Mumcuoglu, Kosta Y.Pollack, Richard J.Reed, David L.Habedank, Birgit2024-06-162024-06-162022 louse infestations continue to be a concern of public health in most countries, including the most developed ones. The present recommendations are intended to inform and stress the role and impact of the different authorities, institutions, industry, and the public in the control of head lice in order to reduce the prevalence of this parasite. We encourage health authorities to pursue more effective methods to correctly identify such infestations, and evaluate existing and new pediculicides, medical devices, louse repellents, and louse- and nit-removal remedies. Pediculicides and medical devices must have verifiable claims in the instructions for use and should be tested © Authors1 Onlineressource (Seite 748-761)online resourceturş biti enfestasyonlarının etkin kontrolü için uluslararası tavsiyelerWissenschaftlicher Artikel