated, social and competitive Europe. Even though a global coordination for climate protection is economically, environmentally and socially necessary in the long term, the EU can provide a significant contribution to such a development singlehandedly. Doing so would even be of great economic advantage! The newest results of a comprehensive model show that. In separate scenarios they display a global solution, a European solo effort with predominantly market-based instruments, and the effects of an engaged civil society in the EU.
  • Vorschaubild
    Ein ressourceneffizientes Europa - Ein Programm für Klima, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Beschäftigung
    (2016) Umweltbundesamt. Ressourcenkommission
    Eine forcierte Ressourcenpolitik unterstützt die Entwicklung eines integrierten und sozialen wie wettbewerbsfähigen Europas. Auch wenn eine globaleAbstimmung zum Schutze des Klimas langfristig wirtschaftlich, ökologisch wie sozial notwendig ist, kann die Europäische Union (EU) einen erheblichen Beitrag zu einer solchen Entwicklung im Alleingang leisten. Es wäre sogar von großem wirtschaftlichem Vorteil! Das zeigen die neuesten Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Modellierung, die in getrennten Szenarien eine globale Lösung, einen europäischen Alleingang mit vorwiegend marktwirtschaftlichen Instrumenten sowie die Wirkungen eines engagierten Verhaltens der Zivilgesellschaft in der EU abbilden.Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de
  • Vorschaubild
    Umweltschutz unter TTIP
    (2015) Matthey, Astrid; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    Das geplante Freihandelsabkommen mit den USA (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - TTIP) hat unter anderem das erklärte Ziel, durch die sogenannte Regulatorische Kooperation die Standards in der EU und den USA so weit wie möglich zu vereinheitlichen. Für den Umweltschutz in der EU birgt eine nicht sachgerechte Gestaltung der Regulatorischen Kooperation jedoch erhebliche Risiken: Umweltstandards könnten sinken und die Umwelteigenschaften von Produkten gefährdet werden.
    Quelle: Verlagsinformation
  • Vorschaubild
    Environmental protection under TTIP
    (2015) Matthey, Astrid; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    The declared objective of the planned free trade agreement with the US (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - TTIP) is to unify EU and USA standards as much as possible by regulatory cooperation. However, an improper design of regulatory cooperation carries considerable risks for environmental protection in the EU: environmental standards might be lowered and environmental properties of products may be endangered.
    Quelle: Verlagsinformation
  • Vorschaubild
    Contaminant Input to the local Environment from Buildings and Building Products
    (2016) Kommission Nachhaltiges Bauen am Umweltbundesamt
    The guideline for sustainable building provides an extensive description of environmental protection objectives for sustainable building. In addition to the aforementioned objective it also envisages to minimize i.a. the following environmental effects caused by building: Global warming Destruction of the ozone layer Ground level ozone formation in the form of summer smog Acidification of soil and water as well as rain Overfertilization of water, ground water and soil Reduction or avoidance of building-related heatisland effects of urban structures compared to the surrounding area. Quelle: Umweltbundesamt
  • Vorschaubild
    Strategies against obsolescence
    (2017) Jacob, Anett; Oehme, Ines; Cerny, Lisa; Fabian, Matthias; Golde, Michael; Krause, Susann; Löwe, Christian; Unnerstall, Herwig
    Studies on behalf of the German Environment Agency have shown, that most electrical appliances are being used for a decreasing amount of time than 10 years ago. Products that are replaced before they reached optimal product life-time or usage time (so-called obsolescence), lead to an increasing loss of resources and volume of waste. For this reason the German Environment Agency recognizes the need for action and has developed recommendations in a position paper on the basis of these studies. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de
  • Vorschaubild
    Sustainable pathways out of the Corona crisis
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Gibis, Claudia; Kosmol, Jan; Matthey, Astrid; Schubert, Tim; Wehnemann, Kai; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Neßhöver, Carsten
    The Covid 19 pandemic is causing considerable social and economic disruption worldwide. Short and midterm financial support measures for mitigating the acute consequences of the pandemic must be structured in a way, that they support the needed longterm changes towards a sustainable and climate-neutral society. The UBA position paper proposes an action plan for Germany, that takes into account the framework conditions for fostering a sustainable economy and that focuses on concrete measures in the building. mobility and energy sectors. As central element of all these measures, the European Green Deal must be implemented ambitiously. Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de
  • Vorschaubild
    Advanced materials
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Schwirn, Kathrin; Völker, Doris; Ahrens, Birgit; Berkner, Silvia; Blum, Christopher; Niederle, Werner; Süring, Kathrin; Tietjen, Lars; Vogel, Julia; Weißhaupt, Petra
    Advanced materials promise technical solutions to support sustainable transformation. They play an important role for a variety of environmental topics worked on at UBA, such as energy transition, circular economy and chemical safety. Various sectors can benefit from the use of advanced materials, but they can also face challenges. The UBA position paper describes the area of tension between the promising use and possible challenges for environmental and health protection and other sustainability dimensions, illustrates this with various examples and derives corner stones for a safe and sustainable life cycle of advanced materials. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de