2024-06-162024-06-162014https://doi.org/10.60810/openumwelt-7198https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/8289This study aimed at an evaluation and quantification of the contribution of the various uses of Bisphenol A with respect to their emissions into the environment. For this purpose, scientists considered the chemicals whole life cycle from production, further processing, the various uses to the waste stage. The basis for this analysis was data from the submitted registration documents according to the REACH regulation, from data bases and scientific studies. By means of this data, concentrations in surface waters and sediments were estimated and compared to actual measured Bisphenol A concentrations in the environment.<BR>Quelle: http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/This study aimed at an evaluation and quantification of the contribution of the various uses of Bisphenol A with respect to their emissions into the environment. For this purpose, scientists considered the chemical’s whole life cycle from production, further processing, the various uses to the waste stage. The basis for this analysis was data from the submitted registration documents according to the REACH regulation, from data bases and scientific studies. By means of this data, concentrations in surface waters and sediments were estimated and compared to actual measured Bisphenol A concentrations in the environment.141 Seitenenghttp://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/Bisphenol AMonitoringUmweltrisikobewertungchemicalsREACHIdentification of relevant emission pathways to the environment and quantification of environmental exposure for bisphenol AMonographieChemikalienChemicals