Winkelmann-Oei, Gerhard2024-06-162024-06-162016November 2 checklists offer chemical producers a practicable basis for early identification and management of environmental risks. They include a number of sub-checklists, depending on type of company and installation, including suggestions for improvements, as well as forms for annual safety checks which the companies themselves can carry out.Quelle: http://www.umweltbundesamt.deThese checklists offer chemical producers a practicable basis for early identification and management of environmental risks. They include a number of sub-checklists, depending on type of company and installation, including suggestions for improvements, as well as forms for annual safety checks which the companies themselves can carry out.292 Seiteneng IndustrieRisikomanagementRichtlinieenvironmental riskschemistrychemical industrysafety managementrisk managementchecklistguidelineChecklists of environmental risk identificationChecklist Chemical IndustryMonographieChemikalienChemicals