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Veröffentlichung Assessment of filtration efficiency and physiological responses of selected plant species to indoor air pollutants (toluene and 2-ethylhexanol) under chamber conditions(2017) Brenske, Klaus-Reinhard; Hörmann, Vanessa; Ulrichs, ChristianThree common plant species (Dieffenbachia maculata, Spathiphyllum wallisii, and Asparagus densiflorus) were tested against their capacity to remove the air pollutants toluene (20.0 mg m-3) and 2-ethylhexanol (14.6 mg m-3) under light or under dark in chamber experiments of 48-h duration. Results revealed only limited pollutant filtration capabilities and indicate that aerial plant parts of the tested species are only of limited value for indoor air quality improvement. The removal rate constant ranged for toluene from 3.4 to 5.7 L h-1 m-2 leaf area with no significant differences between plant species or light conditions (light/dark). The values for 2-ethylhexanol were somewhat lower, fluctuating around 2 L h-1 m-2 leaf area for all plant species tested, whereas differences between light and dark were observed for two of the three species. In addition to pollutant removal, CO2 fixation/respiration and transpiration as well as quantum yield were evaluated. These physiological characteristics seem to have no major impact on the VOC removal rate constant. Exposure to toluene or 2-ethylhexanol revealed no or only minor effects on D. maculata and S. wallisii. In contrast, a decrease in quantum yield and CO2 fixation was observed for A. densiflorus when exposed to 2-ethylhexanol or toluene under light, indicating phytotoxic effects in this species. Quelle: VerlagsinformationVeröffentlichung Deutsche Umweltstudie zur Gesundheit von Kindern (GerES IV)(2015) Conrad, André; Plaß, Dietrich; Tobollik, Myriam; Brenske, Klaus-Reinhard; Schulz, Christine; Seiwert, Margarete; Wintermeyer, Dirk; Kolossa-Gehring, MarikeVeröffentlichung Deutsche Umweltstudie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen 2014–2017 (GerES V) - Teil 2: Qualität der Innenraumluft(Umweltbundesamt, 2025) Lahore, Annika Fernandez; Bethke, Robert; Daniels, Anja; Neumann, Konrad; Birmili, Wolfram; Schechner, Nadine; Brenske, Klaus-Reinhard; Ackermann, Stefan; Kura, Jürgen; Pietsch, Axel; Rucic, EnricoDer Bericht stellt Ergebnisse der Deutschen Umweltstudie zur Gesundheit 2014–2017 (GerES V) zur Schadstoffbelastung der Innenraumluft bei Kindern und Jugendlichen vor. Repräsentativ ausgewählte Haushalte wurden auf flüchtige organische Verbindungen (VOC), Aldehyde, sowie ultrafeiner Partikel in der Innenraumluft untersucht. Ein Vergleich mit toxikologisch abgeleiteten Innenraumrichtwerten ermöglicht eine gesundheitliche Einordnung der Messwerte. Der Bericht liefert Aussagen zu den vermuteten Ursachen der Schadstoffe sowie Ungleichheiten der Belastung in Abhängigkeit von Geschlecht, Wohnumständen und sozioökonomischen Faktoren. Die Daten dieser Studie stellen einen Referenzdatensatz zur Grundbelastung der Innenraumluft im Wohnumfeld in Deutschland dar.Veröffentlichung Indoor VOCs, aldehydes and particle measurements in the German Environmental Survey for Children and Adolescents (GerES), 2014-2017(2019) Bethke, Robert; Birmili, Wolfram; Brenske, Klaus-Reinhard; Conrad, André; Daniels, Anja; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Kura, Jürgen; Miethig, Stefan; Neumann, Konrad; Niemeyer, Thomas; Pietsch, Axel; Rucic, Enrico; Schechner, NadineVeröffentlichung Innenraumluftuntersuchungen bei der Deutschen Umweltstudie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen 2014-2017 (GerES V)(2019) Birmili, Wolfram; Daniels, Anja; Bethke, Robert; Schechner, Nadine; Neumann, Konrad; Miethig, Stefan; Brenske, Klaus-Reinhard; Kura, Jürgen; Pietsch, Axel; Niemeyer, Thomas; Rucic, Enrico; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schulz, Christine; Conrad, AndréVeröffentlichung Suitability of Test Chambers for Analyzing Air Pollutant Removal by Plants and Assessing Potential Indoor Air Purification(2017) Brenske, Klaus-Reinhard; Hörmann, Vanessa; Ulrichs, ChristianVeröffentlichung The German Environmental Survey for Children (GerES IV): Probabilistic Estimates of Children's Inhalative Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants at Home(2015) Conrad, André; Plaß, Dietrich; Tobollik, Myriam; Brenske, Klaus-Reinhard; Schulz, Christine; Seiwert, Margarete; Wintermeyer, Dirk; Kolossa-Gehring, MarikeWithin the population-representative German Environmental Survey for Children (GerES IV) inhalative exposures to indoor pollutants at home were estimated for elucidating exposure factors and the variation of exposure. Methods 1,790 children participated in GerES IV. Volatile organic compounds and aldehydes were quantified in a subsample of approx. 600 children by passive air sampling in their bedrooms. Parental reports on the childs time spent at home and on ventilation behavior were obtained. Probabilistic estimations of the inhalative exposures at home were carried out stratified by season based on fitted reference distributions. Results Average indoor air pollutant levels were significantly higher in winter, partly explainable by seasonal differences in airing behavior. These differences were only small for alpha-pinene and formaldehyde. Also the estimates of inhalative exposures were constantly higher in winter. Highest median winter exposures were estimated for limonene, formaldehyde and toluene with 7.8, 7.5, and 6.1 ìg/(kg d), respectively. Highest variation in exposure resulted for limonene (IQR = 7.04 ìg/(kg d)). The inhalative exposure was mainly influenced by indoor pollutants levels (R2 = 0.53 - 0.96). Young children, however, were prone to higher exposures due to higher breathing rates and durations spent at home. Conclusions GerES IV yields reference distributions for indoor air pollutant levels in childrens home environments and related inhalative exposures, 206considering seasonal differences. As for some pollutants, e. g. benzene, assessment values are reached or exceeded, health effects cannot be excluded. Further monitoring and public health strategies targeted to parents of young children are warranted. Acknowledgements GerES IV was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety. GerES IV field work was carried out by the Robert Koch Institute.In: The International Societyof Exposure Science: 25th Annual Meeting: Exposures in an Evolving Environment; October 18 - 22, 2015 - Henderson, Nevada, S. 206-207