2 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung A resource efficient pathway towards a greenhouse gas neutral Germany(2018) Günther, Jens; Butz, Wolfgang; Lorenz, Ullrich; Fee, Eric; Hain, Benno; Döring, Ulrike; Herbener, Reinhard; Hermann, Tim; Hofmeier, Katja; Kessler, Kai; Knoche, Guido; Kosmol, Jan; Kristof, Kora; Koller, Matthias; Lange, Martin; Lehmann, Harry; Lambrecht, Martin; Leprich, Uwe; Mönch, Lars; Obermaier, Nathan; Pfeiffer, David; Plickert, Sebastian; Purr, Katja; Rechenberg, Bettina; Schmied, Martin; Schuberth, Jens; Seven, Jan; Starke, Sue-Martina; Werlein, Max; Wuttke, Joachim; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe study shows that it is possible to transform Germany to both greenhouse gas neutral and resource efficient. One side of the balance is greenhouse gas and raw material saving due to exit from fossil energy carriers and the other is the increased raw material use for the construction of the renewable energy system. In the “GreenEe” scenario it is possible to reduce the GHG emissions in 2050 by 95 % compared to 1990 and the raw material consumption (RMC) by almost 60 % compared to 2010. The study shows also that related ambitious climate and resource efficiency policies helps to achieve both goals. Considering both policy field in a systemic way, should be further discussed and implemented in future politics.Veröffentlichung Raising the EU 2030 GHG emission reduction target(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Burger, Andreas; Gibis, Claudia; Knoche, Guido; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Weiß, JanThe political debate on raising EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction target for 2030 from at least 40 percent up to 55 percent or even higher is in full swing. While the European Commission has proposed to reduce emissions by at least 55 percent below 1990 levels, the European Parliament went a step further and adopted a target of 60 percent emissions reductions. This paper intends to enrich ongoing debates on the “how” the EU could commit to a 2030 mitigation objective, with the highest ambition possible as committed to the Paris Agreement.English-language paper with German-language summary: Ausgestaltung des Europäischen Klimaschutzziels 2030 - Handlungsbedarf und Möglichkeiten zur praktischen Umsetzung in den ETS- und Nicht-ETS-Sektoren