Lünenbürger, Benjamin



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  • Veröffentlichung
    Germany 2050 - a greenhouse gas-neutral country
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2015) Benndorf, Rosemarie; Bernicke, Maja; Bertram, Andreas; Butz, Wolfgang; Dettling, Folke; Drotleff, Johannes; Elsner, Cornelia; Fee, Eric; Gabler, Christopher; Galander, Christine; Hermann, Tim; Kanthak, Judit; Keßler, Hermann; Koch, Yvonne; Kuntze, David; Lambrecht, Martin; Lehmann, Christian; Lehmann, Harry; Leuthold, Sandra; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Martens, Kerstin; Müller, Felix; Müschen, Klaus; Nissler, Diana; Plickert, Sebastian; Purr, Katja; Reichart, Almut; Reichel, Jens; Salecker, Hanno; Schneider, Sven; Schuberth, Jens; Sieck, Marlene; Strenge, Ulla; Werner, Kathrin; Westermann, Bärbel; Winde, Christine; Wunderlich, Dietmar; Zietlow, Brigitte; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    The study shows that it is technically feasible for Germany to become greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. The scenario chosen in the study considers the issue from a purely national perspective and does not include interaction with other countries. Based on a national greenhouse gas reduction target of 95% by 2050 compared to 1990, the study demonstrates that this target can be achieved in Germany by technical means under the given assumptions. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Treibhausgasneutrales Deutschland im Jahr 2050
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2014) Benndorf, Rosemarie; Bernicke, Maja; Bertram, Andreas; Butz, Wolfgang; Dettling, Folke; Drotleff, Johannes; Elsner, Cornelia; Fee, Eric; Gabler, Christopher; Galander, Christine; Hermann, Tim; Kanthak, Judit; Keßler, Hermann; Koch, Yvonne; Kuntze, David; Lambrecht, Martin; Lehmann, Christian; Lehmann, Harry; Leuthold, Sandra; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Martens, Kerstin; Müller, Felix; Müschen, Klaus; Nissler, Diana; Plickert, Sebastian; Purr, Katja; Reichart, Almut; Reichel, Jens; Salecker, Hanno; Schneider, Sven; Schuberth, Jens; Sieck, Marlene; Strenge, Ulla; Werner, Kathrin; Westermann, Bärbel; Winde, Christine; Wunderlich, Dietmar; Zietlow, Brigitte; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    Die Studie zeigt, dass Treibhausgasneutralität in Deutschland bis 2050 technisch machbar ist. Das in der Studie gewählte Szenario betrachtet dies aus einer rein nationalen Perspektive und bezieht Wechselbeziehungen zu anderen Ländern nicht mit ein. Grundlage der Untersuchung ist ein nationales Treibhausgasminderungsziel bis 2050 von 95 % gegenüber 1990, das - nach den getroffenen Annahmen - durch technische Maßnahmen in Deutschland erreicht werden kann. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Coal-fired power generation and climate protection until 2030
    (2018) Gibis, Claudia; Hain, Benno; Klaus, Thomas; Knoche, Guido; Landgrebe, Jürgen; Leprich, Uwe; Lünenbürger, Benjamin; Matthey, Astrid; Pfeiffer, David; Purr, Katja; Unnerstall, Herwig; Weiß, Jan; Werlein, Max; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    With this position paper, the ⁠UBA⁠ proposes strategic measures and targeted climate policy instruments for achieving a reduction in coal-fired power generation for the period up until 2030. To achieve a disproportionately high reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the energy sector as a contribution to achieving the climate protection targets by 2020, the UBA recommends to limit coal-fired power generation to 4,000 full-load hours per year for hard coal and lignite power plants that are at least 20 years old and additional closure of at least 5 GW of the oldest lignite power plants. To ensure that the energy sector comfortably achieves its targeted reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the UBA recommends in addition to limit coal-fired power generation the closure of the oldest lignite and hard coal power plants following the Nuclear Power Phase-Out in 2022 to a maximum remaining output of 19 GW.