Rüttinger, LukasAckern, Pia vanLepold, TimonKosmol, Jan2024-06-162024-06-162020Report comhttps://doi.org/10.60810/openumwelt-6052https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/4399Das im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes (UBA) durchgeführte Projekt "Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die ökologische Kritikalität des deutschen Rohstoffbedarfs" (KlimRess) ist eines der ersten Forschungsprojekte zu den möglichen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Bergbau. Das Projektteam bestand aus adelphi, dem ifeu (Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg) und dem Sustainable Minerals Institute der University of Queensland. Ziel des Projekts war es, zu untersuchen, wie sich der Klimawandel potenziell auf Umweltrisiken des Bergbaus sowie auf Rohstofflieferketten auswirkt. Der vorliegende Abschlussbericht fasst die Forschungsergebnisse des Projekts zusammen. Der Abschlussbericht stellt Erkenntnisse aus fünf qualitativen Fallstudien, die die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in fünf Ländern und für neun Rohstoffe untersuchen, dar und beantwortet die folgenden Forschungsfragen: Wie werden die Umweltrisiken des Bergbaus durch den Klimawandel beeinflusst? Wie sind die Rohstofflieferketten betroffen? Darüber hinaus präsentiert der Bericht die Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Klimawandelvulnerabilitätsanalyse für Produktionsländer und Reserven von Bauxit, Eisenerz, Kokskohle, Kupfer, Lithium, Platinmetallen, Wolfram und Zinn und beantwortet folgende Fragen: Welche rohstoffproduzierenden Länder sind vergleichsweise stärker vom Klimawandel betroffen als andere? Welche Rückschlüsse lassen sich auf die globale Primärproduktion bestimmter Rohstoffe und ihre Klimawandelvulnerabilität ziehen? Wie könnten sich diese Risiken in Zukunft verändern? Quelle: ForschungsbeichtThe project "Impacts of climate change on the environmental criticality of Germanys raw material demand" (KlimRess), commissioned by the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA), is one of the first research projects on the potential impacts of climate change on mining. The project team comprised adelphi, ifeu Heidelberg and the Sustainable Minerals Institute of the University of Queensland. The aim of the project was to assess how climate change potentially affects the environmental risks of mining and raw material supply chains. This final report summarises the research results of the project. The report offers insights on climate change impacts from five qualitative case studies, providing answers to the questions: How are environmental risks of mining impacted by climate change? How are raw material supply chains affected? Furthermore, the report presents and discusses the results of a quantitative climate change vulnerability assessment of main producing countries and reserves of bauxite, coking coal, copper, iron ore, lithium, nickel, PGMs, tin, and tungsten, focussing on the following questions: Which raw material-producing countries are comparatively more at risk from climate change? What conclusions can be drawn about the global primary production of certain raw materials and their vulnerability to climate change? How might these risks change in the future? Quelle: ForschungsberichtThe aim of the project “Impacts of climate change on the environmental criticality of Germany’s raw material demand” (KlimRess), was to assess how climate change potentially affects the environmental risks of mining and raw material supply chains. This final report summarizes the results of the project. The report offers insights on climate change impacts from five qualitative case studies, providing answers to the questions: How are environmental risks of mining impacted by climate change? How are raw material supply chains affected? Furthermore, the report presents and discusses the results of a quantitative climate change vulnerability assessment of main producing countries and reserves of bauxite, coking coal, copper, iron ore, lithium, nickel, PGMs, tin, and tungsten, focussing on the following questions: Which raw material-producing countries are comparatively more at risk from climate change? What conclusions can be drawn about the global primary production of certain raw materials and their vulnerability to climate change? How might these risks change in the future?The aim of the project “Impacts of climate change on the environmental criticality of Germany’s raw material demand” (KlimRess), was to assess how climate change potentially affects the environmental risks of mining and raw material supply chains. This final report summarizes the results of the project. The report offers insights on climate change impacts from five qualitative case studies, providing answers to the questions: How are environmental risks of mining impacted by climate change? How are raw material supply chains affected? Furthermore, the report presents and discusses the results of a quantitative climate change vulnerability assessment of main producing countries and reserves of bauxite, coking coal, copper, iron ore, lithium, nickel, PGMs, tin, and tungsten, focussing on the following questions: Which raw material-producing countries are comparatively more at risk from climate change? What conclusions can be drawn about the global primary production of certain raw materials and their vulnerability to climate change? How might these risks change in the future?1 Onlineressource (80 Seiten9enghttp://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/BergbauKlimaänderungAnpassung an den KlimawandelKritischer ZustandÜbriger BergbauRohstoffeRessourcenKlimawandelKlimaanpassungKritikalitätraw materialsresourcesminingclimate changeclimate adaptationcriticalityImpacts of climate change on mining, related environmental risks and raw material supplyForschungsberichtKlima | EnergieAbfall | RessourcenClimate | EnergyWaste | Resources