Hausmann, KevinBöttcher, ChristianButz, WolfgangGünther, DirkFeigenspan, StefanMielke, ChristianGniffke, PatrickSchiller, StephanGromke, UlrichKludt, RobertHermann, TimJuhrich, KristinaKessler, KaiZheng, JiexiaLehmann, ChristianDöring, UlrikePlickert, SebastianReichart, AlmutReichel, JensKotzulla, Michael2024-06-162024-06-162023Report to Informative Inventory Report (IIR) is providing complementary information to Germany's air pollution inventories under the Geneva Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE/CLRTAP) as well as the EU's National Emission Ceiling Directive (NECD). Germany's air pollution inventory includes emission data in consistent time-series ranging from 1990 (1995 for PM10, PM2.5 and 2000 for Black Carbon) to the latest reported year (2 years back) for nine air pollutants and priority heavy metals & persistent organic pollutants (POP). This report includes a comprehensive analysis of the inventory data, descriptions of methods, data sources, and carried out QA/QC activities. It follows the outline established by the latest guidelines for estimating and reporting of emission data and all data presented in this report were compiled according to those same guidelines. Quelle: Bericht1 Online-Resource (745 pages)online resourceengGerman Informative Inventory Report 2023Welcome to the German Informative Inventory Report 2023Monografie