Altvater, SusanneDooley, ElizabethRoberts, Ennid2024-06-162024-06-162015 protection of fertile soils is a precondition for sustainable development. In the final document of the conference of the United Nations on sustainable development in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro (Rio+20 Conference), the international community thus agreed to strive for a "land degradation neutral worldŁ. The legal study by Ecologic Institute, Berlin, firstly scrutinizes some national legislation (Germany/EU, USA and Brazil) in order to identify legal instruments which are suitable for the implementation of the goal of a "land degradation neutral worldŁ. Secondly, the legal study investigates whether and how, at national level, effective instruments could be put in place as international obligations.<BR>Quelle: protection of fertile soils is a precondition for sustainable development. In the final document of the conference of the United Nations on sustainable development in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro (Rio+20 Conference), the international community thus agreed to strive for a “land degradation neutral world”. The legal study by Ecologic Institute, Berlin, firstly scrutinizes some national legislation (Germany/EU, USA and Brazil) in order to identify legal instruments which are suitable for the implementation of the goal of a “land degradation neutral world”. Secondly, the legal study investigates whether and how, at national level, effective instruments could be put in place as international obligations.124 Seitenger BewirtschaftungBodenbeobachtungland degradationneutral worldsoil threatsinternational lawsoil erosionsoil contaminationsoil salinisationsoil monitoringGermanyUSABrazilLegal instruments to implement the objective "Land Degradation Neutral World" in Intenational LawMonographieBoden | FlächeSoil | Land