2 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Schwerpunkte 2017 - Jahrespublikation des Umweltbundesamtes(2017) Poetschke, FelixDie Landwirtschaft in ihrer heutigen Form ist für die Umwelt oft eine echte Belastungsprobe. / Wie gut die Luft in unseren Innenräumen ist, bestimmen wir großteils selbst. / Was das Klimaübereinkommen von Paris für Deutschland bedeutet.Ein Heft, drei Themen - die Jahrespublikation des Umweltbundesamtes vertieft aktuelle Umweltfragen aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht. Weitere Themen sind das UBA als Arbeitgeber und ob mit Kunst der Wandel im Umwelt- und Klimabewusstsein zu schaffen ist.Veröffentlichung Biofiltration of indoor pollutants by ornamental plants(Cuvillier Verlag, 2018) Hörmann, VanessaThe impact of plants on indoor air quality and the examination of a putative interrelation between plant physiology and pollutant removal were investigated in the presented thesis. Moreover, the impact of plants on human well-being in the working environment was examined. Experiments in test chambers revealed that the uptake of pollutants (toluene and 2 ethylhexanol) by plants is very limited, i.e. a removal rate of 2 - 5 L h-1 m-2 leaf area, corresponding to about 20 - 100 Ìg h-1 m-2 leaf area. Furthermore, the impact of plant physiological parameters was found to be negligible for the uptake of the two tested pollutants. It was shown that the pollutant uptake depends mainly on sorption to plant surfaces. A field study verified that one big plant (Spathiphyllum wallisii) in a 20-m2 office has no detectable impact on indoor air quality in regard to concentration of volatile organic compounds, temperature and relative humidity. The well-being of office workers could not be improved by the plant and it is suggested that effects of plants on humans in the working environment are rather small and subject to a more complex system of varying factors. Quelle: Verlagsinformation