Eckermann, Frauke2024-06-162024-06-162016 environmental economy comprises all companies that supply environmental protection goods and services. The range of products and services covers such varied fields as waste management and recycling, water conservation and wastewater treatment, air quality control, noise abatement, and measurement and control technology. It also includes climate change mitigation, which comprises the use of renewable energy sources and efficient use and conversion of energy. Quelle: http://www.umweltbundesamt.deThe environmental economy comprises all companies that supply environmental protection goods and services. The range of products and services covers such varied fields as waste management and recycling, water conservation and wastewater treatment, air quality control, noise abatement, and measurement and control technology. It also includes climate change mitigation, which comprises the use of renewable energy sources and efficient use and conversion of energy.1 Onlineressource (16 Seiten)online resourceeng Economyenvironmental economyThe Environmental Economy in Germany 2015MonographieWirtschaft | KonsumEconomy | Consumption