Seller, CarolinKitching, ElizabethFenner, Kathrin BarbaraBerkner, SilviaWöltjen, Janina2024-06-162024-06-162023report com Projekt P-Ident 2 geht es darum, das Transformationsverhalten/die Persistenz von Chemikalien in Oberflächengewässern besser zu verstehen und Unsicherheiten zu adressieren. Ziele des Projektes sind es existierende Labortestmethoden (OECD 308 und 309) und Auswertemethoden weiterzuentwickeln. Des Weiteren soll das Transformationsverhalten/die Persistenz von Chemikalien in einem realen Oberflächengewässer (Rhein) mittels Modellierung von Feldmessdaten quantifiziert werden. Die Ergebnisse aus den Labortests, aus vorliegenden Daten aus Zulassungsverfahren sowie aus der Modellierung für den Rhein erlauben einen Vergleich des Transformationsverhaltens zwischen Labor und einem realen Oberflächengewässer. Quelle: ForschungsberichtThe project P-Ident 2 aims (i) for a better understanding of the transformation behavior/persistence of chemicals in surface waters, and (ii) to address uncertainties in (regulatory) persistence assessment. Therefore, existing laboratory test methods (OECD 308 and 309) and evaluation methods were modified and further evaluated. Alongside, the transformation behavior/persistence of chemicals in a real surface water body (Rhine) was quantified based on field measurements and modeling. The outcomes of the laboratory biotransformation tests, as well as the results compiled by the model framework describing compound transformation in the Rhine river catchment allow for a comparison of a chemicals transformation behavior in laboratory studies and a real surface water. Quelle: ForschungsberichtPlant protection products, human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, biocides and other chemicals can reach surface waters during their life cycles, by direct or diffuse entry routes or because they are in completely removed during waste water treatment. These chemicals may have harmful consequences for environmental organisms and also constitute a risk for raw water contamination for drinking water production. It is therefore crucial to assess persistence of chemicals in laboratory experiments. To characterize persistence in surface waters two test guidelines are relevant: OECD Test Guideline 308 ("Aerobic and Anaerobic Transformation in Aquatic Sediment Systems"), which aims to derive information on biotransformation at a water-sediment interface, and OECD Test Guideline 309 ("Aerobic mineralization in surface water - Simulation biodegradation test"), which measures biotransformation in a pelagic water body. The aim of the project was to be better able to separate characterizing biotransformation from the process of sorption. For this purpose, modified test designs and alternative evaluation of kinetic data were explored.1 Online-Ressource (251 Seiten)online resourceengächengewässertransformationOECD 308OECD 309P-Ident2 - Persistence Assessment in Surface Waters - addressing uncertainties in OECD 309 and OECD 308 studiesForschungsberichtChemikalienWasserChemicalsWater