Veröffentlichung 1987–2017: 30th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol(Umweltbundesamt, 2018)On 16 September 1987, 24 States and the European Community signed the Montreal Protocol. It initiated the mandatory phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and thus stopped the further destruction of the ozone layer by these substances. The switch to alternatives to CFCs with their high global warming potential also contributes to climate protection.Due to the worldwide implementation of the Montreal Protocol, ozone-depleting substances such as CFCs are hardly used today. Atmospheric concentrations of these substances are slowly declining due to natural decomposition processes and the size of the “ozone hole” over Antarctica is also becoming smaller.Because CFCs and other halogenated substances are also very effective greenhouse gases that heat up the climate up to 14,000 times more effective than carbon dioxide (CO2), the Montreal Protocol has contributed not only to protecting the ozone layer but also to climate protection.With the Kigali Amendment for the worldwide phase-down of climate-damaging hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which has been agreed on in October 2016, the Montreal Protocol was extended to a new group of substances.In a background paper on the 30th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol, the German Environment Agency describes the history of this important international agreement from the discovery of the “ozone hole” to its signing and implementation. In addition, the paper provides information on the HFC use today and on environmentally friendly substitutes and techniques, especially for refrigeration and air conditioning.Veröffentlichung Environmental costs in the energy and transport sectors – Recommendations by the Federal Environment Agency(Umweltbundesamt, 2014)The background paper presents an overview of key contents of the Methodological Convention 2.0 for Estimates of Environmental Costs and its annexes. The Methodological Convention 2.0 of the Federal Environment Agency summarises current scientific knowledge in this field, presents recommendations for best-practice cost rates and makes transparent the underlying assumptions and normative judgments. It thus provides a sound basis for estimations of environmental costs and facilitates their practical utilization.Veröffentlichung Green Economy in the Alps(2018) Bünger, Björn; Burger, Andreas; Glante, Frank; Hedden-Dunkhorst, Bettina; Landgraf, Richard; Lange, Andrej; Reppe, Silvia; Ries, Ludwig; Wachotsch, Ulrike; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet I.1.2 - Internationale Umweltschutz- und Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien, Politik- und WissenstransferThe Alpine area wants to turn into a green economy model region. The background paper describes important aspects for a development of a green economy in the Alps in four topic areas: Low-carbon economy and adaptation to climate change, resource-efficient economy, ecosystem services and natural capital, quality of life and well-being. To complement this, current information from relevant projects of the German Environment Agency is added.Veröffentlichung Quecksilber in Umwelt und Produkten(Umweltbundesamt, 2014)Das Quecksilber in Lampen macht in der EU gerade einmal 3 Prozent aller Anwendungen aus. Die größten Mengen an Quecksilber kommen in der Chlor-Alkali-Industrie und als Zahnamalgam zum Einsatz. Die Lampen stellen auch keine bedeutende Quelle für Emissionen in die Umwelt dar. In die Umwelt gelangt das Metall vielmehr durch Bergbau und bei der Energiegewinnung aus Kohle und Öl.Veröffentlichung Reducing the input of chemicals into waters: trifluoroacetate (TFA) as a persistent and mobile substance with many sources(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Adlunger, Kirsten; Anke, Julia Margaretha; Bachem, Gunnar; Banning, Helena; Biegel-Engler, Annegret; Blondzik, Katrin; Braun, Ulrike; Eckhardt, Alexander; Gildemeister, Daniela; Hilliges, Falk; Hoffmann, Gabriele; Schneider, Franziska; Jentzsch, Franziska; Klitzke, Sondra; Kuckelkorn, Jochen; Martens, Kerstin; Müller, Alexandra; Pickl, Christina; Rechenberg, Jörg; Sättler, Daniel; Schmidt, Uwe; Speichert, Gunther; Warnke, Ingo; Wehner, Jeannine; Wischer, Ronny; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtTrifluoroacetate (TFA) is a mobile and persistent substance that is primarily introduced into the water cycle through the degradation of various fluorochemicals and remains in the environment in the long term. TFA can be detected in many water bodies in relatively high concentrations with some regional hotspots. This background paper presents current data and estimates on sources, input pathways, contamination, impact and measures on TFA. It gives an outlook on first activities and options to comprehensively minimise TFA inputs to the environment. Despite gaps in knowledge, it becomes clear that consistent regulation and an overarching minimisation strategy must be initiated in the short term. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Schätzung der Umweltkosten in den Bereichen Energie und Verkehr - Empfehlungen des Umweltbundesamtes(Umweltbundesamt, 2014)Das Hintergrundpapier gibt einen Überblick über einige zentrale Inhalte der Methodenkonvention 2.0 zur Schätzung von Umweltkosten und ihrer Anhänge. Das Umweltbundesamt fasst mit der Methodenkonvention 2.0 den wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisstand auf diesem Gebiet zusammen, legt konkrete Vorschläge für best-practice Kostensätze vor und macht transparent, welche Annahmen und Werturteile hinter den vorgeschlagenen Kostensätzen stehen. Die Methodenkonvention schafft damit eine valide Grundlage für die Schätzung der Umweltkosten und erleichtert ihre praktische Nutzung.Veröffentlichung Umweltfreundliche öffentliche Beschaffung(2015) Schmidt, Vanessa; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtDieses Hintergrundpapier informiert über die wichtigsten rechtlichen Regelungen zur umweltfreundlichen öffentlichen Beschaffung und zeigt, wie diese sinnvoll organisiert werden kann.