Hagemann, Helmut2024-06-162024-06-162020https://doi.org/10.60810/openumwelt-2446https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/4001When consumers want to find out about products, they often do research on the internet. Product information can be found online in a variety of places, starting with manufacturers' websites, search engines, internet communities and online shops. Product information makes an important contribution by enabling and encouraging environmentally-related purchasing decisions and thus the responsible participation of consumers. It is therefore important that the content and design of environmental product information is of high quality and meets the requirements of sustainability and good consumer information, while promoting transparency. Quelle: http://www.umweltbundesamt.deWhen consumers want to find out about products, they often do research on the internet. Product information can be found online in a variety of places, starting with manufacturers' websites, search engines, internet communities and online shops. Product information makes an important contribution by enabling and encouraging environmentally-related purchasing decisions and thus the responsible participation of consumers. It is therefore important that the content and design of environmental product information is of high quality and meets the requirements of sustainability and good consumer information, while promoting transparency.1 Onlineressource (28 Seiten)online resourceenghttp://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/Produktbezogene UmweltdeklarationUmweltzeichenProduktkennzeichnunge-commerceenvironmental product declarationecolabelBlue AngelGuidelines on environmental product information in e-commerceGuidelines on environmental product information in e-commerceMonographieEconomy | Consumption